In 2003 Digimon: Digital Monsters went on hiatus after its fourth season, Frontier, and the franchise’s popularity waned until the 2020 reboot, Digimon Adventure:. Produced by Toei Animation, the new series makes full use of modern storytelling and animation techniques, taking a maximalist approach to the same basic story about eight chosen children destined to save the Digital World from destruction. This re-imagining expands upon the first series’ lore, while taking interesting detours, and balancing out the character development among the DigiDestined, not just Tai and Matt.

While the reboot boasts faster-paced action than its predecessor, that leaves too much room for superfluous plot points and endless nods to previous seasons, which ultimately weigh Digimon Adventure: down. The reboot borrows Digimon Adventure 02‘s focus on new, exciting digivolutions, Tamers‘ more animalistic, morally-gray take on Digimon partners, and Digimon Frontier‘s emphasis on lore surrounding an ancient Digimon holy war between good and evil.

Though the 2020 remake is overstuffed, by incorporating so many different elements from the previous seven seasons, Digimon Adventure: changes the story just enough to warrant its existence and allows future entries to explore uncharted territory.

Takuya and Agunimon stand before a red and orange backdrop


10 Best Digimon Frontier Episodes, Ranked

The DigiDestined use Spirit Digivolution to transform into ancient Digimon warriors, as the emotional reunion of two long-lost twin brothers unfolds.


“Devimon, the Darkness Messenger”

Season 1, Episode 23

Tai, Matt, and T.K. finally come face-to-face with NeoDevimon, who is able to control the dark miasma, a gas that poisons and corrupts Digimon to serve under his command. Meanwhile, the other DigiDestined are in the real world combating multiple crises: a fleet of tankers is on a crash course for the shoreline, while their Digimon partners in the Digital World attack the rogue Calamaramon responsible for the runaway ships. The squid Digimon is siphoning data from the real world and sending it to Devimon to power up his attacks, connecting all three crises together.

Izzy and his team are determined to defeat the Calamaramon and use that energy to digivolve Kabuterimon, Birdramon, Ikakumon, and Togemon to their Ultimate forms. The newly empowered Digimon champions destroy their enemy and the spire that was transmitting the data, which stops the tankers before they collide. With his energy source cut off, MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon defeat NeoDevimon, but AxeKnightmon appears and resurrects him as DanDevimon.


“The Jet-Black Shadow Invades Tokyo”

Season 1, Episode 16

Tai, Izzy, and Mimi are elated when they unexpectedly return to the real world with Agumon, Tentomon, and Palmon in tow. They make plans to enjoy the comforts of home: seeing their loved ones, showering after being stuck in the Digital World for a while, and visiting a local hamburger chain. Before they can even leave the train station, the DigiDestined realize they’re stuck in a time loop, and the people around them begin to act strangely.

It turns out the children never left the Digital World, and this version of Tokyo is an exact copy created by Eyesmon, who ambushes them. Matt, Sora, Joe, and their Digimon arrive and the combined power of all six Ultimate Digimon is enough to defeat the Jet-Black Shadow Digimon, allowing the kids to reestablish contact with the real world. They realize time in the Digital World has synchronized with the real world, which caused a three-day blackout in Tokyo.


“The Angels’ Determination”

Season 1, Episode 64

Gatomon untangles the conspiracy to resurrect Millenniummon after Devimon warns T.K. and Patamon of the coming Great Catastrophe. When a flock of SoundBirdmon attacks Wisemon’s Tree nearby, Kari and T.K. rush to defend Garbagemon and the other inhabitants of the tree. The SoundBirdmon combine to form Ghoulmon, the leader of Dark Digimon in the ancient war that preceded the series.

The ever-reliable powers of hope and light provide MagnaAngemon and Angewomon to digivolve into Seraphimon and Ophanimon respectively, who led the forces of good in that same conflict long ago. The Holy Guardians destroy Ghoulmon, but that actually triggers the Great Catastrophe and awakens an even stronger threat, Negamon. The sky begins to crack and the endless white void Devimon warned would consume the Digital World appears.


“The End of the Adventure”

Season 1, Episode 67

The hero Digimon fend off Abbadomon, a Digimon bent on transcending good and evil and returning existence to a white void of nothingness. The DigiDestined’s determination and willpower allow Omnimon to transform into his Alter-S mode, which easily outpowers Abbadomon and reduces it to a digi-egg. With the Great Catastrophe averted, peace returns to both the real world and Digital World.

The reboot does a great job of fleshing out each DigiDestined and giving them full story arcs with unique outcomes. Whereas the original Digimon ended with tearful goodbyes and uncertainty about ever being reunited, Adventure:’s finale sees the DigiDestined and their partner Digimon stick together in the real world and start new adventures. Tai, however, decides to stay in the Digital World and continue exploring with Agumon, potentially setting up a sequel that differs from the story told in the original Adventure 02.


“Lillymon Blooms”

Season 1, Episode 12

The DigiDestined are exploring an old weapons factory when Mimi and Palmon get separated from Tai, Agumon, Izzy, and Tentomon. Andromon awakens in the factory’s scrapyard and stalks Mimi, prompting Palmon to digivolve into her gigantic boxing cactus form, Togemon. The plant Digimon is no match for Andromon, and Mimi is almost gravely injured, but Guardramon intercepts the attack. They escape and reunite with the boys, but Andromon arrives and overpowers the heroes.

