A Walking Dead Scene I’ve Been Waiting Almost 6 Years For Was Nothing Like Anyone Expected

A Walking Dead Scene I’ve Been Waiting Almost 6 Years For Was Nothing Like Anyone Expected

Warning: This article contains spoilers for episodes 1-4 of The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live.

Having spent so many years apart, Rick and Michonne’s Walking Dead reunion created all sorts of potential scenarios, but one scene in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live was way different from what anyone expected. The franchise’s latest spinoff finally gave Rick and Michonne their Walking Dead reunion that everyone has been waiting for. Given everything that transpired after Rick’s departure, there is so much for Michonne to tell him, but she has kept a lot of information close to her chest. However, one of her big reveals played out way differently from what most people could have envisioned.

The Ones Who Live‘s award-worthy episode 4 was full of emotion and allowed Rick and Michonne to finally have the one-on-one conversation they desperately needed. They both kept a lot hidden from each other, with Rick eventually opening up about his fears and insecurities towards the end of the episode. While Michonne is sympathetic and understanding to Rick, the franchise’s protagonist gives a surprising reaction to Michonne’s bombshell at the beginning of “What We”. Rick’s reaction is far from what anyone expected, but there is a deeper reason behind the character’s uncharacteristic response to Michonne.

Michonne Telling Rick About RJ Goes Nothing Like You’d Expect (& That’s The Point)

Rick’s Surprising Lack Of Interest In RJ Is Intentional

A Walking Dead Scene I’ve Been Waiting Almost 6 Years For Was Nothing Like Anyone Expected

After Michonne finally tells Rick about his son in The Walking Dead spinoff, the protagonist shows a lack of interest in learning more. This is far from the reaction anyone could have anticipated after six years of buildup, especially considering Rick has always been a good father during his time on The Walking Dead. The idea of having another son seemed like the kind of thing that would motivate Rick to get home, yet he doubled down on his decision to stay with the CRM and immediately directed the conversation back to the situation at hand.

Understandably, this shocked Michonne, who was outraged that Rick barely reacted to the fact they had a child together. Rick’s initial reaction would suggest it was barely important to him, and that he was only interested in was getting Michonne home, so he could return to the CRM. Of course, this isn’t the whole story, as Rick’s blunt response is likely an attempt to conceal his true feelings so that he can focus on the current issue. He doesn’t truly want to stay with the CRM but feels it’s his only way of keeping Michonne and their children safe.

Why Rick Barely Reacts To Hearing He Has A Son

Rick Has An Understandable Reason For His Reaction

Rick’s reason for barely reacting to the RJ news becomes much clearer by the end of the episode. Although Rick uses the idea of taking over the CRM as an excuse for not leaving, he uses this to hide the real reason. The reality is Rick had to learn to live without his family in order to keep going. He explained how he could no longer see Carl in his dreams and that Michonne began to disappear as well. Believing Michonne and Judith are safe is the only way Rick feels he can carry on living.

Adding RJ into the equation makes things much more difficult, as it is another person he can’t take care of. It may seem like he doesn’t care based on his reaction, but the truth is, Rick is already hurting and the addition of another child to his life only makes things more complicated. Rick seems to still be grieving Carl’s death despite how much time has passed, and RJ likely acts as a reminder of his first son. His reaction isn’t a sign of him not caring, but rather him trying to bury his true emotions.

Carl Grimes wearing a hat and bandage in The Walking Dead next to Rick looking intense in The Ones Who Live


The Walking Dead Shockingly Removes The Rick Grimes Character Trait That Defined Him For 9 Seasons

Rick Grimes has many defining characteristics but one of his biggest traits over his nine seasons on The Walking Dead has shockingly been removed.

The Walking Dead Must Now Make 1 Crucial Scene Happen

The Walking Dead Must Allow Rick To Finally Meet His Son

Rick, Judith, and Carl Grimes in The Walking Dead

Now that he knows about his son, The Walking Dead must make one crucial scene happen, as Rick must finally meet his son RJ before his story ends. Although he has spent years trying to conceal his emotions, Rick meeting RJ for the first time would be a powerful scene and help the protagonist’s story come full circle. He spent the start of the apocalypse awaking from a coma and looking for his family. Therefore, escaping the CRM and returning home to his children with Michonne would be the sort of heartwarming arc that Rick deserves.

While seeing Judith all grown up would be just as meaningful, Rick getting to meet his son for the first time would be one of the franchise’s most emotional scenes yet. Given how important Rick and Michonne have been to The Walking Dead for over a decade, it would be the sort of happy moment they have earned, especially after spending so long apart in the universe’s timeline. There may still be a lot to wrap up in The Ones Who Live, but even if the spinoff gets a second season, it should eventually set up Rick meeting his son.

Episode #

Episode Title

Release Date



February 25



March 3



March 10


“What We”

March 17



March 24


“The Last Time”

March 31

The Walking Dead The Ones Who Live TV Show Poster

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live

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Created by Scott M. Gimple and Danai Gurira, The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live is a sequel spin-off series in The Walking Dead television franchise. The series picks up some time after Michonne departs from the original series, as she searches to be reunited with her lover, Rick Grimes. Meanwhile, Rick finds himself amid another war between the living and the dead.