Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Ultimate Spider-Man #6As the Spectacular Spider-Man, Peter Parker’s arachnid alter ego is one of pop culture’s biggest icons. Over the last several decades, the Friendly Neighborhood Wallcralwer has defined just what it means to be Spider-Man, and his history with the mantle is second to none. But Peter Parker’s latest origin gives his Spider-Man codename an entirely new impact.

Ultimate Spider-Man #6 by Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checchetto, Matthew Wilson, and VC’s Cory Petit finally sees the titular Peter Parker variant of Earth-6160 come clean to his wife, MJ and their son, Richard, after his daughter May lets his secret slip following a confrontation with the Kingpin. Surprised but supportive, MJ reassures Peter that she’s proud of the man he’s become.

Admiring Pete in costume, she asks what she’s supposed to call him while suited up. And when Parker admits he hasn’t come up with one, Mary Jane replies, “Oh, Peter…Isn’t it obvious? You’re Spider-Man.

Andrew Garfield from The Amazing Spider-Man 2 with a comic panel of the Sinister Six


Spider-Man’s New Gadgets Make Him More Powerful Than the Sinister Six Combined (& It’s Not Close)

Spider-Man is incredibly strong, but his greatest strength has always been his genius-level intellect – and he’s finally unleashed it on his foes.

Spider-Man And Mary Jane Are Inseparable

Ultimate MJ Has Cemented Herself Within Spidey’s Legacy

One of the most lauded aspects of this Ultimate Spider-Man’s new circumstances is his marriage to Mary Jane Watson-Parker – a status quo many fans of Earth-616 have been clamoring to return to ever since it was erased by Mephisto years ago. Now, on Earth-6160, Mary Jane is not only Peter’s rock once more, but she’s Spider-Man’s inspiration. By giving Spider-Man his trademark codename, this iteration of Mary Jane has indelibly tied herself to Peter Parker’s journey and legacy as a hero, and reminded fans just how important she is to the Spider-Man mythos.

Ultimate Spider-Man has been a runaway hit with critics and fans so far, but there has been some slight criticism regarding a perceived lack of prominence for MJ over the last few issues. Now that she and the family are fully updated on Spider-Man’s mission, this development could serve as a sign of things to come as Mrs. Watson-Parker now has a chance to get more fully involved in both sides of Peter’s life. And with his upcoming war against a new Sinister Six, this version of Spider-Man is going to need all the help he can get.

Ultimate Peter Parker Lucked Out

Mary Jane Is Spider-Man’s #1 Supporter

Adult Peter Parker and MJ Watson lay on a web holding hands. MJ holds flowers and Peter's mask lays on the web nearby.

Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson have a relatively convoluted history on Earth-616, but this issue proves that Ultimate Spider-Man truly hit the jackpot by marrying his MJ. With Earth-6160 still taking shape before readers’ eyes, there’s plenty of opportunity to twist what fans can expect from this classic Marvel love story. But by giving Spider-Man his name, this Mary Jane has already changed her Marvel Universe forever.

Spider-Man Swinging in Dodson Comic Art


Spider-Man is the name given to several individuals who have employed a spider-moniker throughout Marvel Comics. Typically gaining their powers through a bite from a radioactive spider, the different Spider-Man heroes employ super-strength, agility, and intellect while utilizing webbing to swing and tangle up their foes. The most notable of these Spider-Men is Peter Parker, who remains one of the most popular superheroes throughout the world.