Warning! Spoilers ahead for Batman and Robin #10!A new mission is finally going to give Robin the chance at revenge he’s been hoping for. As the Dynamic Duo’s latest adventure comes to a close, Damian Wayne receives crucial information about one of Batman’s most devious villains.

The Boy Wonder has gone up against the panoply of the Dark Knight’s greatest villains, but only one foe haunts him more than any other. As Bruce Wayne and his son celebrate the defeat of Man-Bat, a blast from the past gives Damian some interesting information on Bane, potentially setting Robin up to finally get the revenge he’s longed for.

Robin Wants Revenge After Discovering Bane is Alive

In Batman and Robin #10 by Joshua Williamson, Simone Di Meo, Nikola Čižmešija, Rex Lokus, Giovanna Niro, and Steve Wands, the Caped Crusader has been taken hostage by Man-Bat’s twisted new persona, the Bat. Robin rescues Batman and the two formulate a plan to stop Kirk Langstrom while not injuring the bats he’s roped into his scheme. Meanwhile, in a nearby hospital, Robin’s girlfriend Flatline takes Shush in for treatment and the villain hands the young antihero something to help Batman and Robin stop Man-Bat.

Batman fights the Bat, who’s intent on using his genetically altered bats to transform Gotham into a city of animal hybrids. As Robin chases down his father, Flatline finds Damian and hands him a gas gun filled with the same gas pellets Shush shot Batman with. Batman uses the weapon to cause the nearby bats to attack Man-Bat, which has the opposite effect on Langstrom and turns him back into a human. Robin takes care of the remaining bats by using Mister Freeze tech to freeze them so they can be cured.

The day is saved and after things calm down, Bruce and Damian have some father/son bonding time by sharing a meal. However, their meal is interrupted by the return of Damian’s old pet Goliath who has come with a message from Robin’s old ally Nobody, aka Maya Ducard. Maya’s message informs Robin that she’s been investigating Bane’s supposed death in Arkham Asylum on A-Day. Ducard reveals that Bane is still alive and Robin implores Batman that they head out to find him immediately.

How Bane Broke Robin’s Spirit

Bane has challenged Batman before, but in the epic “City of Bane” storyline, he took things further than ever when he took control of Gotham. To ensure that Batman would comply and stay out of the city, Bane held Alfred Pennyworth hostage and threatened to kill him if he or anyone in the Bat-Family came to Gotham. Bruce stayed at a distance to keep Alfred safe, but Robin refused to leave one of the Bat-Family’s own behind and ventured out to rescue Pennyworth.

Unfortunately, Robin’s attempt was not successful. Bane made good on his threat and executed Alfred right in front of the Boy Wonder by snapping Pennyworth’s neck. The murder rocked the Bat-Family and no one took it harder than Damian, who blamed himself for getting Alfred killed. The death came at a stressful point in Damian’s life and it wasn’t long before he left the Robin role behind to find himself. Damian left his family in Gotham and traveled the world, eventually winding up on Lazarus Island to compete in the Lazarus Tournament.

The death really rattled the young man and he even began seeing a vision of Alfred’s ghost in the months after his death. Not to mention, the death drove a small wedge between Damian and Bruce. Though the latter never blamed his son for what happened, it was a hard thing for both of them to accept. However, after months away and a couple of life-threatening battles, Damian returned to Gotham and moved back in with Bruce to serve as the Robin to his Batman once more.

Robin is Finally Going to Get Even For What Bane did to Alfred

Batman and Robin #12 featuring Damian Wayne

Despite his attack on the Bat-Family, Robin never got the chance to avenge Alfred. Many in the Bat-Family assumed Bane was dead after the Joker’s chemical attack on Arkham Asylum, so no one, especially Damian has attempted to follow up on Bane. But now, the Boy Wonder knows exactly where Bane is and is ready to head out to Dinosaur Island to finally make Bane pay for what Bane did to their family. But how far is Robin going to go in his pursuit of vengeance and is Batman going to stand by and watch it happen?

Everyone in the Bat-Family loved Alfred and the tragedy of his death shook the team considerably. But everyone processed and moved on, except for Damian who largely hid his grief from the others. While Robin has come a long way since he was trained by the League of Assassins, he’s still prone to impulsive and violent behaviors. This is the first chance that Damian has had to make Bane pay for Alfred’s death and the Boy Wonder’s not going to pass up a confrontation with Bane. But is Robin going to seek out justice or vengeance?

Of course, Damian’s not going to be doing this alone. Robin was insistent that they travel to apprehend Bane together. Robin knows how committed Batman is to his ‘no-kill’ code and that Bruce can temper Damian’s rage when it gets out of control. While the Dark Knight was just as hurt by Alfred’s death as Robin, Bruce isn’t going to let his son do something he’ll regret. Batman is going to be there by Robin’s side to make sure they bring Bane to justice the way that Alfred would have wanted.

Batman and Robin are Finally Getting the Closure They Need

Batman and Robin with broken glass in DC Comics

Alfred’s death helped fracture Damian and Bruce’s relationship and push them apart. They’ve come a long way since then, but with Bane running free, Batman and Robin can’t move past this harrowing event for good. Traveling to Dinosaur Island and locking Bane up will finally allow both Damian and Bruce to heal from Alfred’s death. It might not bring their beloved Bat-Family member back, but it just might help Robin overcome one of the worst moments of his life.

Batman and Robin #10 is available now from DC Comics.

Batman and Robin #10 (2024)

Batman and Robin 10 Main Cover: Robin sitting on the Bat-Signal, which reflects Batman, and Man-Bat behind him.

  • Writer: Joshua Williamson
  • Artists: Simone Di Meo and Nikola Čižmešija
  • Colorists: Rex Lokus and Giovanna Niro
  • Letterer: Steve Wands
  • Cover Artist: Simone Di Meo