Warning: contains spoilers for Star Trek #21!

Trelane was one of Star Trek’s most intriguing one off characters, and after 57 years, the truth about his god-like species has been resolved. Captain Kirk and company met Trelane early in the five-year mission, and the petulant god made a huge impression on fans. Now, a century after first contact with Trelane, Star Trek #21 makes a stunning revelation about him and his people.

Star Trek #21 is written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly and drawn by Megan Levens. The gods of the Star Trek universe reside in the Pleroma, and have gathered to address the issue of reviving the Organians. Trelane is among them. Apollo brushes a quip from Trelane off, telling the young god that his parents were invited–not him. Trelane informs Apollo that his parents have abdicated responsibility for this reality.

Trelane, on the other hand, was very interested in the proceedings, and came to the meeting.

Trelane Was One of Star Trek’s First God-Like Beings

Some Fans Have Speculated Trelane is Connected with the Q

star trek Q Trelane

Trelane was one of the first villains Captain Kirk met in the classic Star Trek television program. Debuting in the first season episode “The Squire of Gothos,” the god-like Trelane held Kirk and his crew prisoner, using his powers to toy with them. Trelane only made one live-action appearance, but captured the imaginations of fans. Trelane would return in various licensed media, including a well-received novel, Q Squared, that drew a connection between the child god and the Q Continuum. The link between Q and Trelane by this point has almost become canon.

On the surface, Star Trek #21 seems to retcon the connection between the two, now suggesting there was never one at all. When Trelane mentions his parents, he does not call them “Q” or “the Continuum.” It is possible, however, that Trelane is indeed another renegade from the Continuum. Trelane says his parents abdicated this reality, but did not state why. In an early issue of IDW’s Star Trek comic, Q told Captain Sisko he was leaving our reality. It was assumed Q was fleeing Kahless and his god-killer array, but he may have been playing one of his games.

Q sits in his judge uniform in the Star Trek: The Next Generation pilot episode,


Star Trek Already Confirmed the 1 Species More Powerful Than the Q

Q, Star Trek’s trickster figure, has very few peers in the universe, but another, surprise species can give him a serious run for his money.

Why Did Trelane’s Parents Turn Their Backs On Our Reality?

And Is There Still a Connection Between Q and Trelane?

Image of Trelane and Kirk

Members of the Q Continuum were also conspicuously absent from the assembly of gods in the Pleroma. If Trelane’s parents are indeed Qs, and they shirked responsibility for our reality, then it implies the species has a duty to lesser beings, which is a huge revelation about the Continuum. The Pleroma meets and votes on matters of universal importance, and for the Q to not be present seems to be a glaring omission. Trelane could very well be the last Q left in the Star Trek universe, remaining behind for reasons that are his own.

Star Trek #21 is on sale now from IDW Publishing!

Star Trek #21 (2024)

Star Trek 21 COVER

  • Writer: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly
  • Artist: Megan Levens
  • Colorist: Lee Loughridge
  • Letterer: Clayton Cowles
  • Cover Artist: Megan Levens