90 Day Fiancé: How Long Have Ariela & Biniyam Been Engaged?

Some 90 Day Fiancé couples that fight also stay together; including Ariela Weinberg and Biniyam Shibre. Although the TLC pair spent most of their season yelling “I’m done” at each other and generally not seeing eye to eye, they did manage to stick it out. However, Ariela and Biniyam also managed to keep their happy relationship a secret all year long on Instagram. Exactly how did the 90 Day Fiancé stars manage it, and how long have they been engaged?

Princeton, New Jersey-based writer Ariela met Biniyam while on a solo trip to Ethiopia. Their paths crossed and they fell in love, and the 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way couple also became pregnant. With an intention to have the baby with Biniyam by her side, Ariela Weinberg refused to listen to her family, who didn’t want her to move to Ethiopia. Since their first time together in Addis Ababa, 90 Day Fiancé viewers saw Ariela facing major difficulties. She was trying to adjust to life in Africa. The apartment chosen by Biniyam wasn’t up to her standards (or her mother’s). Also, Biniyam’s ex-girlfriend was his co-worker, which sent Ari over the edge. Even baby Aviel, born through a painful C-section, saw his parents Ariela and Biniyam arguing relentlessly over his future religion. TLC viewers thought Ariela would move back to America with the baby, just like Biniyam’s ex-wife Bria had done. However, eventually, the 90 Day Fiancé stars did get their sweet and surprising happy ending.

Over the course of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way season 2, fans tried their best to get an Ariela and Biniyam update. “Where are they?” and “are they still together?” asked fans on their Instagram pages. Following TLC’s NDA came easy to Ariela and Biniyam (it was harder for some of their co-workers). Still, it was in a September post that Biniyam was first seen wearing a ring. Then came a post by Ariela in October that went viral because of her drastic weight loss. 90 Day Fiancé fans are “Sherlocks,” so they happened to spot Ariela with a shiny ring on her left hand. Although fans deduced that Ariela and Biniyam were engaged, if not married already, little did they know that the engagement reportedly happened way back in January, according to Soap Dirt.

The 90 Day Fiancé couple Ariela and Biniyam have allegedly been engaged since January 20 of this year. On the show, although he claimed he found Ariela annoying due to her repeated tantrums, Biniyam proposed to her with a ring hidden in a lemon. The fruit, symbolic in the Ethiopian Timkat festival, is a part of a custom that calls for young men to throw lemons at women they find attractive. Biniyam certainly aimed for Ariela’s heart and won it, on the auspicious occasion of Timkat. Timkat refers to the baptism of Lord Jesus Christ in The River Jordan by John the Baptist. And yes, Timkat is celebrated in the country on January 19 or 20. In this year’s case, Timkat started on January 20, which may mark Ariela and Biniyam’s engagement anniversary.

Since the finale of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way season 2, there’s another secret that Ariela and Biniyam are trying to keep. The pair has been reticent about revealing their current location, making fans wonder if they’re in Ethiopia, or America, or elsewhere. Recent photos suggest Ariela and Biniyam are in Kenya with Aviel. After Biniyam gave a USA address for his P.O. Box details, it’s hard to say who else knows the truth, beyond the 90 Day Fiancé couple themselves?