8 Massive Fourth Wing Theories For What Happens Next In The Empyrean Series

8 Massive Fourth Wing Theories For What Happens Next In The Empyrean Series

Warning! Spoilers for The Empyrean Series!

As anticipation builds for the next book in The Empyrean Series, fans have continued to craft massively creative theories about what will occur next. The series follows Violet Sorrengail in the fictional world of Navarre after she enlists in the Rider Quadrant of Basigath War College. As one of the deadliest quadrants of the school, Violet must adapt quickly as she bonds with unexpected new allies, such as Xaden Riorson. She also learns that the war she has been training for is not the one she should be focusing on as an ancient enemy draws closer.

The series is written by Rebecca Yarros with the first book being released in 2023. The second installment, Iron Flame, was released shortly after, with book three originally set to debut in December 2025. However, the release date was pushed back to January 2025. Fans have continued to speculate on the events of both the upcoming third book as well as the rest of the series, crafting theories on character arcs, plot points, and possible twists as the story continues.

8 Massive Fourth Wing Theories For What Happens Next In The Empyrean Series


10 Fourth Wing Book Moments We Must See In The Amazon Show

Amazon is adapting Rebecca Yarros’ Fourth Wing for the small screen, and the series will bring many amazing moments from the book to life.


Xaden Will (Possibly) Be Cured In Book 3

Xaden turned venin at the end of Iron Flame

Xaden becoming a venin could be undone in the third book, though that storyline may get extended. Xaden turned in order to protect Violet as she rebuilt Basigath’s ward at the end of Iron Flame. As Violet and Xaden have taken personal steps forward, the bulk of book 3’s focus for them may be on Violet searching for a cure for being a venin. Though Jack Barlowe claimed at the end of Iron Flame that there is no cure, there is a possibility that Violet discovers a source that contradicts him, allowing Xaden to be cured by book 3’s end.

Conversely, Xaden could remain venin past book 3 due to a need to focus on other priorities. Now that Navarre has been made aware of the venin threat, Violet and the rest of the group may be forced to focus on preparation for another invasion over finding a cure. Xaden may also get locked away like Barlowe by Basigath’s staff, though he may go willingly. The continued rush to get a step ahead of the venin may push the discovery of a cure further into the series, as Xaden tries to control his new impulses.


Xaden Could “Turn Evil” By The End Of Book 3

While Xaden’s character in Fourth Wing and Iron Flame is resilient, becoming a venin may lead him away from Basigath, creating another strong cliffhanger for the third book. If Xaden is not cured, he may be forced to siphon more power from the earth to sustain his abilities, causing further strain between him and the rest of the school. Xaden may view his growing dependence as his transformation into a villain, as Barlowe predicted at the end of Iron Flame. This could lead to Xaden leaving and joining the venin in an act of betrayal.

However, Xaden’s love for Violet and his ability to conceal information could mean this “betrayal” is just a clever ruse to get close to the venin. Communication was a point of contention in Iron Flame for Violet and Xaden, so Xaden confiding in Violet would demonstrate his character growth. It would also work practically, as Violet and Xaden can still communicate over the bond, giving her information. Having the rest of Basigath believe that Xaden betrayed them would also be easy, as many in Basigath still have a bias against the marked ones.


Jack Barlowe Could Escape (And Possibly Die) in Book 3

Barlowe was imprisoned in Basigath at the end of Iron Flame

Barlowe’s escape from Basigath could either facilitate another venin invasion or could lead to Barlowe’s death. Barlowe mentioned at the end of Iron Flame that the venin had already infiltrated Basigath. Barlowe may be waiting for external orders or the title Onyx Storm holds meaning for the venin over the riders, signaling a time to strike. This internal invasion would disorient the main characters as they would realize just how influential the venin are. However, it could also give the main characters the upper hand as they can use the opportunity to utilize any new information they find on the venin, cutting the venin out of Basigath.

Barlowe himself may survive the battle, but he may also face his final death as he attempts to infiltrate the Vale. Barlowe could get into the Vale only to be killed by The Empyrean, revealing them for the first time in the series. Barlowe has already been “killed” once, so having another fake-out death or recapturing him would be redundant. By killing him off, the characters could get the opportunity to convince The Empyrean to aid them in winning the war. It would also allow Yarros to include another named character death while also giving that impact a new twist.


Violet’s Second Signet Will Likely Be Revealed In Book 3

Violet’s second signet will likely reveal itself in the third book, possibly leading to her regaining her confidence. As Violet has two dragons, her having a second signet is guaranteed, though fans have debated about what her signet is. Yarros mentioned in a 2023 Variety article that Violet’s second signet had already revealed itself in the second book. The most popular fan theory is that Violet can speak with the dead, as she communicated with Liam while being tortured by Varrish. Fans pointed to this as evidence and the most likely possibility of her second signet.

Other possibilities include Violet being an amplifier or distance wielder. Other signets seem to be stronger in her presence and having Violet be a distance wielder would pair well with Andarna’s original power. Violet’s second signet will likely be confirmed in the third book as the second focused heavily on the idea. It would be an organic way for Violet to grow into her power as she struggled with controlling her abilities in the first two books. Having her unlock her new signet could bring that story to a satisfying conclusion as she conquers her powers, regaining confidence in herself.


