9-1-1 Lone Star: The 10 Most Over The Top Emergencies On The Series

9-1-1 Lone Star: The 10 Most Over The Top Emergencies On The Series

9-1-1 Lone Star has been renewed for a fourth season, and its related show, 9-1-1, has been renewed for a sixth season. Lone Star was originally contrived as a spin-off to the massively successful 9-1-1 but since has grown its own fan base and cemented itself on Fox’s Network of successful shows.

The show follows the 126 firehouse in Austin, Texas. The firefighters and paramedics are balancing their own personal lives and the stressful demands of the job as they navigate friendships, relationships, life, and death. They respond to hundreds of emergencies, some more dramatic than others, and some more memorable than others.

TK’s Shooting (Season 1, Episode 8)

9-1-1 Lone Star: The 10 Most Over The Top Emergencies On The Series

Paramedics and firefighters are first on scene and walk into the unexpected every day. Although, TK Strand being shot by the grandson of a victim is a little more than unexpected.

TK seems to have a recurring theme throughout the show of almost dying; fans have commented on how in every season, he has a near-death experience. Surely one person cannot nearly die this many times. His life is a little over the top most days, and this shooting is no different.

Scorpions (Season 2, Episode 2)

The 126 responding to a food truck fire surrounded by flames

Grace Ryder, a much-loved character, has proven her effectiveness as a 9-1-1 operator several times before, but none better than the scorpion episode. Grace helps a woman trapped in her food truck, surrounded by scorpions, to escape safely.

Not only was this emergency random and completely out of the blue, but the visuals that went with it were just as dramatic. The view of someone being completely surrounded by the insects was something that left some viewers feeling a little creepy crawly.

Plane Engine (Season 3, Episode 8)

TK and Owen on the plane looking stressed

When TK and Owen get on a plane to New York to attend TK’s mother’s funeral, the last thing they expect is for the plane engine to burst.

TK’s mother’s death was unexpected and uncalled for, according to some fans, and the plane engine exploding on their way to the funeral was the cherry on top. Many fans expressed their frustration for TK who cannot catch a break; unsurprisingly, he features in a handful of over the top emergencies. Each of these could have filled an episode alone, but together, there’s just a ton going on.

The Tornado (Season 1, Episode 4)

The 126 caught out by the rain in a tornado

Tornados are not unexpected, but much like its predecessor, 9-1-1, this show loves to focus on natural disasters. The team members are put on a high alert when Texas braces for an EF4 level tornado, with winds upwards of 200 mph.

The tornado tore through Austin and left damage and chaos in its path. Given that this was only the 4th episode of the show, it was an incredibly dramatic way to start the show and set the tone for future dramatic moments.

The Car Accident (Season 2, Episode 8)

Grace and Judd dancing

Grace and Judd Ryder are a solid fan favorite couple. They’ve cemented themselves alongside TK and Carlos as highlights of the show, so naturally, they’ve had a few close calls.

None were closer than the car accident that sent them veering off the bridge and into the lake, almost killing both of them. Grace is worse off than Judd, and the entire event is painful to watch for fans. It’s over the top, and the long-lasting side effects are difficult for both Grace, Judd, and viewers, but it’s a perfect example of how to write a good over-the-top incident.

Lighting Strikes (Season 1, Episode 7)

Owen looking at Billy in the firehouse

Lightning striking is an over-the-top and once-in-a-lifetime incident for most, but apparently, it’s not for Billy Tyson. Given it’s a procedural show, it’s almost no surprise that this happens to one of the characters. In this emergency, Billy is electrocuted by a lightning strike, and Owen has to carry him to safety.

The idea of lightning striking someone and electrocuting them seems improbable, almost impossible, but 9-1-1 Lone Star just had to feature the over-the-top emergency. Although Billy ends up surviving the lightning strike, it’s still one of the most dramatic moments of the season and the show.

Grain Silo (Season 1, Episode 3)

Marjan after losing her hijab

Grain silos don’t seem dangerous at first glance, although they have deadly consequences when people fall into them. In this episode, the team responds to a man suffocating in the corn stored in the silo.

The emergency itself was dramatic, but the moment after was equally so. Marjan’s hijab falls off and the team shield her as she scrambles to find it, a moment that goes viral both on the show and in real life on social media after.

TK & Carlos House Fire (Season 2, Episode 12)

TK and Carlos talking

Given that the show revolves around firefighters, someone’s house was bound to catch fire sooner or later. Unfortunately, it was TK and Carlos’. Once again, TK found himself in a near-death experience.

The odds of their house catching fire were arguably slim, as was TK being caught up in yet another dramatic moment, making for an over-the-top scene. Fans, however, loved the drama and exhilaration of it all, even if it was a little unbelievable.

The Snowstorm (Season 3, Episode 2)

Nancy and Tommy in a snow storm

Snowstorms in Texas are always over the top and dramatic, especially the one that featured in the season 3 opener. Several team members found themselves isolated or stuck, and everything that could go wrong went wrong.

Grace went into labor, Marjan was in a car accident, TK almost died (again), Paul almost died, and in general, it was a messy and stressful few episodes for the team and viewers. It almost takes the cake for the most dramatic natural disaster event, given how much drama everyone was in and the accidents that happened.

The Wildfires (Season 2, Episode 3)

The 126 helping the 118 crew escaping a wildfire

There’s nothing more over the top than a cross-over special, especially when it’s between two dramatic shows. Fans were treated to the first ever 9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star crossover in season 2, where the California crew responds to the wildfires inTexas and comes out to assist the crew there.

It was a jam-packed episode of near-death experiences and friendships forming. It’s commonly considered a favorite episode, as the emergencies and natural chemistry between both crews are entertaining and make for a great rewatch. The odds of the Texas crew meeting the LA crew were slim to none and over-exaggerated for sure, but 9-1-1 Lone Star has proven it excels at over-the-top moments.