Murder Company tells the story of a small group of United States soldiers who are given orders to smuggle a member of the French resistance behind enemy lines so that he can assassinate a high-value Nazi target. This all takes place during the midst of the D-Day invasion, making it a mission that is just as dangerous as it is important. Packed with action, it is a fast-paced war movie that boasts a talented cast.

William Moseley stars as Southern in Murder Company. He has been a part of many projects but is most known for his role as Peter Pevensie in The Chronicles of Narnia films. This role is quite different, proving how much range he has as an actor. Murder Company comes to select theaters on July 5th, 2024.


10 War Movies Military Experts Praised For Accuracy & Realism

While most war movies are criticized for their inaccuracy, there are many that got various details right, earning the praise of military experts.

Screen Rant caught up with William Moseley to discuss his new film Murder Company. He reveals what drew him to the film, what it was like filming in Bulgaria and working with Kelsey Grammer. William details the research that goes into being a part of a movie that covers a real event, versus a completely made-up role. He also talks about whether he would ever return to the world of Narnia, especially now that Greta Gerwig is helming new Narnia movies for Netflix.

William Moseley Wanted To Work With Kelsey Grammer

Murder Company Kelsey Grammer

When asked what drew him to want to be a part of Murder Company, William Moseley reveals that there were two reasons. The first is that he loves war movies, and the second is that he wanted to work with Kelsey Grammer.

William Moseley: I was drawn to Murder Company, originally, well, there were two things. I’ve got to be completely honest with you. There are two things. One is, I love war movies. I’ve seen every single movie out there. And secondly, when I saw Kelsey Grammer was part of it. I was like, “I have got to work with Kelsey Grammer. Even if my agent says they’re offering you $500.”

Screen Rant: What was it like working with Kelsey?

William Moseley: He’s such a nice man. And he’s a very humble person for somebody that is as successful, has had such an incredible career as he has. I mean, Frasier, even my grandfather, who was in World War II, used to talk about how much he loved Frasier. So that literally tells you how much of a legend Kelsey Grammer is. Yeah, I was very impressed with him. Actually, he has a house quite near me where I live in the Cotswolds. And Kelsey Grammer’s house in Bristol, and he likes to go on his chopper, on his motorbike, down to Devon and stuff. It was very cool.

He is the nicest, most gentle, person. It’s incredible how self assured he seems on camera. When you see him in all of his parts, he is very self assured. He’s very authoritative. But in person, he’s very sweet. Like a Buddha is very calm, very chill. He just takes it very easily. He learns his dialogue very fast. It was great. It was wonderful.

Obviously, I love all the fight scenes, but to be in a scene with Kelsey Grammer, to look at Kelsey Grammer’s face. Frasier, like, this is cool. This is epic. Always, those guys, I try to like pick their brains just because they’re so experienced. So prolific in their work, that I was just trying to see if there’s any hit that they can give me. Working with him, that was definitely the highlight for me.

Preparing For A Real Life Role Versus A Made-Up Role

Murder Company

Being a part of a film that details a real-life event, such as a war that impacted the whole world, has to come with a lot of research. William explains that both of his grandfathers were a part of WWII, so it was even more important for him to get it right.

William Moseley: Actually, both my grandfathers were part of World War II. And my dad’s mother was a wren, which I think the Queen was a wren. The wrens basically helped logistics on the ground in the UK. My mom’s dad was a paratrooper, like one of the guys who jumps out of the plane. We have the picture of him when he was in his uniform and he looks about 16 or 17. My other grandfather was bombing the Japanese and actually his plane crashed and he went down underwater, by miracle survived. He was rescued by an American ship that saw him with a spotlight. So long winded way of saying, I felt very responsible to play this character right. To make sure I got this right and to make sure I didn’t do a disservice to people that go to war, people have been able to do that, family that are in war. So I gave my best to this film for sure.

A lot of research goes into it. Obviously, the most important thing, I think, is that you feel that these guys are connected to each other. So really, the chemistry between us on set was instrumental to us feeling a real truth when we were on screen. And so we would all watch Band of Brothers together at same time, we all were sending each other YouTube videos. None of us are really big readers, we weren’t sending books and things like that. It was just really cool. And more than anything, we had a very short shooting schedule. So it was tough. It was very, very long days. And sometimes you’d see one of your fellow actors kind of dropping energy wise, and it was our responsibility to lift the other guy up. So there was a lot of that, which is great.

Shooting For Twelve Days In Bulgaria Was Fun, But Exhausting

man hanging upside down from tree in murder company

Murder Company shot in Bulgaria for just twelve days – less than two weeks. William explains how it was exhausting, detailing that the most challenging part was the uniforms. That said, he loves Bulgaria and thinks it is a beautiful place.

William Moseley: It was pretty exhausting. I’ve shot fast movies before, but I think what made this specifically challenging was the fact that the uniforms these guys used to wear were extremely hot and extremely heavy. You’ve got a side arm, you’ve got your grease gun, you’ve got helmet, you’ve got your packs, you’ve got your woolen jacket, you’ve got your woolen shirt, you’ve got your wooden socks, your boots. It’s heavy. So we did our best. I’m not one to complain, so no matter how I feel, I will never.

I love Bulgaria. My best friend, his longtime partner is from Sofia, which is where we filmed. I didn’t even get a chance to meet any of her family members, because I was working so much. I’d heard that it was a beautiful place and so when I got there, I was just thrilled. I knew I was going to have a great time. Bulgarian people are very welcoming. They’re actually very, very warm, despite the Eastern European stereotype of them being cold, they’re actually very warm. And I love the mountains there. I had such a wonderful time actually, I loved it.

William Thinks He Is Done With Narnia, But He Would Come Back If Asked

Peter holding a sword with Susan and Lucy behind him in The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

The world of Narnia is coming back. Greta Gerwig is going to be directing at least two films for Netflix set in this fantasy world, although there are not many details yet. So, could William come back as Peter Pevensie? He does not think so. However, he would absolutely return if asked.

William Moseley: “Yes,” is the short answer. If I was asked, I would go in a heartbeat. But I have to remind you of one line from the books and the movies. I think Aslan says it. “Your time here now is done. Your time is finished.” I remember when I shot that scene in Prince Caspian, it was a sad scene to shoot, but I understood then when Aslan says that to those characters, that when that script is written for me, my time is done. And that’s the way it is. If I might ever get asked that, great, but I don’t think it’s there.

About Murder Company


During the D-Day invasion, a group of U.S. soldiers must smuggle a member of the French resistance behind enemy lines to assassinate a high-value Nazi target.

Check back soon for our other interview with director Shane Dax Taylor.