As the From the Ashes era of the X-Men begins in earnest, iconic mutant mentors and rivals Kate Pryde and Emma Frost will meet a whole new cohort of young mutants who need training in Exceptional X-Men #1. One of these new mutants, Bronze, has an epic update on the classic hero Colossus’ steel-skin abilities, with the power to turn her entire body into bronze, while also wielding a metallic whip generated from her flesh.

The upcoming series will take place in Chicago – the hometown of Kate Pryde and a city she has returned to many times over her heroic career – as the mutants of Earth are left reeling following the devastating fall of Krakoa.

Exceptional X-Men, from writer Eve L. Ewing and artist Carmen Carnero, follows Pryde as she attempts to live a “normal” life after her bloody journey as Shadowkat, but a new preview for Exceptional X-Men #1 shows how wherever Kate goes she will get wrapped up into mutant drama, forced to save Bronze in a dangerous encounter.

Bronze Is Joining A New X-Men Team Led By Kate Pryde

The bronze-skinned young mutant has a lot to learn

The preview pages for Exceptional X-Men #1 depict Kate working in a bar, Lulu’s Tavern, before seeing Bronze – wearing an adorable outfit – waiting in line attempting to get into some fandom event. Denied access to the venue, and then shoved, Bronze gets rightfully angry while turning into her Bronze form, at which point the bouncer pulls a gun on the young woman. Kate can be seen desperately running for Bronze, presumably to touch her so the bullet will phase through her body. After the fall of Krakoa mutants are more hated and feared than ever, so it is no surprise that the bouncer would so quickly draw a weapon on a visible mutant!

Some fans have expressed criticism of the changing artistic style of Bronze’s hair, including the fact that in some images she is depicted with her pink hair while in her Bronze form and some without. However, the amount of control that Bronze has over her abilities is yet unknown, so there is a chance she can choose whether her hair becomes metal, although that wouldn’t alter the style her hair is worn in. Little is known about Bronze’s other new mutant peers – Axo and Melee – besides that they are all “wayward young mutants,” who will receive tutelage from both Kate Pryde and Emma Frost… known for her passionate but controversial teaching style.

It Makes Perfect Sense Kate Would Mentor A Metal Mutant

Colossus and Pryde have a long history together as teammates and lovers

X-Men's Colossus and Kitty Pryde hugging in Marvel Comics

Kate Pryde is the perfect choice to be a mentor to Bronze because she is intimately familiar with metal-skinned mutants and their various capabilities. Having been a teammate of the iconic X-Men hero Colossus for years, and almost marrying the man underneath the steel, Kate knows all the ins and outs of metallic mutations. Variant covers for Exceptional X-Men #1 show Bronze manifesting a whip from her converted flesh, a skill that she will certainly need to practice and hone, hopefully in a Danger Room-like training area created by Pryde and Frost.

Steel and bronze are both incredibly powerful organic materials and while steel may be technically “stronger” than bronze, bronze is more malleable, meaning Bronze can seemingly make weapons out of her flesh like her organic whip. Bronze has a lot to live up to as the metal-skinned X-Men member seemingly replacing Colossus, and only Kate Pryde and Emma Frost have the experience and skill to transform her into the mutant hero she needs to become.


The X-Men franchise, created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, centers on mutants with extraordinary abilities. Led by the powerful telepath Professor Charles Xavier, they battle discrimination and villainous mutants threatening humanity. The series explores themes of diversity and acceptance through a blend of action, drama, and complex characters, spanning comics, animated series, and blockbuster films.

Exceptional X-Men #1 from Marvel Comics debuts on September 4th, 2024.