The Terminator franchise returns in 2024 with Netflix’s Terminator Zero, an anime series that is about to do something the movies never attempted to do. With uncertainty surrounding Terminator 7’s status, the saga’s next major release will be for the small screen. Terminator Zero will be the first animated Terminator project and will take place in 1997, also known as the year of Judgment Day in the saga’s original timeline. Timothy Olyphant will voice the Terminator, with other cast members yet to be announced.

Per Netflix, Terminator Zero will see a soldier from 2022 going back in time to 1997. There, she will track down Malcolm Lee, a scientist working on AI that could rival Skynet. Although this early synopsis does not seem that different from other Terminator stories, the visuals of Terminator Zero suggest it will be a very different experience from the movies – which is a good thing. There are sadly more bad Terminator movies than good ones, which is why the franchise needs bold new ideas.

Terminator Zero’s First Images Tease It Will Include Supernatural Elements

There seems to be a spirit in Terminator Zero

Several Terminator Zero images have been released by Netflix, and while it’s difficult to infer their context without at least a trailer, two of them suggest the show will include supernatural elements. There is a character in Terminator Zero that appears to be a ghost or a spirit – they have long hair, their body is almost transparent, and their eyes are white and shiny. Although it’s too soon to say who or what this new Terminator character is, they appear to be a techno-spirit – something that combines science fiction with the supernatural.

The Terminator movies have explored a lot of concepts since 1984, from the rules of time travel to the power of artificial intelligence. However, the franchise has never tackled supernatural elements. All Terminator models, weapons, and major events from the multiple Terminator timelines can be explained by science according to the rules of the films, which is usually the case for science fiction stories. The first two Terminator movies are relatively grounded and can be described more as action films than sci-fi features. This is why Terminator Zero’s “spirit” is such major news.

Should Terminator Introduce Supernatural Elements?

Terminator never touched on anything supernatural

Custom image by Simone Ashmoore

For a franchise that already has an established lore built on science fiction, it may not have been necessary for Terminator to introduce supernatural stories or anything that falls more into fantasy than sci-fi. That said, after multiple disappointing sequels, Terminator is in desperate need of a fresh start and new ideas. There is arguably no better way to do it than with an anime series, which can allow Terminator do to things the movies never did. Not only is the serialized streaming format more open to new ideas, but the animation media allows for inventive, creative visuals.

The T-800 from Judgment Day and a Terminator from Terminator Zero


Terminator Animated Series’ Judgment Day Connection Makes The Upcoming Netflix Show Even More Exciting

Netflix’s Terminator Zero has a promising connection to Terminator 2: Judgment Day that makes the upcoming animated series even more exciting.

Supernatural stories can check all the boxes that a sci-fi tale does. Terminator has always been a cautionary tale, with the story of Skynet and the Terminators serving as an allegory for the dangers that humanity can bring to itself. Adding a dark, mysterious twist to this story can help Terminator reinvent itself, especially now that technology is drastically advancing with each day. Compared to the theatrical budgets, a streaming series is a better way of trying something new. Terminator Zero should embrace the advantages of its medium and deliver things the live-action side of the franchise would never try.

Terminator Zero’s Mysterious Figure May Not Really Be Supernatural

There could be other explanations for Terminator Zero’s mysterious character

A techno spirit in Terminator Zero

Via Netflix

As strange as Terminator’s new character looks, it may not be a supernatural figure after all. This “spirit” could simply be a visual manifestation of an artificial intelligence, similar to how Matt Smith’s character in Terminator Genisys was supposed to be Skynet’s human form. Terminator Zero may be following an AI that is so powerful it can manifest itself as a physical presence, allowing the series to play with the visuals and portray it as something of a spirit. This could also tie into deeper themes about what “spirit” and “essence” are, similar to what Ghost in the Shell does.

As a standalone anime series based on a franchise that is full of retcons and reboots, Terminator Zero should not be worried about breaking canon or creating a new timeline. While Terminator Zero’s timeline does seem to be tied to that of the first two movies, the series will hopefully not be limited by what the movies have done. The fact that none of the characters revealed so far are from the movies also makes Terminator Zero very exciting. Hopefully, Netflix’s Terminator anime will live up to the expectations and deliver something that is both fresh and reminiscent of the franchise’s best movies.


The Terminator franchise, launched by James Cameron in 1984, explores a dystopian future where intelligent machines wage war against humanity. The relentless pursuit of key human figures by time-traveling cyborg assassins known as Terminators is central to the narrative. John Connor, the future leader of the human resistance, is the core target of the malicious machines.


The Terminator (1984)
, Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
, Terminator Salvation (2009)
, Terminator Genisys (2015)
, Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

First Film

The Terminator (1984)


Arnold Schwarzenegger
, Linda Hamilton
, Michael Biehn
, Edward Furlong
, Robert Patrick
, Nick Stahl
, Claire Danes
, Christian Bale
, Sam Worthington
, Jason Clarke
, Emilia Clarke
, Mackenzie Davis
, Natalia Reyes

TV Show(s)

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008)


The Terminator
, Sarah Connor
, Kyle Reese
, John Connor
, T-1000
, Kate Brewster
, Marcus Wright
, Grace (Terminator)
, Dani Ramos

Video Game(s)

The Terminator (1990)
, Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
, RoboCop versus The Terminator (1993)
, Terminator 3: War of the Machines (2003)
, Terminator Salvation (2009)
, Terminator: Resistance (2019)