In Marvel’s near future, the age of The Avengers is over after a devastating event dubbed “H-Day” saw the world’s villains target the secret identities of the superhero community along with their friends and family members in brutal and often deadly ways. Following older versions of Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Ms. Marvel, and more, one particular founding Avengers member — The Wasp — has just received an upgraded costume in her return to the fold, one with a jaw-droppingly perfect design.

A costume debuting in Avengers: Twilight #6, this issue brings its future-set story full circle as the fight between a resurgent Red Skull and a much older team of Avengers hits a fever pitch.

Helped along by a misguided James Stark — the son of Tony Stark and Janet van Dyne — it’s not until Red Skull launches nukes in the hopes of obliterating his enemies that The Wasp finally reveals herself. Released from a specialized ring James has worn since Janet’s supposed H-Day death, The Wasp returns wearing a brand new, never-before-seen superhero outfit that fans need to see!

Wasp SPider-Man (1)


Why the Wasp Originally Hated Spider-Man in Marvel Comics

Both versions of the Wasp instinctively dislike Spider-Man, but is there a hidden reason why Janet and Nadia loathed the Wall-Crawler at first sight?

Janet van Dyne’s Wasp Gets An Epic Costume Upgrade in the Final Issue of Avengers Twilight

Avengers Twilight #6 – 2024 (Chip Zdarsky and Daniel Acuña)

The Wasp from Avengers Twilight shrinking down at the middle of the frame

Seen blowing up to an enormous size in an impressive full-page spread by series artist Daniel Acuña, Wasp is drawn catching a nuke with one hand while towering above the on-the-ground Iron Man and the already tall Washington Monument. Dressed in a sleek black and blue variation of her already iconic Avengers costume, it’s Wasp’s pointed insect-like shoulder accents, scalloped superhero skirt, and more traditional helmet design that makes this look pop, with the suit’s blue highlights — specifically the collarbone-high “W” — turning this costume into one of the character’s best.

The Wasp’s return was a surprise not only for her colleagues but for fans as well, as this character wasn’t seen throughout Avengers: Twilight’s run at all, making fans wonder if this wardrobe change was one that Janet always wore in this alternate future, or if she was tinkering away creating something new while locked away deep inside James’ high-tech ring. Also equipped with significantly upgraded abilities compared to her usual suit’s skillset, this new design enhances Janet’s durability while changing size, and features advanced bio-electric “stingers” that she uses to revive a dying Captain America successfully.

The Wasp’s New Suit Has Enhanced Abilities and a Black and Blue Color Scheme

The Wasp's new costume in concept art form including her civilian look

Unfortunately, this issue doesn’t shed too much light on how James’ ring kept Janet safe for so long or even where her new duds came from while she was shrunk down at the subatomic level, but regardless, this Avengers: Twilight-exclusive design fits right in with what has come before in The Wasp’s rich costumed history. So while the next adventure of this near-future Avengers team is still up in the air, Janet van Dyne’s The Wasp is ready to jump back into the life she left behind, with the only question remaining being whether she’ll get another new look soon.

Avengers: Twilight #6 is available from Marvel Comics.

Avengers: Twilight #6 (2024)

Angry Hulk against a red and blue background on Avengers Twilight #6 Cover.

  • Writer: Chip Zdarsky
  • Artist: Daniel Acuña
  • Colorist: Daniel Acuña
  • Letterer: Joe Caramagna
  • Cover Artist: Alex Ross

The Wasp