Warning: contains spoilers for Absolute Power #1!

The magical corner of the DC Universe is full of god-level heroes, such as the Spectre, but even they are powerless before Amanda Waller’s anti-magic contingency. In Absolute Power, DC’s big 2024 event, Waller has set her sights on Earth’s metahumans, and in issue one, she unveils her endgame: stealing the heroes’ powers. Always one step ahead, Waller has prepared for individuals such as the Spectre or John Constantine.

Absolute Power #1 is written by Mark Waid and drawn by Dan Mora. After nearly a year of preparation, Waller makes the move she has waited her whole life for. As heroes the world over are framed for crimes they did not commit using AI-generated deep fakes, Waller deploys Amazos who begin stealing their powers.

John Constantine tries to summon the Spectre to stop Waller, but she reveals she is ready for them both.

John Constantine forgets how to do magic.

She scrambles John’s brains, causing him to forget how to cast spells and perform magic in general.

The DC Universe’s Greatest Strength is Its Diversity in Genres, and Its Supernatural Side Is Its Best

DC’s Supernatural Side is Also Home to Some of Its Most Powerful Characters

The DC Universe is diverse, featuring characters operating in a number of genres, such as Westerns, science fiction, and the supernatural. The magical/supernatural side of DC is one of its richest and most dangerous. Immensely powerful characters, such as the aforementioned Spectre or the Phantom Stranger, call it home. Other sorcerers and magic users, such as Zatanna, John Constantine and Blue Devil, also populate this corner. They are each powerful in their own way, but are powerless before Amanda Waller’s machinations.

By taking out some of DC’s most powerful heroes early in the game, Amanda Waller is putting her decades of experience working with metahumans to use. In her years of working with the DEO and other government agencies, Waller has learned heroes like the Spectre can derail even the best laid plans. The Spectre helped turn the tide of battle in various crossovers, such as Zero Hour. During The Blackest Night, Nekron made sure to take the Spectre out of commission early on, and Waller has seemingly learned this lesson as well. Taking out the Spectre is a smart strategy.

Waller Suicide Squad Limbo Legion


Suicide Squad Reveals Amanda Waller’s Secret Supernatural Team

DC’s Suicide Squad has a new iteration with Amanda Waller assembling a supernatural version of the team featuring a demon, a ghost, and…a bird?

Without Its Magical Side, the DC Universe May Fall to Amanda Waller

DC’s Magic Heroes Are Fighting an Uphill Battle

John Constantine smoking with the Justice League Dark in DC Comics

And Amanda Waller’s method of taking out magical beings such as the Spectre is genius. Using magic requires serious thought and concentration, or else matters can quickly go wrong. Magic users must also recite their spells out loud for them to work, such as Zatanna’s backward-speaking spells. Amanda Waller, understanding this, has created technology that robs sorcerers of their cognitive functions, extending to both thought and speech. The ability to take out DC’s magical characters is an impressive one, and shows just how serious Amanda Waller is about her mission.

Absolute Power #1 is on sale now from DC Comics!

Absolute Power #1 (2024)

absolute power 1 cover showing the justice league vs amanda waller

  • Writer: Mark Waid
  • Artist: Dan Mora
  • Colorist: Alejandro Sanchez
  • Letterer: Ariana Maher
  • Cover Artist: Dan Mora