8 Ways Peter Cushing Is The Best Doctor Frankenstein

8 Ways Peter Cushing Is The Best Doctor Frankenstein

Halloween is finally here, but while many will be revisiting the adventures of Freddy Krueger or Michael Myers, an underrated era rested between the Universal Monsters and the Slashers of The ’80s. Hammer Horror films are fondly remembered by hardcore horror fans, with the company’s horror films being held up by actors Christopher Lee and of course, Peter Cushing.

Cushing ranks among the most underrated actors of all time, with every movie the actor appeared in being elevated by his presence. Though he’s best known for playing the best Van Helsing, his Doctor Frankenstein may be the best version yet.

His Tenure Was The Longest

8 Ways Peter Cushing Is The Best Doctor Frankenstein

Frankenstein has been adapted many times, but Hammer’s series was different. None of Hammer’s Frankenstein movies were accurate, but the movies took Mary Shelley’s ideas and ran with them, expanding the concept across six movies, all starring starring Peter Cushing.

Colin Clive, the actor who played Frankenstein in the first two Universal Frankenstein movies, comes the closest, but no one has played the doctor as long as Cushing. It’s truly a testament to Cushing’s talent that throughout his entire tenure, his performance never faltered and remained consistently strong.

He Set Himself Apart From Colin Clive

Colin Clive in Frankenstein and Peter Cushing in Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed.

A true 100 minute masterpiece, 1931’s Frankenstein would have naturally been a hard act to follow for Hammer, so their goal was to make their take on the property as different from Universal’s as possible. This extends to the performances as well, with Peter Cushing’s Doctor Frankenstein being very different from the underrated Colin Clive’s.

Whereas Clive’s take on Frankenstein carries over the tragedy and sympathetic quality of Mary Shelley’s version, Cushing takes the character in a darker direction. Unafraid to go villainous with the character, Cushing’s performance is wholly divorced from Clive’s and it’s all the better for it.

A Pure Sinister Quality

Peter Cushing as Doctor Frankenstein in Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell.

Peter Cushing made a career out of playing truly devious characters, with his performance as Grand Moff Tarkin in Star Wars being the most notable. However, when it comes to pure sinisterness, one need not look any further than his take on Victor Frankenstein.

Though the scripts would occasionally take this aspect too far, Cushing’s pure talent made the character compelling, though never totally likable. Whether by aura or action, Cushing’s Frankenstein is sinister and cold, something that helps his take stand out.

His Experiments Weren’t Afraid To Go Bonkers

Frankenstein experimenting with chemicals in a beaker in Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed.

No one can argue that Hammer’s Frankenstein movies didn’t swing for the fences, as each movie mixed up the formula. In each movie, Peter Cushing’s Frankenstein uses a new, rather esoteric method to give life to the dead.

Frankenstein’s experiments become a lot more cartoonish as the movies go on, sometimes leaning on sci-fi horror, but they prove that he is willing to elevate his experiments no matter the means. Whether it be a traditional stitch-job, cloning, or capturing souls, Cushing’s Frankenstein approaches his work with a passionate zeal.

He Was Willing To Take Lives To Give Life

Frankenstein glares down at his creation in Curse of Frankenstein.

Frankenstein is among Peter Cushing’s best performances, with the actor giving the character’s bloodthirsty streak an understated menace. What truly separates Cushing’s take from the novel’s and Colin Clive’s is that he is so driven in his ambition, that he’s willing to sacrifice human lives.

Many a scene in Hammer’s Frankenstein movies show the mad doctor directly murdering innocent people in order to elevate his “contributions” to science. Though sometimes, it’s more personal, as in Curse of Frankenstein when Frankenstein has his creation murder the maid he was having an affair with when she threatened to expose him.


Frankenstein with his monster in Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell.

From Curse of Frankenstein, co-starring fellow Hammer icon Christopher Lee, all the way to Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell, Cushing’s Frankenstein shows a tireless dedication to his work.

For years, Frankenstein is on the run from the law and at no point does he reconsider what he’s doing. Even in his older age, as the franchise began to die off, Frankenstein is still shown performing ambitious experiments with the dead. Cushing’s character’s dedication to his experiments, perhaps reflecting the actor’s dedication to the role, is a fascinating aspect that is interesting to analyze throughout the films.

He Was A Consistent Highlight

Peter Cushing stares intensely at the camera in Curse of Frankenstein.

Peter Cushing was of a rare caliber of stars who could star in a movie with the most ridiculous premise and still deliver an Oscar-worthy performance. As Hammer’s Frankenstein series went along, it soon became clear that he was the reason to watch the movies as they came out.

Even when his movies weren’t of the highest quality, Cushing was clearly a highlight of them as the actor’s charm and screen presence were too engrossing to ignore. No matter how shallow or lacking the material was, Cushing was gonna deliver.

The Movies Were About Him, Not The Monster

Frankenstein examines the body of The Monster in Curse of Frankenstein.

Often in movies adapting Mary Shelley’s magnum opus, The Monster gets all the attention and his creator is kicked to the curb. Debates over who’s the best monster rage, but no one discusses who the best Doctor Frankenstein is.

In the case of Hammer, that issue is a moot one as the movies are laser-focused on Peter Cushing’s portrayal of the mad doctor, with each film having a different monster. Hammer wanted audiences to notice the doctor this time, with Cushing’s work making this mission a successful one.