Warning: Preview Pages Ahead for Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 #4!Marvel has officially confirmed that one deadly MCU villain can be effortlessly beaten by Spider-Man, but only by killing him. Spider-Man is known for being a hero that abides by his strict no-kill rule, but a confrontation between the Spider-Man of the future, Spider-Man 2099, and the Vulture just turned deadly, in a shocking turn.

In the preview for Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 #4 – written by Peter David, with art by Rogê Antônio – Miguel O’Hara, best known as Spider-Man 2099, is shown in a heated chase with the Vulture while being watched by Kron Stone, his half-brother. He’s shown clinging tightly to Vulture’s leg until he gets an idea.

Under the influence of the symbiote attached to his suit, Miguel binds Vulture in webbing, making his wings useless. Vulture pleads for his life, knowing the webs are too strong for him to break free, which Spider-Man ignores as he lets him drop.


Spider-Man’s Biggest Weakness is So Obvious, He Should Be Dead By Now

Spider-Man’s biggest weakness is so blindingly obvious, he should have been killed by a flying villain years ago.

Spider-Man 2099 Kills The Vulture By Webbing His Wings In Mid-Air

Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 #4 – Written By Peter David; Art By Rogê Antônio; Color By Sebastian Cheng; Lettering By Travis Lanham

Spider-Man 2099 and Venom side-by-side.

This is a disheartening reveal that is sure to shake fans of Spider-Man’s gallery of villains. Vulture is an iconic and evil villain that was even a founding member of the Sinister Six, so to see him so easily disposed of is incredibly shocking. What’s amazing about this reveal is just how simple the solution is. The fact that not even Earth-616 Spider-Man has ever thought to just bind him in midair is shocking to say the least. After all, his wings are what make him the Vulture.

Without them, he’s just Adrian Toomes in a vulture costume, save for some enhancements he’s made over the years. Even Miguel is surprised to realize just how easy it is to stop him, telling Vulture:

I wonder why I didn’t do it sooner.”

With Miguel under control of the symbiote’s rage, he easily gives in to the darker side of things as he lets Toomes fall to his death. It’s a grisly moment for the iconic hero, cementing that this method was likely never sought out by Peter Parker, because he would never resort to killing his enemy.

Dispatching The Vulture So Easily Undervalues A Longtime Spider-Man Rogue

More Than Just A Character Death

Of course, this isn’t to say that Spider-Man can’t ever attempt this method. He could easily just web up Vulture by the wings, then attach him to a pole or wall until the police arrive. However, attempting this method comes at the risk of making Vulture a far lesser threat. No matter what this founding member of the Sinister Six attempts in his criminal career, Spidey could easily just swing over, web up his wings, then head out without any time lost.

If the villain can be defeated with such simplicity, Vulture would essentially become the ultimate joke character in Spider-Man’s rogues’ gallery, which would be a major fall from grace for this big-name villain. It presents a no-win scenario for both hero and villain. If Spider-Man were to let Vulture die, he’s breaking his moral code. If he lets him live, Vulture becomes a weaker villain than ever before. As a character, Vulture would become significantly less threatening if Spider-Man ever tried this move outside the Marvel 2099 universe.

Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 #4 (2024)

Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 #4, Spider-Man 2099 leaping into battle with a group of villains.

  • Writer: Peter David
  • Artist: Rogê Antônio
  • Color Artist: Sebastian Cheng
  • Letterer: VC’s Travis Lanham
  • Cover Artists: Leinil Francis Yu & Sunny Gho

Spider-Man Swinging in Dodson Comic Art


Spider-Man is the name given to several individuals who have employed a spider-moniker throughout Marvel Comics. Typically gaining their powers through a bite from a radioactive spider, the different Spider-Man heroes employ super-strength, agility, and intellect while utilizing webbing to swing and tangle up their foes. The most notable of these Spider-Men is Peter Parker, who remains one of the most popular superheroes throughout the world.