A Diabolical Palworld Action Leads To The Capture Of An Iconic Pal

A Diabolical Palworld Action Leads To The Capture Of An Iconic Pal

Palworld has a ton of questionable content, including a Pal that resembles a noose called Hangyu, comparisons to Pokémon, and the game’s diverse arsenal of weaponry. Regardless of the controversy, people love the title, with over 19 million players hopping into the Palpagos Islands to set out to capture the game’s 100+ different Pals. One of the game’s most iconic Pals, the giant Grizzbolt featured on the game’s artwork, is probably one of the most recognizable in the game.

Most people’s first encounter with Grizzbolt will likely be fairly early in the title when the person encounters Palworld‘s first Tower Boss, Zoe & Grizzbolt. Shortly after Palworld was launched, a Palworld glitch enabling the capture of Zoe & Grizzbolt was present in the game, giving many people their very own high-level Pal fairly early on. However, catching Grizzbolt alone is an entirely different story and can only be done by violating the in-game law.

A Diabolical Palworld Action Leads To The Capture Of An Iconic Pal


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Catching Grizzbolt In Palworld Requires Breaking The Law

Located In The No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary

Grizzbolt is a giant electric-type Pal, often compared to the likes of Raichu from Pokémon. Grizzbolt can be located on an island southwest of the starting area called No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary. This island is a special place in Palworld lore dedicated to the best or rare creatures on the Galapagos Islands, Grizzbolt being one of them. As it is a wildlife sanctuary, capturing Pals here is strictly off limits, and stepping foot on the island will instantly put the person into a “Criminal activity underway…” status, with PIDF Infantry arriving shortly afterward. Grizzbolt can also be bred by combining a Mossanda with a Rayhound.

Getting to the island requires a flying or swimming mount, with a Palworld flying mount or Grappling Gun required to reach the higher tier of the location. Grizzbolt isn’t guaranteed to spawn immediately upon arrival and is still pretty rare, so one may have to wait around or respawn the creatures on the island repeatedly to actually find a Grizzbolt. Once located, capturing the Pal works just as any other Pal would — reduce Grizzbolt’s HP and then throw a high-level Pal Sphere (Giga Sphere or above) at it to capture it. Creatures on the island are generally around levels 21-23, so this can be performed relatively early in the game.

No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary Has Other Rare Pals

A Hidden Gem Worth Visiting

A character on a flying mount in Palworld.

Even if one doesn’t have a desire to catch a Grizzbolt, there are other reasons to visit No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary upon gaining a flying mount in Palworld. The Sanctuary will also contain other rare Pals, including but not limited to Peking, Eikthyrdeer Terra, and Azurobe, as well as Beautiful Flowers, which are required for high-tier items like a Wumpo Saddle. In addition, the island is littered with chests with high-value loot, including pendants and heat or cold-resistant shirts that can be worn under armor to help with extreme temperatures in the desert or ice biomes in the game.

Jetragon Paladius Nercomus from Palworld


Every Legendary Pal In Palworld, Their Element, & Where To Find Them

All Legendary Pals in Palworld are sought after for their stats, breeding capabilities, excellence in fighting, and challenging boss fights.

How To Avoid The Law At No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary

Escaping The PIDF

Player preparing to fight a PIDF Guard in Palworld

Stepping foot in the Wildlife Sanctuary will immediately draw the fuzz to a character’s location, which can be problematic, especially if trying to capture a rare Pal. That said, there are a few ways to prevent going into an outlaw status. For one, staying mounted on a flying Pal will prevent the status from occurring until a Pal is attacked, which can be useful. Then, flying away from the island and returning should reset the character’s criminal activity status, so this method can be used to rinse and repeat the process.

It’s more than possible to fly around the island to pick up Beautiful Flowers or to open high-value chests without attracting the attention of the police, so it’s best to use this strategy before actually trying to capture any Pals.

Palworld’s Wanted AI System Needs Work

One Weak Point Of Palworld

Zoe & Grizzbolt from Palworld.

Though the criminal activity status within Palworld is an interesting mechanic that punishes people when doing more diabolical things in the game (like capturing other humans in Palworld), it leaves much to be desired. For one, it’s not entirely apparent how to escape from officers after doing something illegal in the world on foot, as it seems like they will follow a character regardless of whether they use fast travel. Many times, it’s better to just succumb to death and go back to repossess one’s belongings than it is trying to figure out a way to get out of the status.

Luckily, since No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary is an island surrounded by water, escaping the wanted status is actually easier than in most scenarios since it doesn’t seem like the game currently has a remedy to follow people into the deep depths of the ocean. That said, encountering the PIDF at any other point on the main islands can be a huge headache, especially if the wanted status is gained by doing something unintentionally. This area of the game could be enhanced into a fun feature, along with the likes of the wanted system in Red Dead Redemption or GTA, but currently, it just feels incomplete.

Though Palworld is a blast to play, certain features in the Early Access title are still not fleshed out to the extent they should be. The AI and criminal activity status in Palworld is one of those features that could use a lot of work. At the moment, it doesn’t feel rewarding or punishing, just underbaked, though it’s just one small complaint in what is otherwise an expansive, fun title. A case in point is the No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary and the capture of perhaps Palworld‘s most iconic Pals, Grizzbolt, as the area is fun to visit and explore.

Palworld Game Poster


PC , Xbox One , Xbox Series X/S

January 19, 2024

Pocket Pair Inc.

Pocket Pair Inc.

Crafting , Open-World , RPG , Survival