9 New Mortal Kombat Arcana Powers The Sequel Will Introduce

9 New Mortal Kombat Arcana Powers The Sequel Will Introduce

Based on its confirmed cast, Mortal Kombat 2 promises to introduce many new arcana abilities lifted straight out of the games alongside its new characters. The Mortal Kombat movie of 2021 introduced the arana power system as an easy way to explain the various powers of the universe from the games. Whether based on technology like Sonya Blade’s rings and Kano’s laser eye, or based on magic like Scorpion’s flames or Sub-Zero’s ice, it saved the film a lot of time to consolidate the various signature powers and moves of the game’s characters into a single explanation.

The confirmed cast for Mortal Kombat 2 will add many more glaring omissions from the first film, including franchise staples like Johnny Cage and Princess Kitana. Just like the characters from the previous film, these new fighters have a slew of unique abilities that could be worked into the arcana system, whether they’ll unlock them over the course of the film or begin the fight having already mastered their powers. It’ll be exciting to see how the sequel implements the iconic moves of the anticipated returning characters into the arcana magic system.

9 New Mortal Kombat Arcana Powers The Sequel Will Introduce

Mortal Kombat 2

The sequel to the Mortal Kombat 2021 film franchise reboot, Mortal Kombat 2, will follow the original cast and new faces as they prepare for the Mortal Kombat tournament. Cole Young and his allies will continue training and enlisting new warriors to prepare for the contest between Earthrealm and Outworld, which will determine the fate of humanity.

Simon McQuoid

Martyn Ford , Desmond Chiam , Ana Thu Nguyen , Damon Herriman , Lewis Tan , Jessica McNamee , Josh Lawson , Tadanobu Asano , Mehcad Brooks , Ludi Lin , Karl Urban , Tati Gabrielle

9 Johnny Cage’s Shadow Power

The movie star is more than just a great martial artist

As a mere martial arts movie star finding himself among ninjas and barbarian fighters, Johnny Cage may seem like an instantly outmatched character in any Mortal Kombat tournament. However, Cage’s ace up his sleeve is his iconic “Shadow Power”, taking the form of a rippling green energy that surrounds him, emphasizing his barehanded attacks. Johnny Cage has used Shadow Power to quickly move, throw balls of energy, enhance his strikes, jump to superhuman heights, and even create short-lived body doubles to harass his foes from afar. Combined with Cage’s Jean-Claude Van Damme-inspired fighting style, the egotistical actor is a true warrior.

8 Kitana’s Tornadoes

The royal assassin of Outworld is more than a pretty face

Mortal Kombat 1 Kitana with Hanging Gardens Stage in Background

Another one of the most important protagonists of the Mortal Kombat series not to be included in the first film, Kitana is the deadly, yet kindhearted princess of Outworld who uses her assassination skills to fight for the welfare of her realm’s people. Being the heiress to such a violent realm, Kitana has no shortage of combat skills, the most fantastical of which being her ability to summon gale force winds. With her signature bladed folding fans, Kitana is able to instantly summon tornadoes and gusts of wind to propel herself or carry away her opponents in a bloody cyclone.

7 Noob Saibot’s Shadow Clone

Bi-Han’s new alias comes with a host of new abilities

Bi-Han as Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot in Mortal Kombat

It’s been confirmed that Mortal Kombat 2 will follow the original game timeline’s story for Bi-Han, the original Sub-Zero, who becomes the shadowy ninja Noob Saibot after being resurrected by Quan Chi. Compared to Sub-Zero, his new alias as Noob Saibot uses his status as an undead wraith to grant himself dominion over shadow. This allows him to create portals, teleport, and most importantly, fight in tandem alongside a fully-functional shadow clone. If Mortal Kombat 2‘s arcana system was to focus on one aspect of his powerset, Noob Saibot’s iconic clone of darkness is the safest bet to appear.

6 Queen Sindel’s Banshee Scream And Prehensile Hair

Outworld’s dominatrix Empress has a suite of magical abilities

Sindel's Scream Queen fatality in Mortal Kombat.

