Under Paris features some truly over-the-top deaths, including some of the summer’s most brutal kills. The film focuses on a group of environmental experts and police officers who find themselves contending with a massive shark that has made its way to the Seine River in Paris. As the film goes on, the situation only becomes more and more dire due to the mutated shark’s abilities and bloodthirsty appetite.

In Under Paris‘ surprisingly explosive ending, countless people across Paris have died, many of them are caught in the jaws of the sharks. Hundreds more die as a result of human errors in their attempts to contain her, playing into the film’s surprisingly bleak themes about humanity’s failings. The most brutal deaths that befall Under Paris‘ characters are the ones that best underscore the terror of the situation, doing more than just showing characters being dragged underwater or getting chomped in half — even if that does factor in. Here’s the death scenes from Under Paris, ranked by brutality.


Under Paris Is A Scary Reminder Of The Real-Life 108-Year-Old Tragedy That Was Rumored To Inspire Jaws

Jaws was rumored to be inspired by a real world tragedy in 1916, and that same event makes Under Paris’ unlikely premise so much more believable.


Chris, Sam, Juan, and Tom

Ambushed & Ripped Apart By Lillith

The first kills in Under Paris are arguably the most tame, establishing the grisly approach to violence in the French shark movie. Chris, Sam, Juan, and Tom are introduced as oceanic scientists who investigate a mass of human-induced pollution. Inspecting the animal life in the ocean around the site, the four are found by the mutated shark Lilith and picked off in rapid succession. Although their deaths aren’t exactly pleasant, audiences don’t get much chance to actually see them.

Instead, the sequence is more focused on ratcheting up the tension by keeping focus on their camera feeds. As they get taken out, the cameras only pick up static, chaos, and screams. It’s a great way to set up the mutated shark, Lilith. While it’s not the goriest of the deaths in the film, it does establish a strong sense of tension that carries throughout the beast’s later appearances in the film. While they’re far from Under Paris‘ most memorable deaths, they do a good job of setting up the rest of the film.



Chomped In Half

Adewale is the next death in Under Paris after the opening sequence and likewise happens largely off-screen. Adewale is a displaced person living in Paris, introduced conversing casually with the police. Adewale’s apparent tendency to sleep near the river ends up leaving him exposed to Lilith. While his death isn’t seen, Adewale’s body (or rather, half of his body) is later found by the police, setting them up to partner with Sarah to investigate the shark’s appearance.

Unlike the four other undersea explorers who died screaming, Adewale’s actual death isn’t seen or heard. However, audiences do get a quick view of the grisly aftermath, which left Adewale dismembered and more or less cut in half. It’s the first true sign of what Under Paris is willing to show in terms of gruesome gore, and continues to set up the dangerous qualities of Lilith.


The Swimmers

Picked Off By Lilith

The big reason that the Seine River remains open despite the danger posed by Lilith in Under Paris is because of a huge triathalon happening in the city ahead of the Olympics. Despite the warnings of Sarah and the Paris police, the Mayor ensures the race continues. This means there are plenty of people in the water when Lilith arrives, leading to several of the swimmers being picked off by the mutant shark.

While many of these deaths aren’t technically seen, the implications of their demise as blood spreads through the water is more effective than the film’s oftentimes silly-looking VFX shark. The sudden nature of the swimmers being caught and dragged underneath adds a layer of terror to the situation as the others keep swimming, giving some of the swimmers their own mini-narratives of trying (and failing) to escape the shark. As a result, it’s one of the film’s most memorable sequences.

Under Paris shark with Sophia


Under Paris’ Main Villain Creates A Surprising Connection To A 25-Year-Old Shark Movie

Under Paris’ story marks it as an outlier among shark movies, but one crucial detail connects it to a previous genre flick that’s 25 years old.


The French Soldiers

Caught Up In The Explosions And Subsequent Flood

After angering the Paris Mayor too many times, soldiers from the French Army arrive to help keep an eye out for the shark. However, their efforts to shoot Lilith when she moves into the Seine ends up backfiring in the biggest way possible. Instead of hitting the shark, the soldiers end up shooting the remaining explosive shells still left at the bottom of the river after World War II.

Enough of them eventually go off that the entire river is filled with explosions, demolishing several bridges and setting off a flood that seems to bring them and most of Paris) underwater. The soldiers are seen being swept up by the flood, seemingly leading to a horrifying end while trapped underwater either via drowning or to the sharks. On top of that, their actions end up causing the deaths of countless others, making their mistakes even more horrifying.


The Mayor, Angèle & Other Civilians

Overtaken By The Flood

While the soldiers may at least have training that could allow them to respond to such a wild turn of events, the surrounding civilians caught up in their mistakes likely don’t. Many of the spectators of the race were already dragged into the water or pushed into it by other people while panicking, but the flood is a far more harrowing sight to behold. Hundreds are shown being caught up in the rushing flood, dragged to the same apparent fate as the soldiers.

However, they may also find themselves thrown against the stone and concrete of the surrounding buildings, a potentially far more painful fate than what awaited the soldiers who were just lost in the waters. The rolling camera highlights the disappointing and horrifying nature of such a death. Even the Mayor of Paris, portrayed in the rest of the film as a cold and image-obsessed politician, is finally shown with a shred of humanity as she’s overwhelmed and lost under the wave.


