Warning: contains spoilers for Blood Hunt #4!

Moon Knight has returned to the Marvel Universe with a mind-blowing new power. Marc Spector recently left the land of the living, passing the Midnight Mission on to Hunter’s Moon, Tigra, Reese and the rest. Recently, in the pages of Blood Hunt, Earth’s vampires blocked out the sun and instigated an uprising. In issue four, their plans are seriously derailed as Moon Knight seemingly returns from the dead.

Blood Hunt #4 is written by Jed MacKay and drawn by Pepe Larraz. The vampires, led by Varnae, who has possessed Blade, are preparing their endgame, when suddenly the moon appears in the sky. Out of nowhere comes the voice of Khonsu, saying “in the darkness…light.”

Invoking his mission of protecting travelers at night, Khonshu resurrects every one of his Fists and sends them after the vampires.

Moon Knight Returns 2

In a rousing scene, Khonshu reveals his legion of Fists are being led by none other than Marc Spector…his “Moon Knight.’

Moon Knight Entered His Next Phase…By Dying?

Blood Hunt Writer Jed MacKay Has Redefined Moon Knight for a New Era

Vengeance of the Moon Knight Cover

In 2021, Blood Hunt architect Jed MacKay, along with artist Alessandro Cappuccio, launched a new era of greatness for Moon Knight. Shifting the emphasis to Khonshu’s mandate of protecting travelers at night, Moon Knight opened the Midnight Mission. In the Mission’s earliest days, Moon Knight ran afoul of the same vampires who are now attempting to conquer Earth. MacKay and Cappuccio established vampires as one of Moon Knight’s natural enemies, a thread now paying off in Blood Hunt #4. Shortly before Blood Hunt began, MacKay and Cappuccio took their run to the next level by killing off Marc Spector.

In Marc Spector’s absence, his sometime ally the Shroud took over as Moon Knight, and he forsook the members of the Midnight Mission, preferring to go at it alone. His motivations for taking over the mantle remain unknown for now, as the events of Blood Hunt have temporarily put him out of commission. Although Khonshu does not recognize Shroud as one of his fists, he still understands there is a need for Moon Knight, especially now. With Moon Knight gone, travelers at night lacked a protector, and Khonshu has filled the void in the most spectacular way possible.

Image of a Venomized Moon Knight


Venom Explains Why Moon Knight Is His Ultimate Host

In a preview for What If? Venom #5, the symbiote makes its way to the Midnight Mission, seeking out Moon Knight, who could be its ultimate host.

Where Does Moon Knight Go Next?

And What Will Happen to the Army He Leads?

Phases of the Moon Knight #1 cover featured image

Moon Knight’s return to life was a given, but its inevitability does not cheapen the scene’s impact one bit. Khonshu picked the perfect moment to revive Marc Spector: the heroes’ backs were against the wall. The darkness that had consumed Earth was unrelenting, but Khonshu provided light to a weary world, and in more ways than one. Khonshu revived Moon Knight, perhaps his greatest champion, and used him to lead an army of former Fists against the vampires. Moon Knight’s triumphant return will also give the heroes of the Marvel Universe a rallying point in their fight against the vampires.

Blood Hunt #4 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!

Blood Hunt #4 (2024)

Blood Hunt 4 COVER

  • Writer: Jed MacKay
  • Artist: Pepe Larraz
  • Colorist: Marte Garcia
  • Letterer: Cory Petit
  • Cover: Pepe Larraz & Marte Garcia