Kitana’s mother and queen of Outworld, Sindel is a beautiful, yet deadly fighter who takes great pleasure in dismantling her opponents. Sometimes a hero, sometimes a villain, Sindel is feared for her Banshee-like scream, a sonic attack capable of subjecting her victims to sounds loud enough to make their heads explode. Not only that, but Sindel has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to fight with her long silver hair as a weapon, entangling and impaling her opponents with her stylish hairdo. Sindel may be double-dipping in Mortal Kombat‘s arcana system with two powers, but both are too iconic to consider relinquishing.

5 Quan Chi’s Necromancy

Mortal Kombat’s staple villain has dominion over the dead

Quan Chi using his powers in Mortal Kombat.

One of Mortal Kombat‘s most feared and powerful villains, the necromancer Quan Chi has quite an impressive rap sheet of dastardly acts across the franchise’s multiple continuities. Quan Chi’s crimes include tricking Sub-Zero into murdering Scorpion’s family and creating a Soulnado, a terrifying storm of mystic energy capable of violently absorbing souls en masse. To aid him in his nefarious acts, Quan Chi relies on his powerful necromancy, allowing him to fire glowing skulls, summon skeletal constructs, and hypnotize his victims, turning them into mindless, shambling drones with sickly green energy.

4 Baraka’s Blades

It’s unclear how Tarkatan biology will factor into the arcana system

Baraka’s involvement in Mortal Kombat 2 has been confirmed, begging questions as to how his powers will fit into the arcana system. A vicious Tarkatan warrior with razor-sharp teeth and spines dotting his body, Baraka’s most powerful feature are his lengthy retractable blades that extend from his forearms, slicing and dicing opponents unfortunate enough to be in his way. This unique biology as a Tarkatan is something Baraka is either born with, or gains after exposure to a deadly mutagenic disease, depending on the continuity. It remains to be seen how Baraka’s powers will fit into the arcana system.

3 Jade’s Weapon Control

Kitana’s palette swap relies on weaponry more so than powers

Jade holds a weapon in Mortal Kombat 11

Originally a green alternate color for Kitana, Jade has grown into her own as a unique character in the series since her introduction, with a unique fighting style to boot. Relying on her weapons more so than magic abilities, Jade primarily fights with her size-changing staff and telekinetic glaive to fend off her opponents, occasionally dipping her toes into other magical effects like intagibility and invulnerability. It’s possible that Jade’s arcana will manifest in a way that enhances her tools of the trade, similar to how Jax’s manifestation of his arcana resulted in an upgrade for his weak cybernetic arms.

2 Shao Kahn’s Brute Strength

Subtlety is not the Outworld conqueror’s strong suit

Shao Kahn inside the Kolloseum in Mortal Kombat 11 (2019)

Another one of the Mortal Kombat series’ most iconic villains, Shao Kahn is a bloodthirsty conqueror who usually seeks to rule over the realm of Outworld with an iron fist. An immortal warrior, Shao Kahn’s strongest attribute is by far his raw physical power, able to channel some of the most destructive single strikes in the series with the aid of weapons like his hammer and battleaxe. While Shao Kahn is known to dabble in the magical arts here and there throughout the series, simple brute strength is the most likely candidate for his arcana in Mortal Kombat 2.

1 King Jerrod’s Telekinesis

Jerrod’s power may come from a transformation into Ermac

King Jerrod surrounded by souls in Mortal Kombat

Former King of Outworld and father of princess Kitana, King Jerrod is famous in most Mortal Kombat timelines for dying, often at the hands of Shao Kahn, creating a power vacuum in Outworld. While he doesn’t have an iconic power in the games, prequel comics have depicted King Jerrod displaying a degree of telekinetic powers. In addition, he is sometimes portrayed post-mortem as one of the souls making up the spectral hivemind of Ermac, a fighter defined by his powerful telekinesis. Mortal Kombat 2 could very well set up Ermac’s appearance with King Jerrod’s death and arcana manifestation.