Warning! Preview pages ahead for The Flash #10!The Flash is finally facing off with a next-level villain that makes the Reverse-Flash look like a shrimp by comparison. The Fastest Man Alive has heard about the mysterious Arc Angles for months and now he’s coming face-to-face with a being that’s far more intimidating than Eobard Thawne could ever be.

In The Flash #10 by Simon Spurrier, Ramon Perez, and Vasco Georgiev, Wally West is still stuck in the Gallery of Moments with no other company than the mysterious being known as the Resident. The Resident implores the Flash to get back to his loved ones as she fades out of existence.

Wally wakes up too late to hear her message, only to discover he’s not alone in the Gallery. A strange voice calls to the Flash, telling him that it’s time. For the first time since he heard their name, the Flash sees the bewildering image of the Arc Angles.

Flash Finally Meets His Dangerous, God-Level Foe

Flash discovered a whole different side of the DCU when he gained his new side-stepping ability. However, with the discovery of the SpectraVerse came a whole host of changes. Most glaringly, the revelation that the speedsters of the world were destabilizing the world around them. Science Detective Inspector Pilgrim found out as much when he traveled to the future and saw it ‘murdered’. Pilgrim received an ominous warning from the Arc Angles that the only way to save the future was by putting the speedsters out of the picture. However, rather than killing them, Pilgrim began imprisoning the Flash Family.

The Flash Family is used to fighting bizarre threats. Few are as frightening and strange as the Reverse-Flash (not to mention his recently upgraded form, the Crown of Thawnes). But as scary and over-the-top as the Reverse-Flash can be, the Arc Angles are something on an entirely different level. Even Inspector Pilgrim struggled to accurately describe them and summed the Arc Angles up as “conscious hypergeometries” that are too intelligent for words. Worse, these things want the Flash and every other speedster gone. How is Wally and his family going to fight and defeat an enemy that practically defies comprehension?

Reverse-Flash Has Nothing on the Arc Angles

Reverse-Flash in front of smoke in DC Comics

The various Reverse-Flashes over the years have all challenged the Flashes due to their cruelness and ability to rival the Scarlet Speedster’s swiftness. But the Arc Angles are beings beyond speed and potentially time itself. As fast as Wally is (and that’s pretty fast), even speed alone might not be enough to challenge a being that practically embodies concepts most can only fathom. It’s hard to imagine how the Flash can defeat something that boggles the mind. Hopefully, if Flash can beat the Reverse-Flash, he can find a way to deal with the Arc Angles.

The Flash #10 is available on June 25th from DC Comics.

The Flash #10 (2024)

The Flash 10 Cover Barry vs Bat Robot DC

  • Writer: Simon Spurrier
  • Artists: Ramon Perez and Vasco Georgiev
  • Colorist: Matt Herms
  • Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
  • Cover Artist: Ramon Perez

Barry Allen as The Flash Running in Comic Art

The Flash

The Flash is the superhero name given to the DC Comics character who utilizes unparalleled speed tied to a dimensional power known as the “speed force” to overwhelm their opposition. Premiering in 1939, the original Flash arrived as Jay Garrick. Still, it would be superseded by Barry Allen in popularity and featured status, but the Flash is one character that has met many of their alternate selves. The character is typically seen as a part of the Justice League in nearly all incarnations.