Though he pioneered the role of Batman’s sidekick, there’s no denying Nightwing has definitely moved out of that role. While he was once the Boy Wonder, he is absolutely on equal footing with Batman now; as one brilliant bit of cosplay shows, Nightwing has truly become his own hero and is every bit as capable of defending Gotham as Batman.

Cosplayers austincrichter and alteregoprodigy show off their skills with a stunning photo of Batman and Nightwing looking over Gotham City together. It’s not a view that’s seen often in comics, as NIghtwing is usually in Bludhaven, but it definitely shows that Nightwing is a lot more than just a sidekick now.

With the two of them standing side by side, it’s hard to deny that Batman and Nightwing are truly equal heroes now. Both have their own cities to protect and both have the skill sets to do it.



10 Years Later, Nightwing’s Gold Batsuit Is Still the Dark Knight’s Coolest Alt-Costume

Nightwing has donned Batman’s cape and cowl several times. However, his Earth-2 Batsuit is by far the coolest iteration of the Dark Knight’s costume.

Expert Cosplay Makes Nightwing Batman’s True Partner In Crimefighting

Cosplay Builds By @austincrichter & @alteregoprodigy

Nightwing (left) and Batman (right) against a Gotham City backdrop.

Bruce Wayne taught Dick Grayson everything he knows about fighting crime, and without Bruce, it’s unlikely Dick would’ve gotten where he is today. That said, as with any good mentor relationship, the student eventually surpasses the master, or at least becomes equal to them. Dick Grayson has become his own man as Nightwing, something this cosplay perfectly captures, as Batman isn’t shown looking down on or giving orders to Nightwing. Instead, the two stand side by side, proudly looking over Gotham City in a moment of tranquil reflection between alleyway brawls.

While Batman has yet to prove himself as Nightwing, DC fans known that Nightwing spent quite a bit of time as Batman. When Batman vanished after the events of Final Crisis, it was Nightwing who took up the mantle and protected Gotham City as Batman, and by all accounts, he did a pretty great job at it. The city wasn’t destroyed and wasn’t even threatened by most supervillains, as major threats like the Joker disappeared during Dick’s time as Batman. This shows that Dick is absolutely Batman’s equal.

Nightwing Has Proven Himself Batman’s Equal

No Longer A Sidekick

Few sidekicks get to move out of their mentors’ shadows, let alone become equals to their mentors, but Nightwing managed unlike any other. Not only has Nightwing managed to improve Bludhaven far more and faster than Batman has with Gotham, but Nightwing also has more money than Batman as well now. If that wasn’t enough to prove it, Nightwing has also taken on the mantle of Batman, twice, and done a great job both times. Nightwing is Batman’s equal, something this cosplay emphasizes in vivid detail.

Source: austincrichter