8 Hilarious Aquaman Parody Comics That Prove Justice League Fans Should Mock Him More, Not Less

With Jason Momoa’s charismatic portrayal, DC has skillfully reimagined Aquaman as a bona fide badass, casting off his reputation as one of the dorkier members of the Justice League. However, the comic world is fortunate to have some imaginative souls who craft parody comics, serving humorous reminders for Justice League enthusiasts that there’s still ample room for lighthearted jests at the King of the Sea’s expense.

DC has sometimes been criticized for being too serious, it’s heartening to know that fans are more than willing to infuse humor into the company’s beloved characters and stories. These creative jests effectively balance the gravitas, adding a delightful layer of lightheartedness to comic book fandom. Here are eight hilarious Aquaman parody comics from frequent MAD magazine contributor Kerry Callen that are ‘shore’ to have readers slapping their fins in glee.

8 Giant Aquaman Annual

Giant Aquaman Annual is a delightful blend of quirky humor and nostalgia. The nostalgia factor is evoked through Callen’s meticulous recreation of the ‘golden age’ comic art style, approaching perfection. To the untrained eye, it could easily be mistaken for an authentic golden age comic; the humor and art style impeccably capture the essence of that era. The cover art resembles a classic comic book, featuring a variety of ‘comic stories’ within. Within these stories, the humorous element shines, with each preview growing more nonsensical than the last. Among the notable entries is an octopus donning eight boxing gloves, the epitome of silliness – as readers are right to expect from a parody comic.

7 Super Antics #15

Super Antics #15 presents a comical exchange between Aquaman and a hapless castaway, resulting in hilarity. Arthur, seeking advice from the ‘wise’ castaway, experiences a near-emotional breakdown over Mera accidentally cooking one of his closest aquatic companions, a flounder named Quinton. If the conversation’s absurdity wasn’t entertaining enough, it reaches new heights when, after receiving advice from the castaway, Aquaman dives back into the ocean, only for the castaway to yell after him, ‘Are you ever going to rescue me!?’ This comic is an absolute delight, endowing the typically astute King with an endearing touch of clueless naivety, almost as refreshing as it is comical.

6 Aquaman And The Refreshing Glass Of Water

Aquaman and the Refreshing Glass of Water can be described with two words: ‘absolutely ridiculous.’ The image of a serene, content Aquaman enjoying a refreshing sip of water, through his nostrils, is a visual that will delight viewers as much as Aquaman himself seems delighted. It’s an inherently absurd concept, one that would undoubtedly draw a considerable audience, willing to pay handsomely for the opportunity to witness Jason Momoa, decked out in his royal attire, engaging in this offbeat act in his upcoming movie, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. Given Momoa’s playful and adventurous spirit, such a scene is one he’d likely wholeheartedly embrace with enthusiasm.

5 Aquaman’s Dirty Little Secret

Aquaman’s Dirty Little Secret is another testament to Callen’s quirky sense of humor, brilliantly showcased through his exceptional mastery of the ‘golden age’ art style of comics. Aquaman is typically associated with protecting the ocean and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Seeing him engage in an activity like smoking, which is not only unhealthy, but also entirely out of place in his underwater realm, creates a humorous contrast. This unexpected twist takes a character known for his noble and regal image and places him in a trivial situation, a ripe dichotomy for humor. It’s a classic example of how humor often arises from the absurd, as well as the playfulness of subverting established character traits and expectations.

4 Super Antics #11

Super Antics #11 delivers an outrageously comical take on not only Aquaman but the entire Justice League lineup. The hilarity unfolds as Superman introduces the ‘mysterious Specter,’ who drapes his cape across his face in a theatrical attempt at mystique. This ruffles Batman’s feathers, as he claims the gesture as his signature ‘shtick.’ What follows is a delightful cascade of humor, with every Justice League member playfully mimicking the same gesture and delivering equally dramatic readings of Batman’s ‘I am the night.’ Aquaman, in his unique twist, lacking a cape, opts to lift his shirt, flashing the Justice League. The scene is an epic tableau of absurdity, making it an absolute comedic gem.

3 Urinals Of The Justice League

Urinals of the Justice League offers a unique brand of ‘bathroom humor.’ Despite its overtly silly premise, it ranks among the funniest comic strips in this collection, thanks to its clever execution. The strip showcases distinct urinals, tailored to suit the characteristics and traits of various male Justice League members, yielding humor that plays on their individual quirks. Superman’s urinal is an absurd monstrosity, crafted from titanium steel, complete with a miniature red sun, insinuating that even the Man of Steel’s bathroom business is a formidable force. However, the crown jewel of hilarity belongs to Aquaman’s urinal, which takes the form of a kiddie pool, no doubt eliciting moans of disgust from fans, who see the sliver of truth in the King’s choice of urinal.

2 Super Antics #12

Super Antics #12 is guaranteed to bring a smile to the faces of Justice League enthusiasts, if not have them bursting into outright laughter. This parody masterfully captures what fans undoubtedly yearn to see more of within the canon – a Justice League dynamic infused with humor, a quality this comic boasts in abundance. The King of the Sea’s antics take center stage, as he momentarily forgets he’s not in his natural aquatic habitat, attempting to ‘fly’ – only to flat on his face. The other Justice League members mercilessly roast Arthur, who unleashes a barrage of threats, only for Superman to retort with, ‘Kill us with your heat vision?

1 Aquaman Funnies

Aquaman Funnies brilliantly reimagines Aquaman using the beloved art styles of iconic comic strips such as Peanuts, Dilbert, The Far Side, Garfield, and Calvin and Hobbes, delivering genuinely laugh-out-loud funny moments. Among the highlights, Kerry Callen’s Far Side parody shines as the most amusing panel on the page. With its simplistic and caricature-like art style, it humorously portrays Aquaman dressing up a dolphin as an elaborately made-up woman, only to be taken aback by the unexpected arrival of Mera, prompting an exclamation of ‘Mera! You’re home early!’ Callen’s rendition flawlessly captures The Far Side’s visual gag and absurd humor, crafting a brilliant homage to its inspiration. The humor infused by Callen in this particular post exemplifies precisely why fans should embrace the funnier side of Aquaman, as there’s a wealth of content and canon ripe for humorous reinterpretation.