90 Day Fiancé: 8 Stars Who Never Played It Cool With Their Partners (They Got Crushed)

90 Day Fiancé: 8 Stars Who Never Played It Cool With Their Partners (They Got Crushed)

Sometimes, 90 Day Fiancé stars wear their hearts on their sleeves, exposing the rawest feelings. Emotional honesty is important in relationships. However, being so vulnerable doesn’t mean that a romance will last. The thing is, when 90DF cast members put themselves out there like that and then get crushed, their heartbreak is public. The fact that they’re so exposed adds another layer of pain to the experience. They can’t grieve the loss of their relationships privately. Sharing the most intense moments with an audience isn’t easy.

90 Day Fiancé celebrities agree to share their lives while the cameras roll. In return, they may enjoy a lot of perks, including fame and money. While the franchise isn’t believed to pay its stars a ton of money, there are other ways that 90DF stars can drum up cash. For example, they can go on social media and monetize their posts by sponsoring products or making YouTube videos or whatever. While money’s nice, nothing takes the sting out of believing in a 90 Day Fiancé relationship one hundred percent and then watching it all fall apart.

90 Day Fiancé: 8 Stars Who Never Played It Cool With Their Partners (They Got Crushed)


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8 Big Ed Brown Wanted To Grow Old With Liz Woods

Big Ed Brown Kept Trying But Liz Has Moved On

Although Big Ed Brown is immature, he keeps trying to find a “forever” kind of love with a younger woman, but he always fails. With Liz Woods, he tried incredibly hard. That doesn’t mean that he was perfect – he was anything but. Nonetheless, he sincerely seemed to love the restaurant worker that he was briefly married to. The duo broke up 11 times, which didn’t bode well. However, Big Ed kept trying – he even agreed to get therapy during his 90 Day:The Single Life stint with Liz. He was all in.

While his love seemed to be real, Liz’s intentions were murkier. In fact, she made a crass joke about the “benefits” of breaking up with Big Ed, saying that she got more jewelry every time they split up. She also claimed that she worried about him cheating on her. There have been times when Liz seemed like a clout chaser. She kept taking Big Ed back, even when he was in the wrong. He once berated her – his leaked phone call showed that he was erratic and unstable. Why would she want him after that? The answer may be fame. Celebrities can get addicted to attention.

Liz is rubbing her happiness with a new man in Big Ed’s face, by taunting him with a “mystery man tying her shoelaces” post, so she’s still clout chasing. While her overarching goal may be getting a rise out of her ex, she’s also getting attention. What’s sad is the fact that Big Ed would probably take her back if she wanted him. He would forgive her for publicly humiliating him on Instagram. That’s what love can do and why it can be so unhealthy.

If Big Ed was a clout chaser too, he wouldn’t mind when his relationships failed because he could extend his time in the franchise by trying again with another young woman. That scenario isn’t impossible, but he did seem to be genuine. If he was, Big Ed’s probably crushed right now. As usual, he’s cracking jokes about the breakup, but he may be a sad clown sometimes, putting on a show to cover up an abyss of unpleasant thoughts and emotions. It’s best he makes light of what hurts – his sense of humor can save him. It’s the strongest card he plays. It’s his saving grace.

7 Daniele Gates Didn’t Realize That She Was In A Transactional Relationship

Daniele Trusted Yohan Geronimo Too Much

Who hasn’t been blinded by love? Who hasn’t chosen a partner and believed in them when everyone else knew they were bad news? Horrible romantic decisions are an epidemic and Daniele Gates made one of those sketchy choices. She trusted “sanky-panky” Yohan Geronimo, who literally saw dollar signs. After he met Daniele, Yohan had money on his mind and got a dollar sign tattooed on his body. That was one of the most tangible red flags in 90 Day Fiancé franchise history.

Daniele’s a mature woman and she should have known better than to trust a handsome young man that she met during a Dominican Republic getaway. She fell into a honey trap straight out of a John Le Carré novel. While a lot of people think that she trusted him blindly, she’s been on the planet for a while, and maybe she wasn’t as naive as everyone thought. She’s ten years older than her partner, and before she met him, Daniele built a life for herself in New York City. That city is tough – it’s expensive and residents really need to hustle to cover the cost of living.

