After 38 Years, G.I. Joe’s Least Respected Villain Just Became the Most Terrifying In Franchise History

After 38 Years, G.I. Joe’s Least Respected Villain Just Became the Most Terrifying In Franchise History

WARNING! Spoilers ahead for Cobra Commander #4G.I. Joe has its fair share of great villains, but most fans agree there is one in particular who leaves a lot to be desired. Now, the Energon Universe reboot makes this oft-maligned baddie into what is perhaps the most terrifying villain in franchise history, as the Nemesis Enforcer is transformed into a full-on horror movie monster.

Cobra Commander #4 finds the Nemesis Enforcer tearing the Dreadnoks apart, after revealing himself as the Commander’s bodyguard. Taking full advantage of his wings and claws, Nemesis Enforcers swoops down on his prey like some dark Angel of Death.

During the massacre, the Commander learns that the Dreadnoks have been keeping a scientist under lock and key who has learned to harness the power of Energon. Upon learning this, Nemesis Enforcer declares the Commander has no further use within Cobra-La, and decides to execute him.

After 38 Years, G.I. Joe’s Least Respected Villain Just Became the Most Terrifying In Franchise History


Skybound’s New G.I. Joe Continuity Leans Into Cobra Commander’s Horror Potential With 1 Intense Image

The Cobra Commander gets a terrifying new look in the Energon Universe, and the famed G.I. Joe villain’s update is pure nightmare fuel…

The Energon Universe Makes The Nemesis Enforcer A Terrifying Threat

Cobra Commander #4 – Written By Joshua Williamson; Art By Andrea Milana, Annalisa Leoni & Rus Wooton,

Cobra Commander #4, Nemesis Enforcer brutally attacking Cobra Commander

The Energon Universe’s reimagining of the Nemesis Enforcer is a surprising take, one that will have many fans second-guessing their dismissive attitude towards the controversial Cobra-La characters. First introduced in 1986’s G.I. Joe: The Movie, the supernatural elements of the hidden society of snake people proved to be a bridge too far for many. Skybound Entertainment and the Cobra Commander miniseries’ creative team have done a good job of rehabilitating Cobra-La in the Energon Universe, playing up the more horrific elements to give Cobra Commander an origin to remember in the new continuity.

The much-needed upgrade for Nemesis Enforcer is executed well, with artist Andrea Milana’s energetic line-work helping to sell the speed and power of the winged warrior of Cobra-La. It is certainly a far cry from the original Nemesis Enforcer depiction from the 1980s, which never fulfilled the potential of the character. Cobra Commander #4 rectifies that, making him a force to be reckoned with, as he massacres the Dreadnoks. Even hardened mercenaries like Zarana, Zandar and Buzzer are fearful to confront the creature head on, worried he’ll swoop down from the sky and tear them into pieces in a flash.

Nemesis Enforcer’s Reputation As A Villain Just Skyrocketed

Another Successful Creative Swing For Skybound

Cobra Commander #4, Nemesis Enforcer fights the Commander, smashing him into the ground

In Cobra Commander #4, the Commander narrowly defeats the Enforcer, after a knock-down, drag-out battle, one that almost ends with Cobra’s future leader meeting his fate. Nemesis Enforcer’s terrifying reinvention shows that anything is possible in the Energon Universe. Even the most under-appreciated characters in G.I. Joe, or Transformers, can be turned into something significant with the right direction and an ambitious creative team. Increasing the threat of the Nemesis Enforcer helps to reinforce the idea that G.I. Joe’s Cobra Commander is a major player in the Energon Universe, a villain as formidable as any winged monster with claws.

Cobra Commander #4 (2024)

Cobra Commander #4 Cover by Andrea Milana, the Commander hiding behind a tree as the Nemesis Enforcer stalks toward him

  • Writer: Joshua Williamson
  • Artist: Andrea Milana
  • Colorist: Annalisa Leoni
  • Letterer: Rus Wooton
  • Cover Artists: Andrea Milana & Annalisa Leoni