8 Ways Muppets Haunted Mansion Is Better Than The Eddie Murphy Movie

8 Ways Muppets Haunted Mansion Is Better Than The Eddie Murphy Movie

The new Disney+ special Muppets Haunted Mansion takes inspiration from the iconic Disney attraction and sees Gonzo and Pepe trying to survive a night in the mansion. The special is a drastically different approach than Disney previously took with its last attempt at adapting the ride in Eddie Murphy’s The Haunted Mansion.

While the Eddie Murphy movie was criticized for being dull and overly serious, the Muppets special is a light and fun romp that captures the spirit of what fans love so much about the attraction. Those who are looking to watch an enjoyable adventure filled with Grim Grinning Ghosts are better off putting on the new special rather than revisiting the film.

Celebrity Guest Stars

8 Ways Muppets Haunted Mansion Is Better Than The Eddie Murphy Movie

Celebrity guests stars have been a staple of Muppets productions for decades and Muppets Haunted Mansion is no exception. While the original The Haunted Mansion has a solid cast, led by notable actors such as Eddie Murphy, Jennifer Tilly, Terrance Stamp, and Wallace Shawn, the Muppets put together an all-star cast to bring the happy haunts to life.

In the special, Will Arnett and Taraji P. Henson are both excellent in sizable roles while celebrities such as John Stamos, Danny Trejo, Chrissy Metz, Craig Robinson, and Pat Sajak all appear in supernatural cameo roles. The constant flow of stars adds an extra level of energy and fun to the special.

It’s Funnier

Miss Piggy & Kermit in their Halloween costumes in Muppets Haunted Mansion

Eddie Murphy is one of the funniest comedic actors of all time and he certainly gets some opportunities to shine in The Haunted Mansion, but overall, the movie tries to ride the line between comedy and horror, to mixed results.

Aside from some spooky atmosphere and a couple of effective jump scares, Muppets Haunted Mansion is primarily a comedy. The Muppets bring their signature brand of humor to the special with Fozzie telling supernatural-themed jokes, Miss Piggy being a diva, and a running joke about characters trying to speak Spanish to Pepe, making the special funnier than the movie.

It’s a Musical

The ghosts of Sal Minella, Johnny Fiama, a penguin, and other Muppets argue in Muppets Haunted Mansion

One of the most iconic elements of the attraction is the music. The Eddie Murphy movie incorporates some nods to the music such as a quick snippet of the graveyard busts singing “Grim Grinning Ghosts.”

The Muppets, however, take this to a different level as the special is a full musical that introduces three original songs, “Grim Grinning Ghosts,” and a cover of “Dancing in the Moonlight.” Musical numbers starring the Muppets are always great and the special makes great use of them by using the songs to introduce the ghosts and further establish the tone.

References To The Ride

Miss Piggy floats in a crystal ball in Muppets Haunted Mansion

The Haunted Mansion is one of the most iconic rides at Disney, and the movie does a good job of including elements and characters from the ride. But the Murphy movie is more of an adaptation, taking the notable characters and moments from the ride and reinterpreting them in a way that makes sense to the movie.

The Muppets special is more like a room-by-room recreation of the ride, representing the attraction in great detail. From the doom buggies and the wallpaper to the stretching room and the Ghost Host’s iconic lines, the special captures the near exact look and feel of the ride.

The Story

Gonzo prepares to enter room 999 in Muppets Haunted Mansion

Despite having a slightly convoluted backstory, the Eddie Murphy film is light on story. The movie centers around the Evers family’s attempt to save Sara from Master Gracey, who believes she is his deceased lover. It centers around Eddie Murphy and the kids running around the mansion, looking for a way to uncover the truth of Gracey’s lover’s death.

Muppets Haunted Mansion takes a more straightforward and surprisingly character-driven approach to its story as Gonzo and Pepe try to stay the night at the mansion. It is a classic ghost story setup that allows for a lot of great moments such as Gonzo’s experience in Room 999, the encounter with Madame Pigota, and Pepe’s romance with Constance Hatchaway.

The Pacing

The ghost of Uncle Deadly talks to Pepe the King Prawn in Muppets Haunted Mansion

Although it is only about an hour and a half long, the Eddie Murphy movie drags considerably at points, primarily in the first act before the ghosts arrive and in the middle of the film as the characters try to solve the mystery. There are some exciting moments, such as the scene in the crypt, but these are unfortunately too few and far between.

Conversely, the special comes in at under an hour long and, as a result, moves at a faster and more entertaining pace. While the movie takes half an hour to get the main characters into the mansion, the special begins with Gonzo and Pepe already on their way to the mansion. Muppets Haunted Mansion is more focused and holds the viewer’s attention far more effectively than the film.

The Muppets

Pepe & Gonzo in Muppets Haunted Mansion

One of the biggest weaknesses of the film is its lack of memorable characters. Outside of the colorful ghost characters from the ride, the movie mostly relies on tropes such as the workaholic dad in lieu of fully fleshed-out characters.

However, there are some truly great characters in Muppets Haunted Mansion. The special benefits from the reestablished personalities and relationships of the Muppets but also finds genuinely touching ways to build upon the characters. Gonzo’s journey of self-discovery is heartwarming and far more effective than any of the character development in the movie.


Gauzy the Hatbox Bear performs standup comedy in Muppets Haunted Mansion

The Muppets often integrate meta self-awareness and fourth wall breaking into their comedy with characters such as Statler and Waldorf’s primary function being to provide meta-commentary on the Muppets’ actions.

In the special, there are plenty of meta moments such as Miss Piggy complaining that her Madame Pigota scene is her biggest part in the special. The movie version mostly employs a conventional approach to its humor. The zaniness and built-in expectations of the Muppets allow the special to have a clever, witty, and unique sense of humor.