A Shocking Animated DC Romance Is Officially Comics Canon

A Shocking Animated DC Romance Is Officially Comics Canon

Warning! Contains spoilers for Actions Comics #1057!After years of being together in Young Justice, one hero romance is now official DC Comics canon. Superboy and Miss Martian take the plunge and start a relationship that animation fans are sure to love.

In Action Comics #1057’s story “Super is as Super Does” by Magdalene Visaggio and Matthew Clark, Superboy shocks Ma Kent with a stunning change: Conner has dyed a streak of his hair red. As Martha tries to ask what spurred the decision, Superboy heads out after getting a text to meet up with a mysterious paramour. Conner finds Martian Manhunter’s sidekick Miss Martian and the two share a smooch after a brief, flirty conversation.

A Shocking Animated DC Romance Is Officially Comics Canon

The two commiserate about the stresses of being a teenage superhero when Conner hints that he’s got issues he has trouble elucidating. He invites M’gann to read his mind so she can better understand the issues he’s going through. Miss Martian peers into Superboy’s mind and discovers the deep-rooted anxieties Conner has about not being able to escape Superman’s shadow. After showing more than he intended, Superboy demands that Miss Martian never go into his mind again and flies back home, leaving M’gann by herself.

Superboy and Miss Martian are Officially an Item

Superboy and Miss Martian Hang Out DC

The animated series Young Justice was a fan-favorite reinvention of the DC team of young superheroes that focused on the next generation of heroes stepping up to become more active fighters for justice. Two of the main characters featured on the show were Superboy and Miss Martian, core members of the Young Justice crew and their relationship was a heavily-featured plot point. Despite a bit of drama and a separation or two, the heroes cared deeply for one another and eventually the two were married.

Despite Superboy and Miss Martian being a couple in Young Justice, the two have never been an item in comics. One of Conner’s most well-known relationships was with Cassandra Sandsmark, aka Wonder Girl. Conner and M’gann have been on the same team before, but there’s never been a hint that the two were ever romantically involved. Seeing them become a couple all of a sudden is no doubt a surprise to DC fans. While Young Justice viewers might be happy to see the young heroes as an official item, comic readers might be confused at the sudden and unexpected romantic development.

Is Making Young Justice’s Romance DC Canon the Right Call?

Superboy and Miss Martian Young Justice DC

Surprise romantic pairings aren’t exactly uncommon in comics and it’s not like Superboy and Miss Martian are complete strangers. But the Conner and M’gann of the DC Universe aren’t the same as their Young Justice counterparts. They have an entirely different history and relationship to each other. That’s not to say the two aren’t right for each other nor that it’s unbelievable the two would make a good couple. But a bit of context behind their decision to become involved would be nice. Hopefully, should Superboy and Miss Martian’s relationship continue, fans will get to see more of how the two fell for one another. Fans can see the animated pair become DC Comics canon in Actions Comics #1057, on sale now.