8 Big Brother 24 Contestants Who Could Win The Challenge

8 Big Brother 24 Contestants Who Could Win The Challenge

With Big Brother 24 currently airing, many cast members on the show have already made names for themselves because of their strategic gameplay, domination in HOH, Veto competitions, and likability. MTV’s The Challenge is known for bringing on some of the best of the best players from a variety of reality shows, including Big Brother. Season after season, cast members from Big Brother have proven to be significant threats, dominating the season and sometimes even winning the entire game.

Kaycee Clark, who won The Challenge: Spies, Lies, and Allies; Amber Borzotra, who won The Challenge: Double Agents are prime examples that these Big Brother players mean business. Their traits are prime examples of what makes some current contestants perfect for future seasons of The Challenge.

Joseph Abdin

8 Big Brother 24 Contestants Who Could Win The Challenge

Just looking at Joseph, fans can tell he’s a physical threat. He is one of the founding members of The Leftovers alliance, an alliance that has so far dominated the game, blindsiding big players and sending them home. He’s also a social threat, except for some houseguests wanting to put him on the block next to Pooch. Since then, his name has not been brought up, even though he has proven to be a strong competitor in the HOH and Veto competitions.

On The Challenge, players either have good physical, social, or strategic gameplay. Joseph checks all of these boxes. He would be a beast in daily challenges, as proven in the HOH and Veto competitions, he also wouldn’t have to worry about getting sent into eliminations because, quite frankly, people would either be afraid to go against him or because he would put himself into a tight alliance guaranteeing his safety to the final.

Michael Bruner

Not only is Michael a beast in the HOH and Veto comps, but he’s also a smart player. He was a target during the first week, yet he’s figured out a way to stay in the house, and that’s by thinking ahead and making strategic and not personal moves. His impressive gameplay has also made him a fan favorite and likable player in the house.

Everyone loves a good underdog story, and Michael would be that if he were on The Challenge. He doesn’t come off as a Fessy or C.T., but that’s what fans would love about him. Without a doubt, he would do well in the daily challenges because he has won the most comps on Big Brother so far. His good social game would also make it hard for him to get voted into elimination, and instead, he would be getting rid of the main threats that stand in his way from winning the grand prize.

Brittany Hoopes

Brittany Hoopes from big brother 24

Brittany has managed to stay in the house with great strategic gameplay. Michael is her number one, a player who has proven to be a huge threat in the game and someone who can protect her from being evicted.

The Challenge is not just about who is the strongest physically, but it’s also about who is the smartest. One can be the fittest out of everyone in the house but have an awful strategic and social game. Brittany is a likable and smart player. If she were in The Challenge House, she would align herself with other strong players so as not to go into elimination. Brittany resembles Challenge vet, Jemmye, in the way they both use their brains, likability, and social skills to get themselves far in the game.

Alyssa Snider

Alyssa Snider Big Brother 24

Alyssa is the sweet girl next door who many houseguests don’t have a problem with. Her biggest highlight on the show, so far, is her showmance with Kyle and the friendships she’s made in the house.

Alyssa hasn’t shown why she would be a good physical threat for The Challenge yet, but her social game is strong. Certain players in the Big Brother house even acknowledged this when the Leftovers were deciding if Nicole or Alyssa should go on the block. She’s a likable person, and when competing in The Challenge, this can be dangerous for other players. She could form friendships, make emotional connections with players, and start an alliance that could guarantee her safety to the final.

Ameerah Jones

A portrait of Ameerah from Big Brother 24.

Ameerah Jones went into overtime on The Big Brother House and proved to the other houseguests that she was a bigger threat than they perceived. She may have been evicted early in the game, but that was only because the house guests realized how hard she was playing.

Although Ameerah does lose points for being one of the houseguests who bullied Taylor, she still would make an overall solid Challenge competitor. She was great at the comps, even almost winning one against Turner, and she came up with the idea of getting rid of Pooch, a threat in the game who could have gone far. Ameerah could analyze the challenge competitors and tell who she needs to align and get close with, so she wouldn’t have to see an elimination.

Monte Taylor

Monte Taylor from Big Brother on the sofa

Monte has proven he is a physical threat in the house by doing well in the comps. He also has a strong alliance with the Leftovers and an even tighter alliance within the leftovers called The Pound.

Overall, he’s playing a solid good strategic and physical game. Although not a great trait in the real world, a good trait to have on The Challenge is the ability to lie and to be good at it. Monte gets points for this because when the Leftovers first formed, Monte had to go into overtime, getting everyone outside his alliance to believe that he was still voting with them. This is a great cutthroat strategy from Big Brother to bring to The Challenge because it could keep Monte safe and in good standing with multiple alliances.

Matthew “Turner” Turner

matt turner big brother 24

Turner has become a fan favorite cast member on Big Brother and one of the few players who has so far played an honest clean game. He is one of the first to call out the bullying against Taylor and is an overall likable guy. People also shouldn’t sleep on his physical gameplay because he’s won one of the HOH competitions so far.

Matthew is someone people on The Challenge would want on their team because he can be trusted. He seems like the type of guy that if he made a promise to someone in The Challenge house to not vote them into elimination, he would keep that promise. Trust goes far in the game of The Challenge, as proven by Paulie Calaforie on War Of The Worlds 2 when he helped take almost his entire alliance to the final.

Taylor Hale

Taylor Hale from Big Brother wearing blue sweater smiling

From day one, Taylor has been target number one, but her persistence, determination, and strong-willed behavior have kept her in the house against the odds. She’s now a part of the Leftovers alliance and made a final three deal with Michael and Brittany. Not only is she a great social player, but she’s good at comps, coming close to winning several.

Taylor is the definition of a true fighter, and that’s what one needs to be if they want to do well on The Challenge. She would be the type of person who, if her back is against the wall, will not give up until she finds a way that will get her to that final. Not only is her persistence a good match for The Challenge, but she would be the competitor to look out for while competing in daily challenges. She would be a true underdog who could easily make a name for herself as one of The Challenge greats.