So, yes, she trusted Yohan and loved him. Daniele even got his face tattooed on her body, and getting that thing removed is really going to hurt, physically and emotionally. However, there must have been some part of her that realized he was on the make. It was so obvious. Maybe she just pushed those doubts away.

Eventually, she couldn’t do that, as she found out that he’d been cheating on her for two years. That kind of realization must have been hard to face, but Daniele is trying to improve her life. Daniele’s back in the Big Apple and doing all that she can to put the past behind her. Maybe she has some sleepless nights because everything went awry. Everyone saw her fall hook, like and sinker for Yohan and then find out what he was really like. Hopefully, she’ll never make this type of costly and painful mistake again.

6 David Murphey Was Such An Easy Mark

David Believed Every Word That Lana Said

Lana smiling and talking to the camera wearing peach sweater green background

David Murphey was incredibly gullible. He’s a successful businessman with money, but he had a blind spot that the mysterious Lana exploited. Lana from Ukraine was so greedy. She worked at a chat website that linked American men with women from her country, and David paid by the minute to talk to her. He spent a fortune in order to communicate with her. While he did, she was probably chatting with a bunch of other men who were doing exactly the same thing.

When he tried to meet with her, Lana kept standing him up. He traveled to her country to meet her, but Lana was so rude and cruel that she didn’t even show up for the meeting they’d arranged. He sat alone in a restaurant trying to make sense of it all. It was terribly sad and highlighted the pitfalls of international relationships. In a typical “stood up” situation, the person can wander home and lick their wounds. However, David was stuck in a foreign country, asking himself why everything his “partner” said just didn’t gel with what was happening.

That kind of cognitive dissonance is common in 90DF relationships where one partner is being used by the other. After a while, the used “half” wakes up, but it took David an extremely long time to accept reality. He kept believing Lana’s lies, even trying to track her down at her address. It was easy to wonder if she was even real at all. Maybe a man was sitting behind a keyboard pretending to be the glamorous blonde? However, Lana was real. She goes down in 90DF history as one of the most mercenary con artists.

David seems okay now. He bought an expensive RV. He engages with his followers, and they don’t give him a really hard time. Nonetheless, some part of this hopeless romantic’s heart must be permanently broken. It’s all too easy to shut down emotionally after this type of wrenching disappointment. Lana should have been gentler with David. She dehumanized him, seeing him as a human wallet. This situation was absolutely dreadful.

5 Nicole Nafziger Lived In A Dream World

Azan Tefou Took Advantage Of His American Love Interest

Nicole Nafziger is a single mother and that’s not an easy job. Dreams can die when women need to do everything for their children because these females have so little time for themselves. While single motherhood can be a beautiful thing, it’s just so hard. So, Nicole can be forgiven for looking for a little romance to add richness and dimension to her life. However, she chose badly, setting her sights on a Moroccan man, Azan Tefou, who wasn’t exactly on the level. He was the usual hustler, getting Nicole to give him money for a “shop” that never actually did business.

To add insult to injury, Nicole became one of the franchise’s most-mocked women. She was so obviously being taken advantage of but kept believing in Azan, who memorably said that he was only “55 percent attracted” to her. She was way too curvy for gym rat Azan. He did not appreciate her feminine softness. Nicole tried to shape up, but maybe she’s not meant to be the thinnest woman. She needs a man who doesn’t mind that she’s curvy.

Instead, she stuck it out with a man who dissed her looks and made her feel small because she was on the bigger side. That was such a serious mistake. If he didn’t love and want her during the first flush of romance, he never would. It took her forever to understand this. When things fell apart, she started tricking her followers with crass clickbait posts before finally admitting that she was a single woman. With the clickbait, such as fake pregnancy announcements, Nicole antagonized fans.

Her “love story” had such a sad ending. No, she didn’t deserve this type of unhappiness – no woman does. Now, she has to rebuild and brazen it out. She’s strong enough to build a good life despite everything that’s happened.

