Magic Knight Rayearth is a classic genre-busting magical girl anime from CLAMP, the same team behind such classics as Chobits, Tokyo Babylon, and Cardcaptor Sakura. The way the series combines classic fantasy with mech-based combat and elements of isekai well before the genre took off made both the anime and manga major hits, and 30 years later, they’re both still held in high regard by fans and critics alike.

Magic Knight Rayearth is one of the shojo anime that defines CLAMP as a group, and the series is coming back in a big way. In celebration of the anime’s 30th anniversary, it was announced that Magic Knight Rayearth would be receiving a new anime project, with TMS Entertainment, the studio behind the original anime, posting a teaser trailer to X and YouTube.

Magic Knight Rayearth Officially Returns For Its 30th Anniversary

Anime series by TMS Entertainment; Based on the manga by CLAMP

It’s unclear if the new project is a full-fledged reboot or a sequel of some sort, but for both fans of the original Magic Knight Rayearth and potential new ones, the news is nothing short of incredible.

Source: TMS Entertainment’s official YouTube account.

Magic Knight Rayearth
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