James Bond movies have almost become their own genre, but an upcoming spy drama should fit comfortably within the same category while also giving me a glimpse into what could have been. Just as there are many great actors who probably should have played a Bond villain by now, I’m sure I’m not alone in having my own list of actors I’d love to see play 007. Sure, some are more likely than others, but there’s one in particular who I’m devastated has probably missed the boat on the coveted casting. Thankfully, his new project should soften the blow.

Every James Bond actor brought something new to the role, and age wasn’t always a huge factor in preventing casting choices for the iconic character. Certain names pop up now and again as recurring rumors about who could be touted to play the next Bond. If Aaron Taylor-John accepts the reported offer to play 007, then I have no doubt he’d do a great job. However, it doesn’t stop me from daydreaming about another possibility from years gone by.


Every James Bond Movie In Chronological Order

James Bond has brought fans action and espionage for nearly six decades with 24 films. Here is a list of all the 007 films in chronological order.

Michael Fassbender’s The Agency Can Be His James Bond-Esque Role

The X-Men star will appear in a George Clooney-produced spy TV show

Fassbender is set to lead the cast of The Agency, and it’ll be produced by George Clooney. The show is a reworking of The Bureau, and it’ll give its leading man the chance to show the James Bond casting agents what they’ve been missing out on. On a personal level, it’ll also give me the chance to see whether I was right about Fassbender making a stellar James Bond, or whether I was very wrong.

The Agency will be a TV rather than a movie, which adds a degree of separation from the James Bond movie franchise, but I get the feeling it’ll be at least a little bit inspired by the 007 film series. Spy projects always have to try and make an effort to separate themselves from Bond, but with having a leading man who has so often been among potential candidates for the legendary character, I’m pretty sure everyone comparing The Agency to James Bond will be even more unavoidable.

Why Michael Fassbender Would’ve Made A Great Bond (& Why It Can’t Happen Now)

Fassbender’s age is only part of the equation

Now, Michael Fassbender isn’t that old, and I think he looks great for his age. However, the rumors about Aaron Taylor-Johnson being favored to play the next James Bond suggest the franchise is looking for someone much younger than an actor like Fassbender, so they can lead the movies for a much longer time. Taylor-Johnson could be Bond for a decade and still be younger than Fassbender is now – who would be in his late 50s by then. So, from a consistency point standpoint, I can understand why Fassbender’s opportunity to play 007 is now essentially non-existent.

A custom image of Sean Connery as James Bond


Sean Connery Started James Bond’s Canon Confusion 53 Years Ago (Then Did It Again 12 Years Later)

Sean Connery may have been the first James Bond, but he’s also arguably responsible for the confusion surrounding the character’s timeline.

That being said, he still has the same level of charm needed to play a role like James Bond. It’s just a shame I’ll never see it. Thankfully, The Agency is offering the next best thing, allowing Fassbender fans like me to get some version of the actor stepping into the shoes of Bond. Besides, there’s also the matter of him telling GQ back in 2016 that he’d never consider the role, considering himself to be too old. So, it appears as if my dreams of Fassbender appearing as James Bond‘s leading man were over long ago.

Source: GQ

No Time to Die Film Poster

James Bond

The James Bond franchise follows the adventures of British secret agent 007 as he combats global threats. With a license to kill, Bond faces off against various villains and criminal organizations, employing high-tech gadgets, espionage, and charm. The series spans multiple films, featuring exotic locations, thrilling action sequences, and memorable characters. Bond’s mission to protect the world and uphold justice remains central, making the franchise an enduring icon in the spy genre.

Created by

Ian Fleming
, Albert R. Broccoli

First Film

Dr. No

Latest Film

No Time to Die

Upcoming Films

James Bond 26