Blue Lock is one of the most unique sports anime, taking the world by storm due to its intriguing individualistic approach to playing sports. While the majority of sports anime place a heavy value on teamwork, Blue Lock focuses more on building up one’s own “ego” to become the best soccer player.

With the BLUE LOCK THE MOVIE -EPISODE NAGI film on the way to theaters this week on June 28, there is no better time to recap the series’ best quotes.


“No Matter How Much You Try To Understand Other People’s Hearts, People Aren’t Able To Change Others. Every Time, You Have To Change Yourself.”

Spoken by Isagi Yoichi

This quote by Blue Lock main protagonist Isagi Yoichi is incredibly moving. These wise words are applicable to life, not just the game of soccer. As Isagi spends time at the Blue Lock facility, he realizes it is no use trying to change the decisions of others or the ways they act. He can only affect his own personal choices.

This quote ties in with the individualistic approach of Blue Lock that the director of the project, Jinpachi Ego, promotes to the competitors. Rather than struggling in vain to fix others, fixing oneself is always the best choice. Isagi begins to adopt this new mindset as the series progresses, becoming a self-sufficient soccer player on his own and not relying heavily on the help of a team anymore.


“If You Never Accept the Frustration of Losing, You’ll Never Grow.”

Spoken by Nagi Seishiro

Nagi Seishiro began his journey in Blue Lock with all the talent as a soccer player, but none of the internal motivation or drive. He was a very lazy character who did not apply himself. He never really faced any true soccer adversaries and grew so used to being the best that he stopped putting in effort at all. However, when Isagi first beat him in a game, he realized he was not as unstoppable as he previously believed.

This quote marks a true turning point in Nagi’s mindset. Losing to Isagi was a disappointment that really knocked him down a peg in terms of how he viewed himself, but it was also pivotal to his success as a soccer player. After Nagi began to play against soccer adversaries who were on his skill level and presented a true challenge, he developed a renewed love for the game, since he actually had to work hard to win.

Visual for Blue Lock season 2


Blue Lock Reveals Season 2’s Release Date & It’s Closer Than Fans Think

Blue Lock season 2 has been in anticipation for over a year now, and it finally has a confirmed release date that’s surprisingly close.


“Abolish the Idea of Winning by Chance, and Claim Victory as a Logical Sequence.”

Spoken by Jinpachi Ego

This particular quote summarizes the mindset of the director of the Blue Lock Project, Jinpachi Ego, well. He does not put much stock in things like fate and luck, and instead asserts that hard work and extreme self-confidence, which he calls “ego,” are the keys to success. He asserts that relying solely on chance is a recipe for disaster because luck can only carry a soccer player so far.

As any sports enthusiast will know, the most successful players are those who stop at nothing to achieve success. This is the idea the Blue Lock Project was built upon, that one player would fight harder and more selfishly than all the rest to reign supreme as the best striker. The winner of the Blue Lock game, Jinpachi Ego explains, will not be someone who is simply “lucky,” it will be the person who learns to strategize properly and train relentlessly to be the best, sacrificing everything in pursuit of this goal.


“I’ve Learned That the Only One Who Can Save Me Is Me.”

Spoken by Bachira Meguru

Bachira had an unfortunate and saddening childhood. Although he has always been a soccer prodigy, he had no friends in his youth, only an imaginary friend he nicknamed his “monster.” Because of the extreme bullying he faced previously, he had a lot of trouble trusting others when he first arrived at Blue Lock.

Thankfully, he grew closer to Isagi and others in the facility once he realized there were people in the world who would accept and appreciate him. Although he does become a more social and outspoken person, in this quote, he expresses his belief that he is still in charge of his own happiness. He seems to have struck a crucial balance between caring for others but still realizing that he is responsible for taking care of himself and ensuring his personal success.


“I Don’t Need To Be Like I Was Back Then. What I Want Most Is To Win. The Time To Change Is Now!”

Spoken by Isagi Yoichi

Isagi suffered a very difficult loss during a soccer game in high school, causing him to lose faith in his own abilities as a player. Being invited to participate in the Blue Lock Project represented an important chance for the young hero. By stating these words, he expressed his desire to change and become better at soccer, surpassing how he used to play.

During his time at Blue Lock, his confidence blossomed. He did “change,” as he had hoped to. His strategy for playing soccer became much more independent and less team-focused like it was in high school, allowing him to truly shine on the field all on his own.