4 Colt Johnson Cheated On Jess Caroline

Jess Caroline Threw A High-Heeled Shoe At Colt Johnson

Jess Caroline from 90 Day Fiance sitting in red dress for interview and behind her is her photo with glasses

Jess Caroline is a Brazilian woman who’s now in a good relationship, but her romance with Colt Johnson was a nightmare. While she was trying to get serious with Colt, he was secretly pining for his “friend” Vanessa Guerra, whom he later married. If Colt had been a better man, he would have been honest with Jess. He would have broken things off. Instead, he kept playing the redhead.

When his infidelity was exposed, she was irate. While her rage was in full flower, she threw a high-heeled shoe at him. Colt is a cheater – he’s just a slimy dude sometimes. Jess Caroline learned this the hard way. While he seems committed to Vanessa, he’s not a trustworthy person.

3 Kalani Faagata Couldn’t Mold Asuelu Pulaa Into The Perfect Husband & Father

Kalani’s First Real Romance Ended In Tears

Kalani Faagata’s first lover was Asuelu Pulaa, and she met him at a Samoan resort. They both share Samoan ethnicity. On the face of things, they seemed like a good match. However, they are really incompatible. Asuelu had trouble stepping up as a husband and father, and due to his upbringing, he believes that women should carry most of the burdens at home. They should cook, clean and look after the kids. He put so much pressure on Kalani, who’s quite sensitive. He couldn’t give her the softness and affection she wanted. He’s not an intuitive person, so he never really seems to understand how his wife’s feeling.

On 90 Day: The Single Life, they tried to sort things out but so much was standing in their way. Asuelu had cheated, and he’d offered Kalani a “hall pass,” which she actually used. Now, after years of frustration with Asuelu, she’s dating the “hall pass” guy, Dallas Nuez. Hopefully, he sincerely cares about her.

Famous women who date new men need to be careful. Sometimes, these guys have ulterior motives. Kalani has rushed into a new relationship and she may pay the price. However, it’s best that she and Asuelu are done as he just didn’t meet her needs emotionally. He is too insensitive to please the caring and nurturing Kalani.

2 Kim Menzies Had To Face The Truth About Usman “Sojaboy” Umar

Usman “Sojaboy” Umar Is A Total Player

Kim Menzies was a mature woman when she met the younger Usman “Sojaboy” Umar, who’s definitely a smooth operator. He’s known for getting involved with older women who believe in him and live to regret it. He has a lot of charm and women are blinded by it. Eventually, they realize that his charm doesn’t go beyond the surface. He’s out for himself like all 90DF players.

After his relationship with military vet Kim fell apart, she agreed to be friends with him. That’s a testament to just how charming Sojaboy is. He can convince women to do almost anything. However, he still breaks their hearts. He has certain expectations, including having kids with more than one woman, which conflict with a lot of Western women’s ideals. Also, he’s a serious clout chaser. He has a music career and every time he dupes an older woman, he gets more publicity that helps him to further his music career.

Sojaboy’s fun, but he’s bad news. Soon enough, he’ll probably reappear in the franchise with a new older woman, saying all the right things and meaning none of it. That’s his MO. The women who believe Sojaboy have no one to blame but themselves because he has a proven track record.

1 Caesar Mack Had Too Much Faith In His Partner

Cesar Mack Kept Connecting With Users

Caesar Mack is one of the most gullible men in 90 Day Fiancé history. He spent 40K on his Ukrainian love interest, Maria Divine, who kept making excuses when it was time to actually meet. He seems to have some kind of fetish for women from this country which keeps leading him into unfulfilling “romances.” The manicurist needs to wake up and stop falling hopelessly in love with women who only see him as a wallet and a way to get Green Cards. Caesar needs to grow up. There’s a difference between being romantic and just way too naive. He’s crossed that line over and over again.

90 Day Fiance Poster

90 Day Fiance

90 Day Fiancé features a host of memorable breakups. Famous cast members Big Ed Brown and Liz Woods recently broke up. Larissa Lima and Colt Johnson also had an explosive relationship that was doomed to fail. The franchise is known for its splits as well as its success stories.