911 Lone Star: The Main Characters, Ranked by Likability

911 Lone Star: The Main Characters, Ranked by Likability

When open-minded New York firefighter captain and 9/11 survivor Owen Strand was tasked with putting together a new Austin crew from scratch, what he gave viewers of 9-1-1: Lone Star was an attractive ensemble that saves lives on the daily with swagger. Now 9-1-1: Lone Star is on its third season, and despite their firehouse being destroyed and the crew separated, they are back at it saving Austin’s residence from creative new disasters.

But not all photogenic lifesavers and heroes are made equal. Although every character gives their all to protect the residents of Austin from freak solar storms, volcanic fissures, or sudden sandstorms, there’s just no denying some are more endearing than others.

Michelle Blake

911 Lone Star: The Main Characters, Ranked by Likability

The first captain of the paramedics, Michelle Blake (Liv Tyler) was a talented lifesaver who was introduced as someone on a single-minded mission to find her missing sister Iris. After finally locating Iris, Blake has since moved on from being a paramedic to helping the unhoused throughout the country.

Although the talented Liv Tyler brought a lot to the role, she just was not given enough to do other than pursuing her missing sister, a plotline whose conclusion was ultimately underwhelming. That being said, there is no denying that there were plenty of fun moments early on between her and Captain Strand.

T.K. Strand

Tyler kneeling down in 9-1-1 Lone Star

The handsome and brave T.K. (Ronen Rubinstein) proves himself a passionate lifesaver as the one crew member who has now worked as both a firefighter and paramedic. There is also no denying he’s been through the wringer as a recovering addict who even once got shot on the line of duty.

Unfortunately, outside of being brave and dedicated, T.K. doesn’t compare to the rest of the far more charismatic characters who are given far more interesting B-plots. Sometimes his rocky relationship with the equally handsome Cop Carlos is interesting, or his bouts of self-destructive recklessness. Ultimately, T.K.’s time on the screen just can’t compete with the rest of the firehouse 126 gang.

Tommy Vega

Tommy, TK, Gillian in 9-1-1 Lone Star season 3 episode 1 snow storm

Tommy Vega, (Gina Torres) as the new EMS captain after Blake, brings both professionalism and sensitivity to the role that makes her immediately appealing. It is usually Tommy who first notices when something is wrong with Strand and is often the one who has the best advice for him.

It’s always interesting to watch Gina Torres expertly play this character with so many layers; an older woman that is navigating both a passion for saving lives and her guilt at not getting to spend more time with her kids. She has also endured the incredible grief of her husband’s sudden passing. All of this she handles with believable poise and grace. Also, we later learn that the seemingly sweet and supportive Tommy is a completely merciless pool shark.


9-1-1 Lone Star playing with Buttercup

How can anyone not love the Burmese Mountain dog adopted by Captain Strand? Used as a test subject for life-saving drugs and then abandoned, Strand saved Buttercup under the pretense of acting as the official mascot of firehouse 126. Since then, the destructive mutt has been winning the hearts of dog lovers everywhere.

With firehouse 126 destroyed and facing imminent demolition in season 3, it was a relief to see Buttercup as Strand’s companion in his remote cabin in the woods. The fellow cancer survivor may not have much screen time or be a traditional dalmatian, but it’s always a delight to see Buttercup. Even if being a dog is an unfair advantage, Buttercup is one of the 9-1-1 franchise’s best characters.

Marjan “#Firefox” Marwani

Firefoz looking to the distance in 9-1-1 Lone Star

Dubbed “#Firefox,” Marjan Marwani (Natacha Karam) is something of a glory hog who loves looking heroic on her nationally famous Instagram. But she is also someone who will do whatever it takes to save lives, she just likes to look good doing it, so it’s no wonder in the world of 9-1-1: Lone Star she has quite the fanbase.

She is also endearing as a character trying to navigate her traditional Muslim values while being a modern woman. Perhaps her best moment was her reaction to her arranged marriage fiancé calling the whole thing off, prompting her to spend a good deal of time very intensely sharpening her firefighter’s ax while her teammates look on with concern.

Mateo “Probie” Chavez

Probie and TK in 9-1-1-Lone-Star

Every good tv crew has that one guy, the dorky comedic relief loudmouth. On 9-1-1: Lone Star that has always been Mateo “probie” Chavez (Julian Works). With the character Mateo, there are always hijinks involved.

But the character has on occasion been more than just the source of goofy comedic relief. When he overcame his dyslexia and test anxiety to pass the Fire Department Academy test, he showed his dedication to “the one job he was born to do.” There was also the time Austin was suddenly engulfed in a deadly dust storm, causing “probie” to immediately go into life-saving mode like a pro. Seeing the lovable goofball get the job done and protect the citizens of Austin is why Mateo easily earns his place as one of 9-1-1′s most likable characters.

Paul Strickland

Paul Strickland kneeling down and looking up in 9-1-1-Lone-Star

(Paul Brian Michael Smith) often ends up as something of the solid emotional backbone of the supporting cast. He’s always been there for his fellow firefighters in their time of need, especially Marco, and Marjan.

But what really helps win over the audience is Paul’s surprising skills that include a sixth sense for threat assessment, A natural talent for pickleball, the ability to make a perfect espresso, and expertise in emergency glitter removal.

Judson “Judd” Ryder

Judd turning to his right in 9-1-1-Lone-Star

As one-half of the power couple that is Grace (Sierra McClain) and Judd (Jim Patrick), the original lone survivor of firehouse 126 is introduced as a quarrelsome PTSD survivor. As the veteran member of the 126, the down-to-earth Austin native has often led the team with authority as they dealt with Texas-specific emergencies like saving people from drowning in grain silos.

A standout moment was when he used his own childhood experience to help save a troubled teen’s life during a wildfire. He urged the kid to fight for his life while bleeding out from a bear trap injury. Drawing from his own troubled youth Judd inspired the kid to not give up and always stand up for himself. What we then saw was that when Judd is in his element, he is a tough-talking Texas roughneck with a heart of gold.

Grace Ryder

Grace smiling in 9-1-1-Lone-Star

It’s obvious that the only reason Judd even got his job back way back in season 1 was due to Grace’s insightful advice and willingness to advocate on behalf of her husband to Captain Strand. But The spiritual Grace is so much more than just the supportive wife of Judd Ryder. She also proves herself a talented lifesaver as a 9-1-1 dispatcher.

On multiple occasions she has proven herself one of the 9-1-1 franchise’s smartest characters, using expert googling skills and clever improvisation to save many lives from her call center.  Who could forget the time she helped a timid man save his dominatrix from an allergic reaction to a bee sting by taking on the role of a dom over the phone? That’s dedication.

Owen Strand

Owen looking to his right in 911 Lone Star

When it comes to likeability there is much to love in his portrayal of the heroic Captain Strand (Robe Lowe). The open-minded Strand acts as so much more than just a leader to his crew. He has often acted as a mentor or friend to many of his fellow firefighters. He survived lung cancer with infectious optimism and always found time to be a supportive father to his son T.K. in season 1.

Despite his absurdly demanding role leading firehouse 126 through heroic rescue missions during solar storms, tornados, and even a sudden blizzard in 9-1-1 Lone Star’s new season, he also still finds time to share his elite skin/hair care regiments with his whole crew. To top it all off, who wouldn’t have been charmed by him, when the newly arrived New York firefighter revealed to local paramedic Blake that he already was something of a line-dancing pro? The captain is a tough act to beat.