Caro & Markus

Killed By Lilith

Caro and Markus are two of the Parisian officers who agree to help try and contend with Lilith and her spawn before they can spread out across the river. Although they initially avoid the dangers by remaining outside the shark den, the group’s efforts end up unleashing a furious Lilith back into the Seine. When Lilith flips the police boat into the air, it sends Adi, Caro, and Markus tumbling into the water.

Only Adi makes it out alongside Sarah, with the latter two being quickly dispatched by Lilith. While their deaths are quick compared to other characters in the film, the brief moment of hope for their success right before their demise adds a tragic element to their fates. This is especially true for Caro, who has just enough time to realize what’s happening and see Lilith coming for her before she’s eaten whole by the giant shark.



Bitten In Half

Mika is initially one of Under Paris‘ more misguided protagonists, an environmentalist who believes that Lilith is deserving of humanity’s respect and sympathy. She rallies public support to release the shark back into the wild without hurting her and actively jeopardizes the police’s efforts to track the shark. However, her well-intentioned ideals end up getting her (and several others) killed. Locating the shark’s spawning area in the catacombs of the city, Mika leads a group to find the shark. Initially, the sharks seem to accept her presence.

However, it isn’t long before the sharks turn on her, especially after she touches one of Lilith’s children. The mutated shark quickly turns on her and attacks her, grabbing Mika in her jaws and leaping into the air with her before chomping down. It’s a gruesome death, and unlike many of the other deaths in the film, it is portrayed with a fair amount of blood splatter. This, coupled with her screams, suggests that Mika was bitten in half while still alive, which serves as a portent of what awaits the others who end up in the water like her.

Under Paris Bérénice Bejo Sharks


Under Paris’ End Credits Twist Reveals The Shark Kill Count Isn’t Close To What The Movie Tells You

Under Paris’ ending credits reveal a twist about the shark movie’s kill count, implying it’s nowhere close to what the film shows throughout its run.



Caught By Sharks & Dragged Under Water

Leopold is one of the officers who works to contain the sharks, and is killed in the same catacomb where Mika and several others meet their end. Leopold has arguably one of the more heroic deaths in the film. After being pushed into the water by the fleeing mob of civilians, Leopold does his best to help others stuck in the water get back on land.

He successfully saves a few people, but is caught by a shark popping around a pillar, which grabs him fully in its jaws and drags him underwater. Although he resurfaces — albeit without one of his hands — Leo isn’t able to be saved before he’s dragged back under the water. Leo’s death is one of the more brutal ones in the film because of his genuine attempt at heroism only setting up a painful and prolonged end compared to the more sudden demises of characters like Mika or Caro.



Drowns With A Head Injury

Ben has one of the most tragic deaths in Under Paris. An environmentalist who is introduced as Mika’s romantic partner, Ben is more conflicted about working around the police and Sarah. Her efforts to stop Mika from drawing Lilith’s attention fails, and she (as well as severel others) are knocked into the water in the panic caused by Mika’s death. While many of those people seemingly die to the sharks in the water, Ben is instead knocked and pulled into the water repeatedly by other people.

Ben ends up kicked by people as they swim around her, resulting in her apparent death by drowning or head injury. Others are also seemingly killed this way in the panic to escape the catacombs, highlighting how the crowd is more dangerous to themselves than the sharks are. It quietly plays into Under Paris‘ pessimistic views about humanity and their own culpability in the gruesome fates that happen to them, especially considering Ben’s sympathetic portrayal earlier in the film.


Poiccard And Adama

Swarmed By Lilith’s Spawn

Among the police who agree to help Sarah and Ali go on an off-the-books operation to bring down Lilith, Poiccar and Adama have the most brutal deaths in Under Paris. Swimming into the catacombs to find the new spawning site for Lilith and her children, the officers intend to cave in the area with explosives. However, the sharks soon start to attack the swimmers, starting with Berruti and Poiccard. After being bitten and exposing blood to the water, multiple younger sharks move in on the wounded officer and devour him as a swarm.

The whole time, Poiccard is shown screaming in agony and terror, a fate that is later shared by Adama when he stays behind to ensure the explosives go off. Their deaths are shown to be gruesomely painful and far slower than Lilith’s other sudden kills, with multiple sharks attacking from different angles. It reduces them to bloody clouds in the water, highlighting the sheer danger posed by so many sharks. It’s the most brutal death scene in Under Paris, and sets the bar high for any prospective sequel to clear.

Under Paris Film Poster

Under Paris (2024)

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Beneath the bustling streets of Paris lies a hidden world filled with ancient secrets and dark mysteries. A group of daring urban explorers sets out to uncover the truth buried within the city’s catacombs, only to find themselves facing a series of terrifying challenges. As they unravel the enigmatic past of Paris, they must confront their deepest fears to survive.


Xavier Gens

Release Date

June 5, 2024


Xavier Gens
, Yannick Dahan
, Maud Heywang


Berenice Bejo
, Nassim Lyes
, Léa Léviant
, Anaïs Parello
, Iñaki Lartigue