Mecha anime has always delivered amazing, eye-catching fights, and fans often wonder how two giant robots from different franchises would fare against each other, especially if taken from series from different eras. One of the most recent examples of impressive mecha designs is Ultimate Mechamaru Mode: Absolute in Jujutsu Kaisen, a creation of Jujutsu sorcerer Kokichi Muta. But how would Kokichi’s mecha hold up to perhaps the most famous mecha in anime, the Eva Units from Neon Genesis Evangelion?

Evangelion is perhaps the most iconic mecha series, only behind the Gundam franchise, and it definitely served as an inspiration for Gege Akutami to create Ultimate Mechamaru, especially the scene where it roars into the sky. If the EVA 02 and Ultimate Mechamaru: Mode Absolute, with their respective pilots, were to engage in a fight, who would win?


10 Most Epic Jujutsu Kaisen Moments That Were Completely Badass

Jujutsu Kaisen has a ton of badass moments, but some are so epic that they will remain impressed in fans’ memories.

Ultimate Mechamaru Has an Offensive Advantage Over the EVA 02

Kokichi’s Cursed Energy Allows Him to Fire Off Destructive Energy Beams

Mechamaru uses his giant mech in Jujutsu Kaisen

Both robots are impressive feats of engineering. It’s unclear where or how Kokichi managed to build Ultimate Mechamaru, but it seems to be on par with the Evas mechanics. Both mechas move fluidly, as if they weren’t made from heavy metal, which has shown that they’re perfectly capable of close-combat, something that EVA 02 has demonstrated all throughout Neon Genesis Evangelion. Asuka’s unit is even equipped with the PK-02 Knife, capable of generating a new blade if it is ever broken in combat.

As for Ultimate Mechamaru, besides physical attacks, its main offensive power comes from Kokichi’s stored Cursed Energy. Kokichi can select a certain amount of Cursed Energy to be charged and turned into a devastating beam that would have no problem piercing through an EVA’s fuselage. This is a form of long-ranged attack that the Evangelion Units are unable to perform on their own. Ultimate Mechamaru’s attacks are also fast, seeing how they could hit the very elusive Mahito at the beginning of the Shibuya Incident arc.

Ultimate Mechamaru: Mode Absolute vs. Evangelion Unit 02: Limitations

Both Mechas Need a Power Source to Function

The first and most obvious factor to note is that both mechas need to be connected to a power source to function indefinitely. If unplugged, the EVA 02 has a limited active time of 5 minutes, when operating in a regular mode. As for Ultimate Mechamaru, the amount of time it can operate after having its cables cut off is unclear. It would probably be until Kokichi’s Cursed Energy runs out, but the rate at which it is consumed is unknown.

A greater advantage the EVA 02 has over Ultimate Mechamaru is the existence of the AT Field. Its ability to block almost any attack is the perfect countermeasure to Ultimate Mechamaru’s ranged attacks, and while it is true that Kokichi can conjure a Simple Domain though his mecha, that specific technique is maybe too intrinsic to the Jujutsu Kaisen universe to have an effect on an Evangelion unit. Where the EVA 02 lacks in offensive power, it makes up for it in its defense.

In the End, It All Comes to the Agility and Skill of the Pilots Inside the Mechas

asuka langley vs kokichi muta evangelion jujutsu kaisen

With both robots apparently standing on equal ground up until this point, the last element to take into account in deciding who would win a fight between Ultimate Mecharu and EVA 02 is to compare the pilots controlling them. Both Asuka and Kokichi are incredibly smart in battle, but Asuka, even though she’s younger, has more experience in battle. Kokichi, however, does have the knowledge of having “seen” his fellow sorcerer’s battles through the eyes of Mechamaru.

Their respective circumstances have definitely shaped each pilot’s brain in a separate way. Where Kokichi is calculating and planning, Asuka is instead hasty and audacious, as she is well-known for already. Despite only seeing Kokichi in mecha-piloting action one time (and it didn’t end well), there were enough of his skills exposed to deem him a legitimate adversary to Asuka. In the end, they’re both intrepid quick-thinkers able to react accordingly, and take all circumstances into consideration.

As a final verdict, it could be safe to say that the EVA 02 would emerge victorious in a battle against Ultimate Mechamaru: Mode Absolute, though not by much. It would be a close call, but in the end, the existence of the AT field makes an important difference that can’t be overlooked. Nevertheless, the battle between these mechas from Jujutsu Kaisen and Neon Genesis Evangelion would be an epic one to watch.

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion Franchise Poster

    Neon Genesis Evangelion

  • Jujutsu Kaisen Anime Poster

    Jujutsu Kaisen

    Jujutsu Kaisen is a supernatural action anime that follows high school student Yuuji Itadori as he battles against magical curses. After Yuji selflessly saves a classmate by taking a curse into his own body, he is discovered and trained by a powerful sorcerer named Satoru Gojo. Gojo, who also happens to be a faculty member at a high school, enrolls Yuji there to help him and other students prepare themselves against the supernatural forces that plague humanity.