Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Thanos Annual #1 – Infinity Watch! Thanos is one of the most powerful and feared villains in the Marvel Universe, as he lives up to his primary nickname ‘the Mad Titan’ in practically every passing storyline. However, as dangerous and menacing Thanos continuously proves to be, he’s also very prominently the subject of ridicule, and he has a number of insulting nicknames to match. And now, just as ‘the Mad Titan’ captures his threat-level, an all-new nickname serves to belittle everything that makes Thanos terrifying – and he absolutely hates it.

In Thanos Annual #1 – Infinity Watch by Derek Landy and Salvador Larroca, Thanos is hunting down the new Infinity Watch, as all six members have merged with their respective Infinity Stones, and Thanos wants to learn how to do so with his newly created Death Stone. However, the three members of the Infinity Watch he encounters – Quantum (Space Stone), Star (Reality Stone), and Overtime (Time Stone) – are less than willing to help Thanos. In fact, they openly defy and undermine his power, especially Star.

When Thanos first meets Star and Quantum in a coffee shop on Earth, he tells them that he can help them unlock the full potential of the Stones in their possession. However, Star essentially tells the Mad Titan to get lost, as she’s aware of his reputation, and wants none of the ‘help’ he is offering. To that end, Star begins to ridicule Thanos, which culminates in her coining an all-new insulting nickname for him: ‘the Purple People-Eater’.


Thanos Leads the Avengers, Transforming the Infinity Stones’ Lore Forever

The new Death Stone changes everything, as Thanos leads the Avengers against a huge new threat, with major consequences for the Infinity Stones.

Thanos’ Reaction to His New Nickname, the Purple People-Eater, is Priceless

Thanos getting angry at someone calling him an insulting nickname, saying,

Star calls Thanos ‘the Purple People-Eater’ to his face after seeing through his thinly-veiled ‘helpful’ facade, and Thanos is not entertained. With a straight face, and an undertone of murderous rage, Thanos’ response to hearing Star’s nickname for him is, “Nobody calls me that”. What’s funny about this is that it seems like Thanos has heard that one before, as if from a childhood bully, and he’s worked to separate himself from that hurtful nickname ever since, but to no avail.

Thanos isn’t even close to as angry when Star later calls him ‘Barney’, or when she insults the appearance of his chin. But for some reason, ‘Purple People-Eater’ really struck a chord. Thanos doesn’t say, ‘nobody insults me like that’. He says, “Nobody calls me that”, indicating that it’s the nickname itself, not the insult, that angered him. If it was another nickname, he might not have cared, but for some reason, ‘Purple People-Eater’ specifically really got to him, which is absolutely hilarious and utterly priceless.

Giving Thanos Insulting Nicknames Based on His Appearance is Becoming a Marvel Tradition

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

MCU's Thanos and McDonald's Grimace side-by-side split image.

‘Purple People-Eater’ isn’t the only time Thanos has been given an insulting nickname stemming from his appearance (not even in this comic), and that’s counting all his Marvel appearances – including and especially the MCU. In the same vein as ‘Purple People-Eater’, Starlord calls Thanos ‘Grimace’ when he sees him, in an effort to get under the Mad Titan’s purple skin. Honestly, it seems like giving Thanos nicknames like these is becoming something of a Marvel tradition, with ‘Purple People-Eater’ (and ‘Barney’) being just the latest of many.

While ‘Purple People-Eater’ may not be the only insulting nickname given to Thanos by his enemies, it does seem to stand out from the rest in regard to its effectiveness. Thanos never seemed to care about any of his other nicknames, but for some reason, ‘Purple People-Eater’ is one that he truly cannot stand – which is exactly why it’s perfect.

Thanos Annual #1 – Infinity Watch by Marvel Comics is available now.