90 Day: The Last Resort – Why Yara Is Right To Take Birth Control Secretly

90 Day: The Last Resort – Why Yara Is Right To Take Birth Control Secretly

Yara Zaya from 90 Day: The Last Resort took birth control pills behind Jovi Dufren’s back, and some fans believe she did the right thing. The 28-year-old Ukrainian woman and her husband recently joined the therapy-focused reality TV spin-off. It was initially speculated the couple didn’t deserve to be on the show as they seemed to have a stable relationship on social media. However, Jovi and Yara proved everyone wrong by showing they still have many problems. The pair have argued multiple times over the weeks, highlighting they have much to work on.

Yara and Jovi’s drama began when they discussed their relationship issue during a couples’ therapy session in episode 2. The 28-year-old Ukrainian star revealed she had trust issues with her husband and opened up about her lie. She shared that she had been taking birth control pills behind Jovi’s back because he wanted another baby. According to Yara, her husband always gets what he wants, so she didn’t tell him about taking the medication. However, Jovi felt that Yara was completely out of line not to trust him and thought he’d purposely get her pregnant.

Yara Isn’t Ready For Another Baby

90 Day: The Last Resort – Why Yara Is Right To Take Birth Control Secretly

While Yara broke Jovi’s trust by lying to him, some viewers think she was right not to tell him about taking birth control. According to a Reddit thread (via 90-slay), Jovi may be ready for a child, but his wife isn’t. One Redditor shared, “I’d rather use birth control than bring a baby into a world I’m not prepared for.” Yara is 28 and still has many years to have another child. Therefore, rushing to have another baby will make things difficult for her. She is already caring for her first daughter, Mylah. Adding another child would be an additional responsibility, severely impacting Yara’s mental state since Jovi is mostly away at work.

Jovi Still Acts Immaturely & Needs To Be More Responsible

Some fans also believe Yara’s actions were justifiable, considering her husband has still not grown up. While Jovi has become significantly more mature since becoming a dad to Mylah, he’s still not very responsible. During episode 2 of the 90 Day Fiancé spin-off, the 33-year-old man partied with Angela and drank a lot. He even disturbed Yara in her sleep and tried to wake her up so she could join him and Angela on their drunken adventure. 90 Day: The Last Resort viewers think Jovi has a lot of growing up to do before he can handle the pressure of being a dad of two.

Jovi Could Tamper With Condoms

Montage of 90 Day Fiance's Jovi Dufren and Yara Zaya with pink background

Yara said Jovi always gets what he wants. According to viewers, the 33-year-old man could’ve forced Yara to have a baby by any means necessary. A Redditor wrote, “Jovi probably refuses to use a condom then guilts her.” Another Redditor theorized,She’s just been ensuring that she doesn’t get pregnant accidentally at the moment or that he isn’t tampering with condoms.” Yara knows her husband the most and understands him. The 90 Day: The Last Resort star probably lied about the birth pills because she knew neither she nor Jovi were ready for such a big responsibility.

90 Day: The Last Resort airs Mondays at 9 p.m. EDT on TLC.