Adult Sheldon’s Narration Ruins Missy’s Young Sheldon Apology (In The Same Episode)

Adult Sheldon’s Narration Ruins Missy’s Young Sheldon Apology (In The Same Episode)

Warning! Spoilers ahead for the Young Sheldon season 6 finale.

Adult Sheldon’s Narration Ruins Missy’s Young Sheldon Apology (In The Same Episode)

Young Sheldon

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Missy’s heartfelt apology in the Young Sheldon season 6 finale is ruined by adult Sheldon’s narration in the same year-ender. The Big Bang Theory prequel officially ends its year with a special two-episode capper. Young Sheldon season 6 episodes 21 and 22, “A Romantic Getaway and a Germanic Meat-Based Diet” and “A Tornado, a 10-Hour Flight and a Darn Fine Ring,” mostly focus on Sheldon’s Germany trip. Somehow, however, the finale is also able to give each Cooper member their respective storylines, including Missy.

After being overlooked and relegated as a supporting character in Young Sheldon, the CBS family comedy finally gives Missy her due in season 6. Unfortunately, instead of the show’s typical lighthearted fare, the only Cooper daughter’s arc deals with more serious issues as it sets up the character’s less-than-ideal situation in The Big Bang Theory. Missy starts her rebellious phase in an effort to catch her parents’ attention. She tries running away from home and starts sneaking out at night. When she gets caught, she just gets madder.

Adult Sheldon Cheapens Missy’s George Apology

Missy crying in the Young Sheldon season 6 finale after tornado

In the Young Sheldon season 6 finale, however, Missy finally realizes the error of her ways after a near-death experience. While on their way home from dropping off Sheldon and Mary at the airport, Missy and George are forced to leave their car and lay flat on the side of the road as the tornado passes. Fueled by adrenaline, Missy breaks down and apologizes heartbreakingly to her father about acting up. It’s arguably the best scene in the Young Sheldon season 6 finale, but the moment is ruined after considering what adult Sheldon’s narration previously revealed about what’s in store for Missy during the upcoming summer break.

During the same Young Sheldon season 6 finale, adult Sheldon reveals via the voice-over that Missy ends up sneaking out countless more times while he and Mary are in Germany. To make matters worse, he also shares that during the same time, she gets her belly button pierced without George knowing. It’s unclear why Young Sheldon opts to contradict itself this blatantly, especially since adult Sheldon’s narration doesn’t really have any narrative importance other than being funny.

Can Young Sheldon Season 7 Redeem Missy?

Missy driving the stolen car in Young Sheldon season 6 after running away from home

Young Sheldon season 7 is already guaranteed, but it may be its last. Regardless, it means that the family comedy has more than enough time to redeem Missy from her season 6 transgressions. Otherwise, CBS can listen to the suggestion that it would be best if they rebrand the show once Sheldon moves to California so that it focuses on his twin and other Cooper family members. While the Young Sheldon season 6 finale has made Missy’s The Big Bang Theory debut much more heartbreaking, it can at least flesh out her character in a way that explains why she ends up not reaching her full potential.