Violet And Sawyer’s Friendship Could Deepen In Book 3

One smaller theory is that Violet and Sawyer will grow closer due to Sawyer losing his leg at the end of Iron Flame. Sawyer’s leg was bitten off by a wyvern in the battle for Basigath. Though Violet was able to save him, his leg could not be mended. This will likely lead to Sawyer getting a prosthetic leg in order to ride as his resilient characterization will not allow him to give up on being a rider. Despite this, Sawyer may struggle with needing that assistance, which Violet can relate to due to her Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or EDS.

Violet and Sawyer’s deepening friendship would give readers more insight into Violet’s EDS and further develop Sawyer, who has had the least individual focus. The two books have focused strongly on disability representation and have facilitated awareness for conditions like EDS. Having the two support each other would let readers fully dive into Violet’s mindset when it comes to her EDS. It can also give readers more insight into Sawyer, as his character has had few moments of development. By including this strengthening friendship, readers can see more of Sawyer’s character, making the bond between the Iron Squad even stronger.


The Venin Could Storm Aretia In Book 3

The venin could lay siege to Aretia during book 3, causing the main characters to rush to their aid. Aretia’s wards were a significant plot point in the second book, as was the reveal that the ward instructions held a deliberate piece of false information. This led to Aretia’s wards becoming weak and establishing that they would eventually fade. Aretia’s wards could fade out by the third book, leaving it vulnerable to the venin to attack to absorb the new hatchling grounds and force the remaining riders out of Basigath.

The venin’s attack could give them a major advantage or disadvantage depending on the outcome. On one hand, the lack of wards and minimal riders could lead to Aretia being taken. Aretia’s new hatchling grounds would attract a large number of venin, whose power could grow exponentially. Conversely, this could be a major victory for the protagonists, as readers have seen the venin significantly hurt the riders in Resson and Basigath. A full victory over the venin could turn the tide of the series and bring the leader of the venin out of hiding, leaving them vulnerable.


Violet’s Father Could Be Alive As A Venin

Violet’s father was studying the venin before his death

Violet’s father could have been a venin which could lead to the reveal that he could still be alive. Violet’s father died under mysterious circumstances but left a clue for Violet about his venin research. Her mother, Lilith Sorrengail, also fell ill with a strange fever when Violet was a baby. This has led fans to speculate that Violet’s father may have been a venin and may still be alive. Some thought he might be the Sage Violet was seeing in her dreams, but others pointed out that he claimed he had waited for her for thousands of years.

This reveal could explain where the venin got some of the knowledge of Navarre’s defenses. The venin’s attack in Iron Flame was well-thought-out, with a distraction plan for Melgren’s foresight. That level of information had to have come from an internal source, and the husband of the highest-ranking general in Navarre’s army is a likely candidate. However, this does not fit with the little fans have seen of Violet’s father or Lillith’s clear love for him. Despite this, fans speculate that Violet’s father could reappear in the series, leading to either emotional devastation or new information on the venin.


Naolin Could Be Revealed To Be A Venin

Naolin died before the events of Fourth Wing

Another popular theory is that Naolin, Tairn’s former rider, could still be alive as a venin. As a siphon, Naolin died using his abilities to save Brennan’s life. Fans, however, speculate that Naolin may still be alive, as Brennan mentions in Iron Flame that he didn’t fail, but it “cost him everything.” Many interpret this as Naolin having turned venin, either through desperation or choice. Some think that Naolin became venin out of romantic love for Brennan to save his life. Others posit that he could have changed by choice after Tairn warned him of the dangers of the venin.

These theories are mostly based on how Tairn discusses Naolin and that he may have knowledge of runes, which the venin are using. Naolin being a venin could explain Tairn’s evasiveness and why Tairn did not want to select another rider until Violet. Naolin may also be the reason the venin have knowledge of runes, as the scar on Brennan’s palm looks similar to one. If Naolin is a venin, he could be the one teaching them rune magic, giving them an advantage and giving the remaining riders a way to defeat them.


The Venin Could Storm Basigath (Again)

The venin could try to take Basigath again later in the series in a similar way to their plan in Iron Flame. If the venin have already infiltrated Basigath, they could use those forces to take the school from within. While the internal forces storm the Vale, the other venin could attack outside. As the venin’s main tactic seems to be distraction, this would be a likely way for them to attack. However, with the newly restored wards, the venin may not have enough power to create a strong enough assault, which could lead to an assault on Aretia.

The venin could deceive the riders into thinking they are attacking one target when they are actually attacking another. This could be one of the first battles of the climax, as the riders must choose which location to defend or must try to rush between the two after realizing they have been deceived. However, as this tactic was already used and the characters have already solved it in Iron Flame, this would be a redundant twist and make the venin seem less dangerous than they truly are.


Andarna Could Possibly Die At The End Of The Series

The meaning of her name and rapid growth could lead to Andarna’s death at the end of The Empyrean Series. Andarna is the last of her kind, with her den seemingly dying out around the time the venin were significantly pushed back. This is corroborated by the fact that Andarna waited more than 600 years to hatch for Violet. She is also growing at a rapid pace which, when paired with her former time-stopping abilities, implies to fans that she could have some foreknowledge of what is to come and needs to be in a specific state.

Andarna’s sacrifice could not only get rid of the venin but could also save Violet and Tairn. Tairn’s death would lead to the deaths of Violet, Xaden and Sgaeyl, but Andarna is not intertwined in their bond. This can be seen in her placement in Violet’s mental archives, as her power streams in from a window. Not only that but, due to Andarna’s wing, she cannot carry Violet as a rider, further distancing herself from her. All of this could imply that Andarna sacrifices herself so Tairn does not have to, leading to a final, bittersweet victory over the venin.