As Deadpool‘s daughter Eleanor Camacho trains to harness her new powers, she’s just unlocked the last ability she needs to take her father’s place. Introduced in 2013, Ellie is the daughter Deadpool never knew he had. A young mutant, Ellie’s powers just manifested, granting her a version of her father’s healing factor and a new ability that is unlocking her potential in ways no-one expected.

In a preview of Deadpool #4, Ellie uses her new ‘hyper-receptive’ power, training with Taskmaster. While she takes a beating against the combat expert – who uses his perfect recall of fight moves to pummel her with Captain America’s technique – the preview ends with her hyper-receptive powers finally grasping what Taskmaster is trying to teach, turning her into a master combatant.

Last issue, Ellie learned that she had a healing factor so powerful that, as a by-product, her mind immediately grasps and retains incredible amounts of information. In short, she can learn advanced skills in an incredibly short timeframe. While Ellie can heal, she wasn’t much of a threat to others because of her complete lack of combat experience. However, as watching Taskmaster triggers her powers, it seems that’s at an end, and Deadpool’s daughter is about to become a fighter equal to her unkillable father.

Deadpool #4 (2024)

  • Writer: Cody Ziglar
  • Artist: Rogê Antônio & Eric Gapstur
  • Colorist:Guru-eFX
  • Letterer: Joe Sabino
  • Cover Artists: Taurin Clarke

panels from Deadpool: The End


Deadpool’s Daughter Found the Perfect Weapon Against His Healing Factor

There was once a time when Deadpool was considered unkillable. That was, until his daughter, finally stood in between Wade and Death, literally.

Deadpool’s Daughter Is Destined to Become Deadpool 2099

Ellie Even Has a Better Healing Factor

Eleanor “Ellie” Camacho deadpool 2099

Ever since 2016, fans have known that Ellie is destined to replace her father as the next Deadpool, aka Deadpool 2099. In a series of stories set in the future, Ellie clashes with her half-sister Warda, the daughter of Wade and the monster queen Shiklah. Those comics revealed that Ellie’s healing can reset her entire body to her prime, essentially making her immortal without ever needing to (permanently) grow old – something that isn’t true of Wade, who will continue to age despite his healing. Deadpool’s attempts to protect and help raise Ellie have therefore always been read in this context, with fans having one eye on Ellie’s evolution from a mutant kid whose powers haven’t activated yet to the powerful future hero of 2099.

The activation of Ellie’s healing was the most crucial moment in that transformation, with the latest issue seemingly giving her the last skill she actually needs to become the new Deadpool. Now able to survive almost anything and kick butt with Taskmaster-quality moves, Ellie is ready for her promotion, despite her young age.

Warning, minor spoilers for Deadpool #6 (coming September 18) in the next section.

Is Ellie Marvel’s Next Deadpool?

Marvel Has Been Hinting It Will Kill Wade Wilson

deadpool's daughter holds his severed head

In recent months, Marvel has been hinting that Deadpool may be heading for a significant death. The summary for the upcoming Deadpool #6 reads:

This is the first issue of a new arc and killing Deadpool NOW would be an INSANE thing to do. Which is exactly why we’re doing it.

While it’s possible Wade will be fine (he’s bounced back from death before, after all), it also makes sense that he may genuinely be sidelined for a number of months. If so, it makes sense that Ellie might take up the ‘Deadpool’ codename, especially because she recently met Princess (Deadpool’s pet symbiote.) Ellie becoming a teen Deadpool and physically bonding with Princess would set her up as an interesting new take on the character, complete with a red and black symbiote costume, a powerful healing factor, and world-class combat skills.

deadpool loves his daughter princess

Whether Ellie is about to become the new Deadpool or not, she just crossed over from helpless side character to teen superhuman, adding amazing fighting skills to her incredible healing. Up until now, Deadpool‘s stories mostly engaged with Ellie’s future potential, but as of this moment, she has a license to kick ass and the power set to back it up.

Deadpool #4 is coming July 3 from Marvel Comics.