WARNING: Contains Potential Spoilers for Nightwing #115!

Whether he wants it or not, Nightwing’s official villain era in mainstream continuity begins, marking a significant shift for Dick Grayson. This new chapter brings various changes for the former hero, including a new codename, costume, and an extremely uncertain future. However, if there is a path to redemption, the Original Boy Wonder is bound to find it.

Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo’s Nightwing #115 has officially turned up the heat (literally) in the Fallen Grayson story arc. In this issue, Shelton “Heartless” Lyle stages a fire at a gala/press conference, tricking Dick into helping rescue his butler, Gerald Chamberlain.

They then dose Dick with a mild sedative and kidnap him as part of their plan to frame Dick as Heartless. This plan involves them dressing the unconscious Dick in Heartless’s typical garb, arming him with the ‘heart-removing gun,’ and leaving him for the Bludhaven Police Department to find after an anonymous tip, essentially jump-starting Dick’s villain era.

Nightwing Unwillingly Starts His Villain Era as Heartless Thanks to the Schemeing of His Latest Foe

Nightwing #115 Dick Grayson being unmasked as the villain Heartless

Despite being an unwilling participant in his ‘villain era,’ Dick is undeniably in the thick of it, as the Bludhaven Police Department has apprehended and unmasked him as Heartless. It’s only a matter of time before the news of ‘Heartless’s’ identity breaks, leading the rest of Bludhaven to believe Dick is the notorious villain. Until he can clear his name, Dick will be viewed as a villain by the public. While the hero community is unlikely to fall for the frame job, their reactions remain to be seen, adding another potential complication.

Currently, neither the Bludhaven Police Department nor the general public knows that Dick is also Nightwing. However, this could change in the next issue, given that the real Heartless is now aware of Dick’s secret identity. It’s likely he plans to turn the city against Nightwing as well, so it’s only a matter of time before Dick’s hero persona comes under scrutiny. This prediction is supported by the synopsis for the upcoming Nightwing #116: “Everything Dick Grayson has built is crumbling around him. His life is spiraling out of control, with Heartless at the center of it all. Now, Nightwing must leave his city.

Batman May Be the Key to Restoring Nightwing’s Honor and Reputation as a Hero

Nightwing 117 main cover featuring Batman dressed up as Nightwing

With Nightwing potentially losing both his civilian and hero personas to Heartless’s scheming, the central question of this final arc revolves around how Dick will reclaim his life, if that’s even possible. It remains to be seen whether Dick will need to adopt a new civilian and hero identity or if he can reclaim his roles as Dick Grayson and Nightwing. The synopsis for Nightwing #117 hints at a possible path for Dick’s return to Bludhaven that hinges on Batman taking up his mantle to restore Nightwing’s honor. As the stakes escalate for Nightwing, the outcome of his struggle to rise from this crisis remains uncertain.

Nightwing #115 is available now from DC Comics!

NIGHTWING #115 (2024)

Nightwing 115 Main Cover: Heartless walking forward in a burning building.

  • Writer: Tom Taylor
  • Artist: Bruno Redondo
  • Colorist: Adriano Lucas
  • Letterer: Wes Abbott
  • Cover Artist: Bruno Redondo

Nightwing in DC Comics Art by Bruno Redondo


Nightwing is the superhero moniker taken up by Dick Grayson, upon his aging out of the Robin role and becoming a superhero of his own. Inspired by the original Kryptonian hero of the same name, Grayson has risen to comic book immortality with the identity, earning respect as one of the greatest leaders in the DC Universe.