In classic DIgimon fashion, Guardramon’s noble sacrifice sparks anger and sadness within Mimi, which fuels Togemon with the power to digivolve to her Ultimate form, Lillymon. The fight that ensues is a dazzling display of her agility and flora-based attacks, as she easily dodges Andromon’s attacks and defeats him with one hit of her Flower Cannon. In the end, Lillymon’s attacks cover the scrapyard and all of its corrupted Digimon in a thick layer of grass and flowers, purifying the dark miasma’s influence.


“The Advent of the Wicked God, Millenniummon”

Season 1, Episode 49

The DigiDestined regroup after the previous episode’s vicious battle between Machinedramon and WarGreymon. Mimi tries to comfort Kari, distraught over the uncertainty of her brother Tai’s fate, but the little sister succumbs to despair. Since she possesses the Crest of Light, Kari’s grief weakens the DigiDestined’s collective power, allowing the forces of darkness to dominate them.

Meanwhile, Matt, Sora, and Izzy fend off an army of Vademon and try to prevent the resurrection of Millenniummon. Their efforts are not enough, and the dark miasma released from Machinedramon’s earlier attack allows Kimeramon to merge with Sakkakumon, creating a host body for their dark master. As all seems lost, WarGreymon and Tai are revealed to be alive and rejoin the fight alongside the overjoyed DigiDestined.


“Conclusion: The Ultimate Holy War”

Season 1, Episode 50

Tai and WarGreymon confront Millenniummon, who has trapped the other DigiDestined in a dark energy sphere and threatens to crush it between his teeth. Matt and the other kids try to blast their way free from inside the orb with their Digimon’s attacks, while Tai and WarGreymon endure Millenniummon’s brutal attacks on the outside. T.K. and Kari’s digivices begin to glow yellow and pink, signifying the powers of light and hope activating, giving the DigiDestined the energy needed to break free.

Angewomon and MagaAngemon digivolve into Magnadramon and Godldramon respectively, two of the four Holy Dragons that rule over the Digital World. They use their immense power to seemingly defeat Millenniummon, but it digivolves into one of the strongest Digimon ever, ZeedMillenniummon, and begins to destroy the Digital World. With the combined hope of all the DigiDestined and each Digimon they helped on their journey, ZeedMillenniummon is finally defeated.


“The Mega Digimon, WarGreymon”

Season 1, Episode 30

Adventure: often juggles multiple crises in the real world and Digital world, which can get confusing. While WarGreymon battles Parrotmon, AxeKnightmon kidnaps Tai’s younger sister, Kari, to use her as a vessel for Millenniummon’s resurrection. In the real world, Izzy uncovers another disaster caused by chaos in the Digital World. This time, multiple satellites are on course to collide with the International Space Station, risking the crew’s safety and igniting political tension globally.

In the Digital world, Parrotmon, on the verge of defeat, suddenly digivolves into Crossmon, a Mega form with gold-plated armor and a devastating energy attack. Tai and MetalGreymon act as a decoy while Sora rides Birdramon to safety, but Crossmon follows Sora, forcing Tai and his partner to unlock Mega Digivolution and unleash WarGreymon. Parrotmon, along with a horde of evil Digimon, are disintegrated by one strike from WarGreymon’s Terra Force attack.


“The Final Stage, DanDevimon”

Season 1, Episode 24

AxeKnightmon resurrects the berserk DanDevimon, who lashes out at the DigiDestined and creates global catastrophe in the real world. The Fallen-Angel Digimon unleashes an onslaught of attacks, nearly killing Matt, T.K., and Tai. When the latter is swallowed by DanDevimon, a rage-stricken MetalGreymon dark digivolves into Machinedramon and savagely attacks his enemy. Digimon Adventure: subverts the usual dark digivolution storyline by making the Digimon’s grief the trigger for their corruption rather than their partner’s anger-clouded judgment.

T.K. and Angemon use their holy powers to purify Machinedramon and reveal that Tai is still alive. This revelation frees Agumon from the dark digivolution, and he temporarily transforms into his Mega form, WarGreymon, to defeat DanDevimon and rescue Tai. Just when they have a moment to catch their breath, the ground begins to quake beneath T.K. and Tai, setting up their next crisis.


“The Holy Sword of Hope”

Season 1, Episode 46

Tai and his friends continue their mission to prevent the resurrection of Millenniummon when a gigantic eyeball Digimon in the sky abducts Tai, Matt, Izzy, T.K., and their Digimon partners. Inside Sakkakumon, the boys fight copies of previously defeated enemies, including Devimon. The Dark Angel confronts Angemon, and reveals that they share a soul and their destinies are intertwined.

After nearly being corrupted by Devimon, Angemon absorbs his foe and digivolves into MagnaAngemon. His Excalibur Blade attack eviscerates Sakkakumon, freeing the boys and allowing them to reunite with the other Chosen Children. Episode 46, “The Holy Sword of Hope”, is a pivotal episode, connecting the dots between complex plot points, and finally allowing the DigiDestined to gain the upper hand.