8 Biggest Unanswered Questions & Mysteries After Percy Jackson Season 1

8 Biggest Unanswered Questions & Mysteries After Percy Jackson Season 1

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Percy Jackson and the Olympians season 1 and the original Percy Jackson books.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians season 1 is over, with the show leaving several questions unanswered regarding characters, plot points, and intriguing teases for the future. As an adaptation of the first of five mainline Percy Jackson books, Percy Jackson season 1 was always going to leave plot threads lingering in the hopes of a continuation. This storytelling method, the overall positive reception of the show from fans and critics alike, and the show’s positive viewership numbers have since forced all attention to turn to the desired updates of Percy Jackson season 2.

Concerning the story of future books, Percy Jackson season 1’s ending adequately teases what is to come. Percy Jackson‘s season 1 finale begins with the titular hero defeating Ares in single combat, gaining possession of Zeus’ Master Bolt and Hades’ Helm of Darkness. Returning both, Percy stopped a war between the gods, saved his mother, and uncovered the identity of the true Lightning Thief: Luke Castellan. These climactic reveals, heartbreaking twists, and tantalizing teases left many questions open to interpretation as of Percy Jackson‘s season 1 ending, causing the anticipation for season 2 to grow ever larger.

8 Biggest Unanswered Questions & Mysteries After Percy Jackson Season 1


68 Biggest Changes Disney’s Percy Jackson Show Makes To The Books

Percy Jackson and the Olympians is being praised for its fidelity to the source material, though that does not mean there are no changes to the books.

8 Will Ares Be Punished For Stealing Hades’ Helmet & Zeus’ Bolt?

What ramifications will the god of war face from the king of the Olympians?

One of the biggest questions stemming from Percy Jackson and the Olympians season 1 is what will become of Ares. Despite unknowingly being under the influence of Kronos, Ares was still responsible for withholding Zeus’ Master Bolt and Hades’ Helm of Darkness from their respective owners. This caused the beginnings of a terrible war between the eldest gods, throwing the entire world into peril. While Percy managed to avoid the war by returning the Bolt – aided by Poseidon’s surrender – it remains the case that Ares’ punishment was not found in Percy Jackson season 1.

Therefore, one of the biggest questions going forward is how the god of war will face justice for his crimes. Interestingly, the books do not make any mention of Ares facing retribution for his actions likely due to the reveal that Kronos was manipulating his mind. However, it would be a shame if the TV show did not mention anything about Ares’ wrongdoings, as the god of war nearly caused his namesake between the gods regardless of outside influence.

7 Where Did Luke’s Portal Take Him?

What awaits Luke in his new quest as Kronos’ servant?

Percy Jackson and Luke looking shocked at one another in Percy Jackson episode 8

Undoubtedly the most shocking reveal of Percy Jackson and the Olympians season 1 was that of Luke’s villainous turn. After revealing himself as the Lightning Thief, Luke used his new weapon to open a portal in the woods of Camp Half-Blood. Naturally, a burning question after Percy Jackson season 1’s finale is where the portal took Luke and what awaits him on the other side.

Luke’s portal likely took him to a cruise ship named the Princess Andromeda. In the second book – Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters – Luke uses this ship to traverse the titular ocean in a quest for the Golden Fleece. The ship houses Kronos’ sarcophagus which magically reassembles the Titan Lord’s body, with Luke hoping the Fleece’s healing properties will speed up the process. The Princess Andromeda also serves as a base camp for Kronos’ army which Luke begins building after leaving Camp Half-Blood in Percy Jackson season 1’s ending.

6 What Is Kronos’ Plan For Percy?

Why does the lord of the Titans wish to keep the son of Poseidon alive?

Percy looking at Kronos in the dream sequence from Percy Jackson episode 8

At the end of Percy Jackson‘s season 1 finale, Kronos appears to Percy in one final dream. Percy tells Kronos that the latter lost, with the Titan insisting the two will meet at some point. Kronos then goads Percy, telling the son of Poseidon that his survival is vital to the Titan’s plan. This begs the question of what exactly the villain’s plan for Percy is, something that will be answered in the future.

