Marvel’s Merry Band of Mutants, the X-Men, are a superhero team equipped with incredible skills and powers they use to protect those who love and fear them, with the mutant known as Psylocke being one of the most visually distinct members among them. In a new cosplay image featuring the character, Psylocke’s unique ninja aesthetic and energy-based abilities are put front and center, proving she needs another live-action iteration — and quick.

An image shared on Instagram by both the Psylocke cosplayer, @kyso_lo, and the photographer and editor of the piece, Pat Loika (@patloikaphotoworks), it’s made immediately apparent after seeing how this photo turned out that these two creative talents chose the perfect comic character to collaborate on.

Previously dressing as Marvel’s Spider-Gwen, Silk, and Domino, Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft, Halo’s Cortana, and more, @kyso_lo knows how to bring fan-favorite characters to life. Meanwhile, Pat consistently uses his artistic skills to highlight fellow cosplayers like @kyso_lo with professional-level photography and photo editing that make each new cosplay design shine.


Psylocke Cosplay Unleashes the Mutant Killer Even Wolverine Respects

One of the X-Men’s deadliest, and most complicated, heroes has been given a phenomenal new cosplay showing off her classic 1990s design

Psylocke Shows off Her Ninja Design in Incredible Live-Action Cosplay

Cosplay Design by @kyso_lo with Photography/Editing by Pat Loika (@patloikaphotoworks)

Psylocke from Marvel Comics

Adapted into live-action on two occasions — once, briefly in X-Men: The Last Stand and second, in X-Men: Apocalypse as one of Apocalypse’s Four Horsemen — Psylocke hasn’t received much screen time in the live-action space overall, which is a shame considering how ingrained the character is in X-Men lore. Using her signature psionic energy attacks, proficiency with a sword, and ninja-like mastery over everything martial arts-related to help fight crime as a hero and sometimes adversary of the X-Men, Psylocke’s design is instantly recognizable, as her purple-tinged color scheme always stands out in a crowd, a look this cosplay nails perfectly.

Photographed crouched low in an acrobatic yet still battle-ready position, @kyso_lo’s take on Psylocke brings her comic-accurate costume, dark, flowing, purple-streaked hair, and, most impressively, a katana charged with glowing psionic energy — courtesy of Pat’s incredible photo editing skills — to vibrant life. Also adding in the background the destroyed remnants of the last batch of Sentinels to cross her path, Psylocke glares off-screen with a determined look on her face and energy-imbued blade at the ready, staring at what can only be the next wave of Sentinels looking to cut her down.

Psylocke’s Energy-Based Powers Are Put on Full Display in New Cosplay Image

Psylocke sword

With the X-Men’s Krakoan Era officially coming to a close in the recent Fall of X finale, the future for all mutantkind, Psylocke’s included, is wide open, with a steady drip of brand-new X-Men comic series launching over the next few months giving these popular mutant characters fresh stories and redesigns that cosplayers and fans alike can pour over. The X-Men all have iconic costume designs that deserve a proper live-action treatment, with Psylocke getting an impressive cosplay look that the MCU shouldn’t ignore, all thanks to the nerdy creativity of @kyso_lo and Pat Loika (@patloikaphotoworks).

Source: @kyso_lo and @patloikaphotoworks
