90 Day Fiancé: Brandon Accused of Only Leaving the Farm for Julia

90 Day Fiancé: Brandon Accused of Only Leaving the Farm for Julia

Brandon Gibbs has spent nearly all his life living on his his parents’ farm, and though the 90 Day Fiancé star claims to want independence, many fans think he’s only looking to leave because it’s what his wife Julia wants. Since she first arrived in season 8, 90 Day Fiancé‘s Julia has desired to move off the farm, and she’s been putting pressure on Brandon to find a place of their own. However, there are some fans who believe Brandon doesn’t really care about moving out and is only looking to get Julia off his back.

In season 8, Julia knew she and Brandon would be living with his parents at first, but she never anticipated they would be staying on the farm for so long. At first, 90 Day Fiancé star Brandon’s meddling mom, Betty, and father, Ron, wouldn’t let the couple sleep in the same room, though they’ve since caved. However, even though Julia and Brandon can now share a room, Julia has been understandably eager to leave the farm. She’s never liked doing chores around the farm, and Betty and Ron can be intrusive and disrespectful, so Julia is itching for some space.

In the past, some 90 Day Fiancé fans have mocked Julia for constantly asking Brandon to move or else she’ll “go [to] Russia,” but now they’re starting to say she has a point. She’s been in the United States for months now, and Brandon still seems to be dragging his feet about moving off the farm. Some fans are theorizing it’s because Brandon never wanted to leave in the first place. “The farm is safe and he’s babied there, of course he wants to stay,” a fan claimed on Reddit.

90 Day Fiancé: Brandon Accused of Only Leaving the Farm for Julia

Many fans felt that if Brandon had wanted to move off the farm, he would have done so by now. However, some argue that it’s not entirely based on what Brandon wants. Because of Betty and Ron, Brandon feels “guilt tripped and shamed into staying.” Brandon’s parents have been blasted by 90 Day Fiancé viewers for doubting his capabilities and telling him he can’t make it on his own, and several fans think he’s mostly stayed on the farm for their sake. However, now that he’s married, Brandon needs to step up and move out.

There’s no doubt that Brandon has some of the most controlling parents in the 90 Day Fiancé franchise, but it’s time for him to take some personal responsibility. Brandon should be trying to become independent, especially now that he’s married, and it shouldn’t take his wife’s constant pestering to make him want to move out. It’s clear that Brandon settled into a rut, and for Julia’s sake, hopefully he breaks out of it soon.