Poster for Episode Nagi


Blue Lock The Movie – Episode Nagi Shares Its First English Trailer

Blue Lock The Movie – Episode Nagi is set to release in late June 2024, and Crunchyroll has finally released its first official English trailer.


“Isagi… I Won’t Be Waiting. If You Want Me, Come and Steal Me. I’ll Follow the Will of My Inner Monster.”

Spoken by Bachira Meguru

Bachira speaks frequently about his “monster”. This imaginary creature is a figment of his imagination, created in his youth to play soccer with him and keep him company. It also represents his internal drive and persistence to keep playing soccer.

This quote is truly remarkable because although Bachira has always desperately wished for companionship, he tells Isagi he won’t just stand by and wait for him. Although they are friends, if Bachira reaches a higher level of skill in soccer, he won’t give that up for the sake of being on Isagi’s team, so Isagi must work hard to keep up with him. This is a great way to motivate them both and reveals Bachira’s newfound confidence in himself.


“This Is the First Time I’ve Felt Like This, and in Order for Me To Understand This ‘Frustration,’ I Want To Play Football With This Guy. I Want To Try… To Put in Some Effort.”

Spoken by Nagi Seishiro

This quote was spoken by Nagi following his loss in a soccer game against Isagi. He had never experienced a crushing defeat like this before that moment, and it inspired him to start trying his best. Previously, he had coasted by with little effort, but after meeting Isagi, this was no longer a possibility.

It is a blessing that Isagi won against Nagi. If he had not, Nagi might never have reached his full potential and been content to stay lazy and unmotivated all throughout his life. Losing to another excellent player awoke a renewed passion for soccer in Nagi, inspiring him to fight relentlessly to reclaim his spot as the best player again.


“I Don’t Know How Long My Leg Will Last, but I Want To Believe in This New Me. I Will Keep On Running Until My Leg Can’t Keep Up Anymore.”

Spoken by Chigiri Hyoma

For a soccer player, a leg injury can be absolutely career-ruining. However, Chigiri refused to let his injured ACL put a swift end to his soccer career. He is dedicated to keep playing, pushing past his fear of being injured again.

Although Chigiri could sustain another injury at any time that would destroy his ability to play soccer, he cannot bring himself to quit. In a way, these words from the soccer star are touching, proving that Chigiri’s deep love for the game surpasses his worry about hurting his leg again. He is one of the fastest and best players in Blue Lock, and his past injury does not diminish his skill one bit.


“On the Field, There Is Already One True King.”

Spoken by Barou Shoei

Barou has definitely represented the quality “ego” that Jinpachi Ego values. He thinks highly of himself and his soccer skills, viewing himself as the best player. He even calls himself the King, seen in this quote.

Barou does not find teammates or the help of others important, choosing to focus on his own self-assigned status as royalty above all else. His cocky persona causes him to irritate others, but this doesn’t matter to him, as he is simply concerned with winning every game. Barou definitely carries himself like a king, and he certainly has the incredible soccer skills to back up his overconfident ego.


“You Shouldn’t Aim To Be the One That Gets Chosen, but Instead, the One That Chooses.”

Spoken by Isagi Yoichi

This profound quote from Isagi proves his dedication to becoming not only the best in Blue Lock, but the best soccer player in the world. He explains that he doesn’t want to wait for the decisions of others to help him achieve success, he wants to take his fate into his own hands. This is a dramatic shift from his previous teamwork-focused approach to soccer.

Isagi becomes one of Blue Lock’s most ambitious, persistent players. His love for soccer and drive to win pushes him further and further in the competition. He has a serious chance at becoming Japan’s best striker, and this thought-provoking quote shows he has the right mindset to excel independently in soccer.

Blue Lock TV Series Poster

Blue Lock


Blue Lock is a sports-centric animated series based on the manga series of the same name. The show follows the Japan Football Association trying to recover from their poor showing in the 2018 FIFA World Cup by hiring a football genius, Ego Jinpachi. With his new intense training regimen, Jinpachi invites the best football players in Japan to compete to become the team’s new star player – and high school student Yoichi Isagi may be exactly who he’s looking for.


Ricco Fajardo
, Drew Breedlove
, Alex Horn
, Mark Allen Jr.

Release Date

October 8, 2022



Streaming Service(s)



Taku Kishimoto


Tetsuaki Watanabe
, Shunsuke Ishikawa