Warning! Spoilers ahead for Daredevil #10!Even Daredevil realizes he’s in over his head compared to the power Kingpin now possesses. The Man Without Fear’s greatest enemy has returned to Hell’s Kitchen, and he’s not alone. Wilson Fisk is back and stronger than ever thanks to a little demonic help that even Matt Murdock can’t overcome.

In Daredevil #10 by Saladin Ahmed and Paul Davidson, Matt and Elektra track Fisk down to a grimy hideout. The two are attacked by a Kingpin’s underlings, but Elektra has things handled and tells Matt to proceed. Daredevil makes his way to Kingpin’s office to find out what he has planned.

Kingpin and Daredevil fight, but Matt isn’t able to land so much as a punch. Wilson Fisk is under the influence of the sin of Greed, and it’s made Kingpin stronger than before. Daredevil privately admits to himself that he’s in danger as Kingpin throws Matt out a window.

Daredevil is Struggling Against Kingpin’s Demonic Upgrade

Kingpin with Greed Powers Fighting Daredevil Marvel

After a battle against the Hand that literally took Daredevil to Hell, Matt Murdock returned for a second chance at life as a priest known as ‘Father Matt’. However, the hero was missing pieces of his soul, pieces that had been infected by the seven deadly sins. Worse, these demons have possessed some of Daredevil’s allies like Elektra, Wolverine and She-Hulk. One by one, Matt has exorcised these heroes. Unfortunately, Wilson Fisk found himself possessed by Greed, and it’s driven him to return to his roots as the Kingpin of Crime and take Hell’s Kitchen for himself.

Daredevil and Kingpin have clashed numerous times. While Fisk can be a pretty intimidating opponent, he doesn’t have half the training or combat experience that Matt does, which usually gives Daredevil the advantage. Unfortunately, being under possession of Greed has amplified Fisk’s strength and speed. The usually nimble hero doesn’t land a blow on Fisk and the Kingpin dispatches Matt like he’s nothing. Daredevil’s had his troubles with his possessed allies, but none of them have been as dangerous or as effective as the Greed-influencedFisk. If Daredevil’s not careful, this incredibly upgraded Kingpin might wind up seizing Hell’s Kitchen.

Kingpin Has the Power of True Evil on His Side

Kingpin on True Greed Marvel

Fisk has always been backed by some kind of power. Whether it’s information or firepower, he’s always wound up ruling the criminal underground. Now he’s got the most gluttonous sin backing him and Kingpin’s never been stronger or more of a threat to Daredevil. Sure, Matt has excised some of these sins, but Sloth warned Matt that things would only get harder. Someone like Kingpin imbued with the power of an evil force like Greed is a combination that is terrifying and, as Daredevil has found out, possibly unbeatable.

Daredevil #10 is available now from Marvel Comics.

Daredevil 10 (2024)

Daredevil 10 Costume Ripped and Kneeling Marvel

  • Writer: Saladin Ahmed
  • Artists: Paul Davidson
  • Colorists: Jesus Aburtov
  • Letterer: Clayton Cowles
  • Cover Artist: John Romita Jr.