9 Things Love Is Blind Fans Can’t Stand About Chelsea Blackwell (Including Her Megan Fox Comparison)

9 Things Love Is Blind Fans Can’t Stand About Chelsea Blackwell (Including Her Megan Fox Comparison)

Love Is Blind season 6 cast member Chelsea Blackwell has rubbed a lot of viewers the wrong way with her behavior, and she is getting called out. In the Love Is Blind pods, Chelsea had a connection with Jimmy Presnell and Trevor Sova. Trevor was all in on Chelsea, but Jimmy was also involved with Jessica Vestal. Jimmy proposed to Chelsea first and she accepted, which led to her breaking Trevor’s heart, although it has been exposed that Trevor had a girlfriend during Love Is Blind season 6’s filming.

Out of the pods, Chelsea’s insecurities ran rampant and she laid into Jimmy for many different things she didn’t like. As a result of Chelsea’s attitude and constant attacks, Jimmy called Chelsea “clingy” and said he wanted their sex life to slow down too. Another fight provoked by Chelsea was over her berating Jimmy for having a drink with friends for an hour in which Jimmy told Chelsea she was overstepping his boundaries. Chelsea and Jimmy repaired things long enough to have a nice amusement park date before Jimmy ultimately broke up with Chelsea for being too much and betraying his trust.

9 Things Love Is Blind Fans Can’t Stand About Chelsea Blackwell (Including Her Megan Fox Comparison)


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Chelsea Thinking One Fight Ruined Her Relationship

Chelsea’s Reasoning Didn’t Make Sense

During Chelsea and Jimmy’s breakup talk, Chelsea tried to paint the picture that the one fight they had when she got drunk, broke Jimmy’s trust, and was fishing, was the cause of Jimmy wanting to end things with her. When Chelsea attempted to minimize the number of fights she started, Love Is Blind fans weren’t having it. @ktsylar brought up what Chelsea said about there only being one fight and shared a meme that capped on her statement and asserted that there were definitely more fights that contributed to Jimmy breaking things off.

Chelsea Gaslighting Jimmy (Her Walking On Eggshells Comment)

Chelsea Is The Biggest Gaslighter

Chelsea tried to spin Jimmy’s breakup conversation with her in several ways. One of the ways was how Chelsea accused Jimmy of being overly sensitive and easily triggered by saying she had to “walk on eggshells” around him. That was Chelsea’s attempt at gaslighting Jimmy, and Love Is Blind fans were having none of it.

Chelsea Making Viewers Feel For Jimmy

LIB Fans Wanted To Hate Jimmy

Another thing the Love Is Blind audience has a grievance with Chelsea about is that she has made the fanbase feel bad for Jimmy when they’ve really wanted to dislike him. Jimmy has had his faults in this process, like calling Chelsea “clingy” and embarrassing her with the sex initiation comment, which is why fans want to hate Jimmy.

However, Chelsea’s incessant insecurity and attacks on Jimmy have made people feel bad for him and side with him when they’ve wanted to side with the woman in this situation.

“I just hate that Chelsea made us side with men, Jimmy of all,” @tumidolamo remarked.

Chelsea Interrupting Jimmy

Chelsea Wouldn’t Let Jimmy Speak

Chelsea is also the biggest hypocrite of Love Is Blind season 6, because she doesn’t practice what she preaches. In the breakup talk, Chelsea ignored Jimmy’s request to speak and finish his thought and blatantly went on to interrupt him (via Love Is Blind Netflix.) In previous talks, Chelsea got mad at Jimmy when she was still talking, so it was clear hypocrisy, and fans didn’t like her behavior either.

Chelsea Not Acknowledging She FaceTimed Her Ex

Chelsea Got Called Out By Jimmy

Chelsea wanted to graze over the fact that she FaceTimed her ex the first night they got out of the pods. Jimmy brought that up as being inappropriate and hypocritical when she came for him for talking to his friends who had sex with in the past. Chelsea consistently wants to deflect and not take accountability for her own actions while condemning Jimmy’s actions. Love Is Blind fans are having a problem with Chelsea talking to her ex when she has been trying to drag Jimmy for doing the same (via @samijo91.)

Chelsea’s Upset Face

Chelsea Makes A Certain Face Fans Can’t Stand

Love Is Blind viewers have come to know that Chelsea makes a particular face when she is upset, and it resembles a very frowny face. Chelsea has used this expression time and time again when talking with Jimmy, and fans have had enough of the cringe Chelsea upset face. @_JocelynJay brought up that no one makes the frown face expression like Chelsea does, insinuating that it was weird and annoying.

Chelsea Trying To Justify Her Actions

Chelsea Has No Accountability

Chelsea is always aiming to play the victim and to make Jimmy look bad, which has been detrimental to her reputation. Moreover, Chelsea constantly tries to justify her unhinged and irritating behavior. Whether it be through love bombing, gaslighting, or projecting, Chelsea’s attempts at justifying herself are something Love Is Blind Netflix viewers can’t stand.

Chelsea is the type of person who can never just say ‘I’m sorry’ it’s always followed with a but and an excuse of why she feels justified in doing what she’s ‘apologizing’ for,” @thatbmyopinion said.

Chelsea’s Behavior Depriving Fans Of A Wedding Meltdown

LIB Fans Wanted The Messiness

The Love Is Blind fan base really wanted Chelsea and Jimmy to walk down the aisle so that the messiness that probably would have occurred could have been witnessed. Fans feel like because Chelsea drove Jimmy away so badly, that she deprived them of the chance to watch her and Jimmy’s wedding, which have most-likely included a now-famous Chelsea meltdown. @naima played devil’s advocate about on one hand being saved from a Chelsea meltdown, and on the other actually wanting to see said meltdown.

Chelsea’s Megan Fox Comparison

Chelsea Went Viral In A Bad Way

An article about Chelsea’s behavior that viewers can’t stand wouldn’t be complete without the mention of Chelsea’s Megan Fox comparison. The situation that made Chelsea so viral this Love Is Blind season was her unprovoked comparison of herself to Megan Fox when she was talking to Jimmy Presnell in the pods. When Chelsea relayed that she got told she looked like Megan Fox, Jimmy had an obviously pleased reaction, and it may have played into his decision to propose to her (via ET.) However, upon seeing Chelsea in person, Jimmy flat-out said that Chelsea lied about her looks.

Love is Blind Season 4 Poster

Love Is Blind

Fifteen men and women from the same city come together to compete in Love is Blind, a reality dating show created for Netflix. The show sees couples meet and fall in love with a twist – they’ll only meet face to face if one of the two accepts a marriage proposal. If they accept, they’ll move in with their partner, meet their families, and ultimately decide if they want to say “I do.”