Warning! Preview pages ahead for Death in the Family: Robin Lives! #1!In a world where Jason Todd survived his most harrowing moment, it’s the Joker who ultimately would have perished. “Death of the Family” stunned the world by having the Clown Prince of Crime kill off the Boy Wonder. But a glimpse into an alternate timeline reveals that Robin surviving would have meant curtains for the Joker.

In a preview for Death in the Family: Robin Lives! #1 by J.M. DeMatteis and Rick Leonardi, the Joker has been shot right in the forehead. His body collapses on the ground as what appears to be Batman walks away from the deceased Harlequin of Hate.

News about the Joker’s death breaks and reporters speculate that Batman may have been involved. While Batman reflects on the death in the Batcave, Jason Todd is in his Robin costume atop a building, crying in the rain. The story then flashes back to when Jason first woke up after the Joker’s attack.

Joker is Shot and Killed in a World Where Jason Todd Lived

There’s not a DC Comics fan who isn’t aware of the infamous poll that led to the second Robin being murdered in the classic “Death in the Family” storyline. Fans voted to have Jason Todd die at the Joker’s hand but by a very slim margin. After over three decades, DC Comics released the comic that would have been published had fans voted to save Jason. Batman #428: Robin Lives #1, a ‘fauxsimile’ edition of the original comic had Robin survive the explosion he was trapped in, though he fell into a coma from the trauma he endured.

Batman #428: Robin Lives! was just a small glimpse at the way “Death in the Family” could have gone had Jason survived his encounter. Even though fans knew Jason lived, they had no clue what would have happened next. The real question is, who killed the Joker in this timeline? It’s hard to imagine that Batman crossed the line to kill Joker when Bruce didn’t kill his adversary in the Prime continuity. Jason, on the other hand, has every reason to want to kill the Joker for what the villain put the poor Robin through.

Did Jason Todd Get the Revenge He’s Always Wanted?

Jason Todd and Batman Death in the Family DC

When Jason Todd came back to life in the “Under the Red Hood” storyline, one of the first things he did was try and get revenge on his killer. It makes sense that an alive Jason would want to do the same. He’s just been through tortures most can’t even imagine. But is Jason actually going to do the one thing he’s never been able to do as a fully-grown adult? However things shake out, one thing is for certain: In a world where Jason lives, the Joker doesn’t last that much longer.

Death in the Family: Robin Lives! #1 is available now from DC Comics.

Death in the Family: Robin Lives! #1 (2024)

Robin Lives 1 Cover Joker Holding Batman with Robin in Background DC

  • Writer: J.M. DeMatteis
  • Artist: Rick Leonardi
  • Colorist: Rico Renzi
  • Letterer: Taylor Esposito
  • Cover Artists: Rick Leonardi and Dave Stewart