Digimon fans all over the world have always dreamed of finding out which of these amazing creatures would be their partner. Throughout the 25 years, the franchise has been running, thousands of digital monsters have been revealed, each with its unique traits and incredible designs.

Nonetheless, given that each Digimon species is known for having varying personalities, not all of these creatures would be a good fit for every fan. From the many different types of digital monsters seen in the many amazing series of the franchise, some would fit certain tamers better than others.

Considering how crucial it is for Tamers and their partners to have good relationships, basing one’s synergy on the stars isn’t the worst idea when figuring out which Digimon partner is best for fans of the series to buddy up with.

Digimon's Tai, Davis, & Hiro all smiling with Tai looking forward against a yellow backdrop.


Every Digimon Hero & Their Partner Ranked From Worst to Best

The Digimon anime is well known for its goggle-headed heroes and their fiery companions, but which protagonist is the best?


Aries – Impmon

An ambitious Digimon for the confident Aries

Incredibly ambitious, passionate, and often reckless, Aries is a sign that is always looking for more. They know what they are worth and are not afraid to fight for their dreams. Their immense confidence is both their greatest strength and their biggest obstacle, as they can often commit grave mistakes due to their impulsivity.

The perfect partner for these individuals is the energetic, bold, and original protagonist of his own series, Impmon. Throughout Digimon Tamers, this creature was often seen looking for ways to grow more powerful, an ambition that Aries would perfectly understand. Both could work together to achieve their dreams, while keeping each other in check, preventing their partner from doing something they will regret.


Taurus – Gaomon

A stern and hard-woking partner for a Taurus

Known for their stubbornness, patience, and determination, Taurus is often regarded as one of the most grounded individuals in the Zodiac. Those born under this sign like living under their own rules, seldom caving to the wishes of others. Nonetheless, once they have found someone precious to them, there are few people as loyal – and sometimes stubborn – as a bull.

A Taurus’ ideal partner Digimon would be the level-headed and stoic Gaomon. As a member of the elite task force Data Squad, this creature is one of the most diligent and responsible warriors, always looking after the Digital and Human worlds. His loyalty to their tamer is unlike any other, willing to put his life on the line for them. He may be a bit strict and obsessed with rules, but Taurus will have no difficulty bonding with Gaomon.

digimon tri digidestined


Every Digimon Movie & Anime In Order (& The Best Way To Watch Them)

Digimon has spawned almost a dozen anime and an even larger amount of movies, and this is when each one was released and how they can be watched.


Gemini – Gammamon

A dynamic Digimon for the adaptable Gemini

Gemini is a sign of innovation, adaptability, and duality, with those born under it being known for their affable and charming personality. The twins of the Zodiac love learning, always looking for a new hobby or interest that attracts them. Gemini can also be a bit indecisive, as their mind does not like to feel trapped by a single option.

A Digimon who would perfectly understand their struggle and help them in their journey would be the adorable and mysterious Gammamon. This creature is one of the few digital monsters with several different Digievolution lines. Such a diverse Digimon will fit perfectly with the ever-changing Gemini, accompanying them on their journey of self-discovery.


Cancer – Patamon

Caring and emotional, just like a typical Cancer

A sensitive, protective, and sometimes pessimistic sign, Cancers are among the most emotionally driven individuals in the Zodiac. They are known for following their hearts above all else, letting their intuition guide them. Cancer is also an incredibly caring sign, going above and beyond to make sure those around them enjoy life to its fullest. They can be quite harsh with themselves, as they often underestimate their abilities.

Patamon would not only be an amazing partner for Cancer, but he would also be able to bring them comfort on their lowest points. During his time on screen, this digital creature was also shown to have a lack of confidence, something that both Patamon and his Cancer tamer can help each other with. With his divine powers and incredible evolutions, this sweet Digimon will always keep his partner safe.

Digimon and Pokémon.


Digimon are Better Than Pokémon, & Pikachu Proves Why

Pokémon and Digimon have been compared for decades, and Pikachu proves that, based on the comparison, Digimon is better (for one specific reason).


Leo – Renamon

A loyal friend for the prideful Leo

Fitting for a king of the jungle that represents it, Leo is a sign of proud and hard-working people. These individuals dream about becoming the best in their respective fields and stop at nothing while working on achieving this goal. While they can become inspirations to others, as many will feel compelled to listen to such confident individuals, they need to be careful. Their ego can sometimes make them act conceited, pushing others away.

Renamon, one of the partners from the Digimon Tamers season of the anime, embodied these qualities perfectly. She is a creature famous for her strength and tenacity to become the best fighter in the Digital World. While she may initially seem pretentious, she hides a kind heart, similar to Leo’s.


