Warning: contains spoilers for “The Last Nova,” appearing in Annihilation 2099 #1!

There is a new symbiote villain in the Marvel Universe, Murk, and he just stole Venom’s thunder as the scariest symbiote. In the story “The Last Nova,” appearing in Annihilation 2099 #1, the last survivor of the Nova Corps takes on a gang of symbiote-enhanced outlaws. Their leader, Murk, ranks as one of the most brutal symbiotes, one who defiles his victim’s bodies in Knull’s name.

“The Last Nova,” the first story appearing in Annihilation 2099 #1, is written by Steve Orlando and drawn by Ibraim Roberson. The last member of the Nova Corps runs afoul of a gang calling themselves “the Knull Set.” While on a mission, they discover a nest of symbiotes, who bond with them. Now super-charged with symbiote power, the Knull Set is terrorizing the galaxy.

Each member of the Knull Set is terrifying, but Murk may be the worst of the lot. Murk rips his victims’ eyes out, as a tribute to Knull.

Venom Started Out Scary, But Softened Over Time

Venom No Longer Uses Lethal Force–Unlike Murk

Venom from Marvel's Spider-Man 2 with Knull, the King in Black, behind him.

Venom’s progression from deadly Spider-Man villain to one of Marvel’s premiere anti-heroes is one of the most compelling stories in comics. After Spider-Man rejected his symbiote black costume, it bonded with Eddie Brock. The symbiote, hurt after Spider-Man turned it away, saw a kindred spirit in Brock, whose career had been ruined by the Wall Crawler. Venom debuted in Amazing Spider-Man #298, and has been an integral part of the lore since. Venom’s own lore has changed over the years as well, particularly with the introduction of Knull, the dark god of the symbiotes.

There is no denying Venom is one of Marvel’s scariest characters, in terms of both appearance and attitude. Venom’s outfit is a distorted version of Spider-Man’s. The character’s long, sharp teeth and drooling tongue give him even more of a grotesque look. In the past, Venom would not hesitate to use lethal force on his opponents, even going so far as to “eat their brains.” However, this was early in Venom’s career and subsequent developments in the life of Eddie Brock have caused him to abandon eating his victim’s brains.

Murk Really is the Scariest Symbiote in the Marvel Universe

Murk is a Zealot In Knull’s Name

Knull sits on his throne in Marvel comics

Yet Murk somehow makes Venom look tame in comparison. Murk rips the eyes out of his victims, claiming it is what Knull wants. The significance of the eyes is never explained, but it is still a horrifying fate. What gives Murk the evil edge over Venom is not ripping out eyeballs. Instead, Murk is a zealot who will kill indiscriminately in Knull’s name. Murk, unlike Venom, has given himself completely over to Knull. Venom actively fights against the dark and violent nature of the symbiotes, but Murk does not, and represents their worst parts.

Annihilation 2099 #1 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!

“The Last Nova,” appearing in Annihilation 2099 #1

Annihilation 2099 #1 cover, featuring Nova standing over a defeated alien enemy.

  • Writer: Steve Orlando
  • Artist: Ibraim Roberson
  • Colorist: Neeraj Menon
  • Letterer: Cory Petit
  • Cover Artist: Nick Bradshaw & Rachelle Rosenberg