Bruce Timm reveals new details about Batman: Caped Crusader.

Speaking to Empire Magazine, Bruce Timm revealed that Batman: Caped Crusader is “like ‘Week Two’” in Batman’s career and that he wanted to make the Dark Knight “kind of weird, and spooky.” Check out the full quotes below:

“Batman is so early in his career that in the first episode, he’s still an urban myth. It’s not ‘Year One’ [a seminal Batman comic book story], It’s more like ‘Week Two’.

“I wanted to make him kind of weird, and spooky. If you’re stuck in a room with Batman, whether you’re Commissioner Gordon or Barbara Gordon or Renee Montoya, you don’t feel comfortable. You’re kind of like, ‘What is this guy? What’s this all about?’ He weaponises Alfred. He’s not Batman’s surrogate father anymore. He’s a guy that’s going to enable him to fight crime. That’s how focused [Bruce] is. It’s a weird take on him. But it’s something I don’t think we’ve seen before.”

Source: Empire Magazine