Abandoned PS5 Trailers App Gets Preload & Release Dates

The previously delayed Trailers App for PlayStation 5 horror game Abandoned now has preload and release date details that developer Blue Box Game Studios revealed. Abandoned mysteriously hit the scene in April of this year, with a PlayStation Blog post and a trailer filled with asset-flipped content.

It didn’t take long for conspiracy theories and rumors to take over the conversation, the vast majority of them suggesting a connection between Blue Box Game Studios and Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima. Most notably, internet theories pointed to Abandoned serving as the codename for a Silent Hill project. While Blue Box has since put these beliefs to rest, the wait for more concrete information persists. A PS5 trailer app for the game originally boasted a June 22 launch date; it then received a push to June 25. Blue Box later postponed the Abandoned Trailers App release to August, citing concerns about stress and technical issues as reasons for the delay.

Over the weekend, Blue Box Game Studios took to Twitter to update followers about its upcoming plans. Starting on July 29, all PS5 users will be able to preload the Abandoned Trailers App on their consoles. An “introduction” should become available several days later on August 10, the post added. The first official trailer still lacks a firm due date, though Blue Box claimed it will finally arrive sometime later in the month. See the tweet in question linked below:

At the very least, the secrecy surrounding Abandoned seems as though it will come to a close by the end of next month. And any lingering questions about Blue Box Game Studios should finally receive firmer answers, as well. But will the actual reveal live up to the hype fueled by the months-long mystery? That much should become clearer in the weeks ahead.

Interestingly, Sony has remained silent about the ongoing rumors since they first bubbled to the surface several months ago. The company’s silence on the matter also extends to Abandoned’s unprecedented PS5 Trailers App. When all is said and done, then, it should be intriguing to learn what role Sony played and why it thought such a project was worth the extra effort.

Abandoned will eventually make its way to the PlayStation 5 on an unspecified due date.