9 Quotes That Prove Snape Is The Best Wizard In The Harry Potter Movies

9 Quotes That Prove Snape Is The Best Wizard In The Harry Potter Movies

Severus Snape (Alan Rickman) is one of the most crucial characters in the Harry Potter series and one of the most talented beings to have ever lived – even surpassing some of his colleagues in the Wizarding World.

His critical skepticism and unwavering loyalty make him such a complex, yet intriguing figure throughout every movie. Although he may seem more of an observant type, Snape always speaks with refined authority and demonstrates all the essential qualities of an honorary wizard. Therefore, it shouldn’t be all that surprising that many fans consider him to be a fan-favorite character since he was always one of the few who kept viewers on the edge of their seats.

Snape’s Discipline To Keep Others Humble

“Are You Incapable of Restraining Yourself Or Do You Take Pride In  Being An Insufferable Know-It-All?”

9 Quotes That Prove Snape Is The Best Wizard In The Harry Potter Movies

Undoubtedly, Snape is definitely more strict than any other professor at Hogwarts. This stern statement was directed towards Hermione (Emma Watson), who always tries to find a way to prove herself (most likely because she’s a Mudblood).

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Snape knows the dangers of pride and arrogance all too well, so he never shies away from calling out students who start to think too highly of themselves, even if it does come off as a bit harsh.

Snape Defends Dumbledore’s Name

“Dumbledore Is A Great Wizard. Only A Fool Would Question It.”

Dumbledore testifying in Harry's favor in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

As Dumbledore’s (Michael Gambon) trusted friend, Snape fully understands the power that comes with Albus Dumbledore and despite his alliance with the Dark Lord, he defends the former headmaster of Hogwarts full-heartedly.

Snape also maintains his logical reasoning throughout the film and has a deep knowledge of what powerful magic really is. His morally sound judgments greatly matter throughout the franchise, especially when it comes to his effort in keeping Harry alive.

Snape Is Able To Counteract His Own Spells

“Vulnera Sanentur…Vulnera Sanentur.”

Snape cures Malfoy's wounds in Half-Blood Prince

When Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) cursed Draco (Tom Felton) to bleed out in the boys’ restroom, Snape was there just in time to save Draco’s life. Though he can easily cast his own spells, he is even quicker to stop them from occurring.

Snape had many years teaching Potions to Hogwarts Students, but he was just as masterfully gifted in other disciplines, such as the Dark Arts and Occlumency (protecting the mind from invasion). His qualifications as a Hogwarts Professor were never questioned (and rightfully so).

Snape’s Extensive Knowledge Of The Elder Wand

“There Is No Wand More Powerful, Olivander Himself Has Said. Tonight When The Boy Comes, It Will Not Fail You, I Assure You.”

Dumbledore playing with his wand in Deathly Hallows Part 2

Snape ensures that Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) has the power to kill Harry now that he possesses the Elder Wand. Given the context, Snape deceptively convinces the Dark Lord that evil has the upper hand.

Because the Elder Wand had previously been owned by Dumbledore, Snape would have had much greater knowledge about its magical properties than any other wizard. His assured confidence deceives Voldemort into believing that Harry will be destroyed.

Snape Is The Half-Blood Prince

“You Dare Use My Own Spells Against Me, Potter? Yes, I’m The Half-Blood Prince.”

Snape looking confused in a dark room in Harry Potter

In The Half-Blood Prince, Harry excels to the top of his Advanced Potion-making class simply because he found a tattered, but annotated copy of the textbook. When he tried to use the spell he learned from this book, it backfired because Snape was the one who created it.

When the truth about Snape’s childhood is later revealed, fans learn that his isolation and cynicism led him to experiment and perfect his own spells, making him one of the most innovative characters in the series.

Snape Is Aware Of His Own Limitations

“I Can’t Change The Dark Lord’s Mind. But It Might be Possible For Me To Help Draco.”

Bellatrix performs the Unbreakable Vow on Snape and Narcissa in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Snape’s humility may appear as just a subtle trait, but his understanding of how Voldemort’s mind works give him the advantage to better deceive him. He knows that Voldemort is set in his ways, but is also aware of the perfect way to solidify his trust by ‘helping’ Draco destroy Dumbledore.

By acknowledging his own limitations, Snape is able to gain superior insight in order to carry out Dumbledore’s mission.

Snape Knows The Emptiness Of Fame and Fortune

“Clearly, Fame Isn’t Everything… Is it, Mr. Potter?”

Severus Snape at his classroom in Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone

Snape values the discipline of knowledge and uses Harry as a teaching lesson for other Hogwarts students in this scenario. Snape is one of the few characters that doesn’t view Harry as the infamous ‘Chosen One’ and challenges Harry not to get carried away with popularity.

As he’s reminded of his constant torment from Harry’s father, James, Snape wants to squander any harmful traits Harry may develop over time. This shows his compassionate love for Harry, despite it being mostly misunderstood by Harry throughout the series.

Snape Admits That Somethings Are Just Too Hard To Bear

“Has It Ever Crossed Your Brilliant Mind That I Don’t Want To Do This Anymore?”

Snape treating Dumbledore's hand in Harry Potter

Again, Snape acknowledges Dumbledore’s greatness but also lets him know that the tasks that Dumbledore asked him to do are not easy. This is probably the only moment where he can’t withhold his emotions (except the moment where he learns of Lily’s death) and expresses his frustrations and pain.

Even though it may not be apparent to others around him, Severus Snape is not immune to natural human emotion, making him a very authentic and relatable character.

Snape’s Love and Protection For Harry

“You’ve Kept Him Alive So That He Can Die At The Proper Moment. You’ve Been Raising Him Like A Pig For Slaughter!”

Harry Potter looking confused in Harry Potter

There is no denying that Snape really did care for Harry Potter and this statement shows that he doesn’t understand the suffering that Harry has to go through just to lose in the end.

Snape’s sympathy and compassion are displayed throughout his heroic actions as he took on the burdens of appearing as the ultimate traitor. His notable sacrifice goes far beyond most of Harry’s companions and justifies his recognition as one of Slytherin’s greatest wizards.