In the first Percy Jackson book, hints at the so-called Great Prophecy are provided. While these hints were absent from Percy Jackson season 1, the Great Prophecy mentions that a half-blood born to the Big Three gods will be instrumental in either destroying or saving Olympus. Given that Percy is the son of Poseidon, Kronos wishes to keep Percy alive – as evident by Luke’s attempts to recruit him – so that the Titan has some agency over the destruction of the Olympian gods.

5 How Will Grover’s Search For Pan Be Important In Percy Jackson Season 2?

The lost god of the wild will have a presence in future seasons of the Disney+ show.

Grover smiling with his Searcher's license in the Percy Jackson season 1 finale

The success of the quest for Zeus’ Master Bolt resulted in Grover being granted his Searchers license. Grover left Camp Half-Blood at the end of Percy Jackson and the Olympians season 1 to begin searching for Pan, the lost god of the wild. As Grover is one of the three main characters of Percy Jackson, a prevalent question is how his search will tie into the potential story of season 2.

Grover stated to Percy that he believes most land areas have been searched regarding Pan’s whereabouts, insisting that he will begin searching the oceans of the Earth instead. This sets up the story of the second book, Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters. In this book, Grover goes missing during his search in the Sea of Monsters, forcing Annabeth and Percy to traverse the treacherous ocean in search of their friend while reckoning with Luke’s attempts to revive Kronos.

4 Will Percy Blaming Clarisse Affect Their Relationship?

The already-sour connection between Percy and Clarisse is sure to grow worse over time.

Dior Goodjohn as Clarisse glaring on left with Percy Jackson holding his shield on right

The ending of Percy Jackson season 1 teased an even worse relationship between Percy and Clarisse after the former pinned the blame of the Master Bolt’s theft on the latter. In the seemingly inevitable story of Percy Jackson season 2, this storyline will likely be continued. Blaming Clarisse was a new element for the Percy Jackson TV show meaning the second season has the chance to explore the character in a different way to the books. This will likely be done through Clarisse’s quest for the Golden Fleece with Percy, exploring his suspicion of her in Percy Jackson season 1.

3 How Will The Gods Fight Back Against Kronos?

A book difference promises the gods will take action against Kronos.

Lance Reddick as Zeus next to Kronos from Percy's dream in Percy Jackson episode 8

One difference between the Percy Jackson TV show and the source material is that the former has Zeus accept Kronos’ return. In the books, Zeus forbids any talk of what he deems folly, refusing to accept that Kronos is coming back. The show depicts the king of the gods as having a more proactive role in Kronos’ resurgence, raising the question of how the Olympians will fight back against Kronos. The differences from the books mean Percy Jackson season 2 can have the gods be more involved in Percy’s battles, attempting to suppress the rise of the Titan Lord.

2 Is Percy Going Back To Regular School In Season 2?

Will Percy stay at Camp Half-Blood or go back to normal school?

Sally looking shocked as she holds Percy Jackson's face

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief gives Percy a choice to make at the end of the story: stay in Camp Half-Blood year-round or only return for summer outside of school terms. Percy Jackson season 1’s ending teases that Percy has already made such a choice as his mother hints at him returning to normal school in New York. This actively sets up Percy Jackson season 2, where a group of monsters find Percy at his new school, resulting in his return to Camp Half-Blood for a second year.

1 How Will Sally & Percy Explain Gabe Turning To Stone?

Gabe’s fate will be a tricky thing to explain for the mother-son duo.

Gabe holding the box containing Medusa's head in Percy Jackson episode 8

In the post-credit scene of Percy Jackson and the Olympians‘ season 1 finale, Gabe opens the box containing Medusa’s head and turns to stone. While this plot point is more accidental in the show than in the book – where Percy and Sally conspire to get rid of Gabe – the duo will still need to explain his absence. In the book, Sally is depicted as an aspiring artist who sells Gabe’s statue as if she sculpted it herself. Percy Jackson and the Olympians season 1 does not include this storyline for Sally, making Gabe’s fate an unanswered question of the finale.