With recent news emerging about 23 Jump Street, I’m devastated the proposed crossover with Men in Black hasn’t happened years after it was supposed to. When 21 Jump Street hit theaters in 2012, it became an instant hit, performing brilliantly at the box office and receiving strong reviews. Its sequel performed just as well, earning similar reviews and even more money, suggesting there were big plans for the franchise. With a rumored crossover with Men in Black on the cards, it’s clear the Jump Street series had plenty of potential, but the idea was ultimately canceled, and I’m still devastated.

Channing Tatum recently commented on 23 Jump Street‘s script, claiming “It’s still the best script that I’ve ever read for a third movie” which indicates that the project was lining up to be a classic, making me all the more heartbroken it never happened. Given 22 Jump Street‘s end credits hilariously teased sequel ideas, the franchise should have had a third movie by now. Unfortunately, the series has remained dormant for a decade, and its collaboration with Men in Black would have been perfect, especially as it was already supposed to happen several years ago.

The Jump Street & Men In Black Crossover Is A Brilliant Idea

It Would Have Been An Unexpected Yet Hilarious Crossover

While there have been many great movie crossovers throughout the years, a Jump Street and Men in Black collaboration sounds like an excellent idea that would perfectly blend both franchises. Both sets of protagonists are unlikely investigators who don’t follow the traditional detective stereotypes, making the crossover a hilarious concept. Although Jump Street and Men in Black come from slightly different eras, they both hold up today and their humor would work as part of the same movie. I still get a kick out of both comedies, and it is hard to imagine they wouldn’t excel when working together.

The Jump Street films and Men in Black do share some similar comedy elements, but their contrasting settings would make a collaboration even funnier given how different their overall plots are. Watching Schmidt and Jenko react to facing off against aliens with much more experienced agents sounds like the perfect use of these great film series, and it’s something I still want to see, making the 23 Jump Street and MIB crossover cancelation all the more painful.

The four protagonists would offer such different vibes, yet they would likely gel together perfectly to make one of the funniest modern comedy films. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum’s chemistry could seemingly work in any setting, and joining forces with Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones’ characters would be a truly mind-blowing concept. Given how iconic Agent J and Agent K have become, they deserve a chance to shine in front of a modern audience, and teaming up with the Jump Street crew would provide that while offering a truly unique cinematic experience.

MIB 23 Could Have Saved Both Franchises From Ending

The Jump Street & Men In Black Crossover Sounds Way Better Than Men In Black: International

The Men in Black and 23 Jump Street crossover also could have prevented both franchises from ending, as it has been over five years since either produced a movie. Despite the Jump Street series having two successful films, the canceled crossover seems to be the last time a new project was lined up, wasting some of the franchise’s potential. While Tatum and Hill reprising their roles 10 years later may be a little ridiculous for some, I think it would help add to the comedy, with the duo being significantly older yet still playing these childish, undercover roles.

Men in Black‘s setting would also mean the duo wouldn’t have to pose as students anymore, which would make sense from a plot perspective, even if their characters still have that immature brand of humor. This would have given the Jump Street series new life, meaning they could do further crossovers or make the premises even bigger which would have saved the franchise. The crossover would have also likely stopped Men in Black: International from happening which proved to be a bit of a disaster. Given how popular MIB is, it deserves a better legacy than its latest film provides.

While MIB: International did avoid a box office failure, its reviews were poor. The movie simply didn’t capture the same magic as the originals, and Will Smith returning to Men in Black would make it work. Therefore, producing this crossover rather than MIB: International would likely have helped the franchise way more and introduced it to a more modern audience. This would have increased its popularity and made it relevant once again, proving that this crossover’s cancelation denied us something brilliant that would have benefited everyone involved.

Why I’d Still Love To See The Jump Street & MIB Crossover Movie

A Jump Street & Men In Black Crossover Could Still Be Hilarious

Split image of 21 Jump Street's Jenko and Schmidt and MIB's K and J.

Although the Jump Street and Men in Black crossover looks unlikely, Channing Tatum’s recent comments give me hope, and I’d still love to see it happen. Both franchises are truly great comedies with unique premises, and their humor seemed to capture audiences of their respective eras. Even if comedy films have changed since either series last had a hit, I imagine the sense of nostalgia mixed with great writing and performances could still make this crossover a hilarious masterpiece. If all four protagonists were on board for the project, it would also be a surreal experience.


23 Jump Street: 5 Reasons It Should Get Made (& 5 Why It Shouldn’t)

Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum starred in the hilarious 21 Jump Street reboot and its hit sequel. Should they do a threequel or stop at two movies?

Each actor would offer something different, and having a bit of a partner swap in the movie could lead to some chaotic moments. Both franchises also had great supporting casts, so bringing back some classic characters could add an extra element, and seeing Captain Dickson (Ice Cube) react to Schmidt and Jenko fighting aliens is something I have to see. Despite the time that has passed since this proposed 23 Jump Street movie, I still think it would be a huge hit, and I’ll continue to hold out hope that it may get the green light in the future.

21 Jump Street


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An adaptation of the TV series of the same name, 21 Jump Street stars Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill as two police officers (and best friends) who are sent into a high school undercover in order to bust a drug ring. Learning that high school has changed considerably since they were teenagers, the pair are forced to adapt in order to maintain their cover, threatening their friendship in the process.


Phil Lord
, Christopher Miller

Release Date

March 14, 2012


Michael Bacall


Jonah Hill
, Channing Tatum
, Brie Larson
, Dave Franco
, Rob Riggle
, DeRay Davis


109 minutes


21 Jump Street


22 Jump Street


$42 million