Virgo – Hawkmon

A friend who would never judge Virgo’s ways

If you require someone reliable and trustworthy, no one fits this label better than a Virgo. People born under this constellation are considered loyal partners, helpful friends, and kind spirits. They are often seen trying to help their friends or offering their assistance to strangers. Nevertheless, Virgos need to be cautious of their words, as their desire to help can sometimes be confused with contempt or judgment.

A Digimon who would understand their love of helping others would be the digital gentleman Hawkmon. One of the most mature and patient partners in the franchise, this creature would be a loyal and helpful friend for Virgo. His kind nature would also be invaluable for his partners, as they would help them find an appropriate way to give constructive criticism.


Libra – Dorulumon

Both would be amazing advocates for justice

Wherever there are injustices in the world, there is likely a Libra nearby working hard to make things better for everyone. These hard-working and centered individuals are ardent defenders of those who cannot save themselves. While not the most emotive or sensitive sign, they sure are among the most empathetic and kind.

Their partner Digimon would be the amazingly designed lone wolf Dorulumon. This creature may look intimidating, but in reality, he is one of the most loyal and softhearted digital monsters. Like Libra, Dorulumon was known for being a protector of weaker and smaller Digimon, always fighting against tyrants and unfair rulers. Together, these two would work to create a fairer and more equal world for everyone.


Scorpio – Jellymon

A mischievous friend perfect for the Scorpio

Few people in the world are as independent and resourceful as a Scorpio. These bold and brave individuals do not fear going against the current, preferring to have a small but close group of friends. Scorpios may not be the most social sign, but they do know how to charm others when needed. Still, their preference to be alone can often make them seem aggressive and brash.

Jellymon, a small but fierce Digimon, would be the perfect companion for a Scorpio Tamer. This creature may seem adorable and harmless at first sight, but she is truly a mischievous and strong combatant. Her pranks and bold behavior would fit perfectly with her Scorpio partner’s personality. They could also reign each other in when their comments or actions become too harsh for others.

digimon ghost game pokemon anime


How Digimon’s 2022 Anime Series Avoids A Pokémon Trap

Digimon’s newest anime series Digimon Ghost Game cleverly avoids comparisons to Pokémon by tapping into a genre that Pokémon has yet to explore.


Sagittarius – Veemon

Energetic, confident, and the perfect Digimon for a Sagittarius

Honest, energetic, active, and curious are just some of the words often used to describe people born as Sagittarius. These individuals are always on the lookout for something to do, never allowing boredom to catch them. They are strong-willed and will go to any length to achieve their goals. They can be considered rebellious and selfish, but they simply enjoy their way of living above others’.

Digimon Adventure 02’s Veemon is the ideal partner for these individuals. This small but powerful creature has a nearly unlimited amount of energy. He loves playing with his friends, training, and looking for strong opponents to test his strength. With the help of his Sagittarius tamer, Veemon would be able to become one of the strongest Digimon alive.


Capricorn – Falcomon

A resourceful partner who would love being with any Capricorn

Known for being one of the most practical and stern signs in the Zodiac, Capricorns are individuals who enjoy effective and speedy solutions. They are resourceful and observant, never missing a single detail that could help them overcome an obstacle. They tend to be strict and demanding, but they can also be incredibly protective and loving towards the right people.

The Digimon partner who would best understand them would be Data Squad’s Falcomon. His time living in the jungle turned him into one of the franchise’s most resourceful characters. He is also an outstanding guardian, never allowing harm to come to those close to him. By working together, Falcomon and his Capricorn tamer would have no issue overcoming any difficulty.


Aquarius – Gatomon

Unique, easy-going, and attentive, just what an Aquarius needs

Aquarius is considered by many as one of the most innovative, unique, and caring signs of the Zodiac. While many may consider them odd for their outside-of-the-box thinking, those who get to know these individuals often treasure their unique points of view. Aquarius is a sign of people who are true to themselves and love to share their ideas and hobbies with others.

This authentic and remarkable sign would feel a deep connection with Gatomon. Both are individuals who have been considered outsiders but have become beloved members of their community. Gatomon would also love to hear Aquarius’ unique perspectives, becoming inseparable friends in a short time.


Pisces – Terriermon

Pisces would love this adorable and wise creature

Pisces is a sign ruled by emotions and intuition, with those born under this constellation often forgetting to use logic when making a decision. They are dreamers, constantly fantasizing about their ideal world and letting go of their worries and concerns. Their hearts are full of love, and they are not afraid to share it with the people close to them.

Terriermon’s wisdom and friendly personality would fit perfectly with the sensitive fish of the Zodiac. This adorable digital creature is one of the most understanding characters in the series. Terriermon loves showing his love in the form of hugs, words of encouragement, or simply listening to his friends talk about their concerns. He is also a pacifist, refusing to fight other Digimon unless necessary. He would be an incredible friend and confidant for Pisces.

Digimon Adventure (1999)

Digimon Adventure (1999)