What happened to Bowser in the first movie’s ending could open the door for eight more villains to join the fold in The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2. Although there’s no word on what the story will entail, a sequel to The Super Mario Bros. Movie is already confirmed to be in development. For one reason or another, Mario and Luigi are guaranteed another big-screen adventure. As for who they’ll be fighting, that remains to be seen.

The Super Mario Bros. Movie’s ending leaves Bowser’s potential place in the sequel in question. Having been shrunk and captured, Bowser doesn’t currently pose a threat to the Mushroom Kingdom or Mario. But considering that Mario’s archenemy has hardly been erased from the board altogether, his status could certainly change before all is said and done. If that were to happen, Bowser could fulfill the role of the main antagonist once more. Not only is that scenario plausible, but there’s also a real possibility his return will be accompanied by eight more Nintendo villains.


Donkey Kong’s Family Tree In The Super Mario Bros. Movie Explained

The connections within the Kong family have always been confusing, and this is especially true for the characters in The Super Mario Bros Movie.

Bowser Jr. and The Koopalings Could Be The Key To Bowser’s Return

The Koopa Kids Could Rush To Bowser’s Rescue

Mario All Koopalings Explained

Eight characters could collectively serve as the key to Bowser’s return in The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2. Across several games, Mario and Luigi have had to fight their way through legions of Super Mario monsters to save Peach from Bowser, with his top minions being Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings. Usually acting as the second-strongest boss next to Bowser, Bowser Jr. is a longtime nemesis of Mario’s and one of the Koopa King’s most loyal subordinates. If Bowser Jr. exists in the world of the animated movie, there’s little doubt that he’ll want to see his father freed from captivity.

A plan to secure Bowser’s escape probably wouldn’t be a solo effort. Traditionally, Bowser Jr. surrounds himself with seven other monsters of the same stature and species. Known as the Koopalings, the group consists of seven recurring Mario antagonists: Iggy, Larry, Ludwig, Roy, Wendy, Lemmy, and Morton. Debuting in 1988’s The Super Mario Bros. 3, the Koopalings a.k.a. The Koopa Kids have been at odds with Mario for decades now and would therefore be top candidates for minor antagonist roles in The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2.

Since Bowser Jr. is rarely without them, it would make sense for The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 to use them to support his plans. With them at this side, Bowser. Jr. would have an opportunity to free Bowser, and in turn, pave the way for his father to renew his war with the Mushroom Kingdom. And in classic Mario fashion, he and Luigi would have to plow through Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings to stop him.

Why Bowser’s Escape Feels Inevitable In Super Mario Bros. Movie 2

There’s No Way Bowser Stays A Prisoner Of The Mushroom Kingdom

Bowser’s prospects of coming back in The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 are built on his significance to the franchise and the overall lack of main villain options for the sequel. For a character who’s starred in dozens of games since the 1980s, Mario’s rogues’ gallery is surprisingly light. That’s because Bowser is the go-to villain for the vast majority of Mario’s games. His history and frequency of appearances leave The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 with few compelling alternatives to the Koopa King. With that in mind, the chances of Bowser finding a way out of his current predicament are incredibly high.

An additional character would likely be needed to facilitate Bowser’s escape. The Super Mario Bros. Movie’s characters purposely rendered him harmless, thus putting him in a situation where a retaliation against the Mushroom Kingdom would most likely depend on someone else’s help. That further builds the case for Bowser’s son and his companions to come into play with a daring rescue mission into Peach’s Castle.

How The Super Mario Bros. Movie Already Teased The Koopalings

One Of The Koopalings Is Already Confirmed

Bowser playing a piano with the name Ludwig von Koopa engraved on it

Though Bowser Jr. and his allies were nowhere in sight in the film, there’s already proof that at least one of them has a presence in its world. During Bowser’s song in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, the name “Ludwig von Koopa” could be spotted on the piano. It’s known from the games that Ludwig (evidently named after Ludwig von Beethoven) composed music when not battling Mario and Luigi. By using his musical connections for a fitting Easter egg to the Koopalings, The Super Mario Bros. Movie confirmed the existence of at least one of Bowser Jr.’s friends. From the looks of things, the piano was a gift to Bowser from Ludwig.

Ludwig and the rest of the Koopa Kids may not have been on hand for the fight with Mario and the others, but it can be presumed from the Easter egg that they are indeed out there somewhere. As proven by the movie, the universe they inhabit is a massive one filled with Super Mario worlds to explore. The Koopa Kids easily could have been off somewhere else, perhaps scouting places for Bowser to conquer or causing trouble independently.

Would Bowser Jr. & The Koopalings Overcrowd The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 With Villains?

The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 Can Balance Its Villain Roster, Even If There’s Eight More

Iggy on Inkstriker Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

One argument against Bowser Jr. and the Koopa Kids appearing in The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 as Bowser’s underlings is the concern that the film would become overcrowded. With so many antagonists facing the heroes, the movie would be at risk at underutilizing some of its other characters, especially if Kamek returns too. However, how Roy, Morton, Ludwig, and the others have been used in the past signals that this isn’t an insurmountable obstacle. After all, there’s little precedent for any of them to receive significant screen-time.

Princess Peach in The Super Mario Bros. Movie


10 Heroic Princess Peach Moments In The Super Mario Bros. Movie That Fix A Big Game Problem

The Super Mario Bros. Movie changes the Peach from the Nintendo games by giving her ten hugely heroic moments that change the way she is perceived.

Apart from Bowser Jr., none of the Koopa Kids would be expected to be an important player in the narrative. Each of the Koopalings has a few distinguishing quirks, which is where the movie’s focus should be in establishing their characters. The games rarely go deeper than that with the seven minions, which creates a working formula for the sequel to work with. By using them as a team and just going far enough to showcase their individual personalities, The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 can succeed in making them worthwhile additions without demanding too much of the spotlight be taken away from Yoshi or any other new characters it might add to the mix.

Super Mario Bros Movie 2 Temp Logo Poster

The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2



Universal Pictures
, Illumination
, Nintendo


Universal Pictures


Super Mario Bros.


The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Main Genre
